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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

This is exactly why you are still - despite recent attempts to pretend otherwise - still up to your neck in this shit as when you were promoting red ice radio and calling alex jones left wing. To suggest that you are unable to find evidence of larouchite, dugin, far right links to tarpley only shows to demonstrate your appalling critical capabilities. I think it's likely you've found evidence but dismissed it as you yourself are from the same mould as him - the conspiracist component anyway - and to attack him would be to attack yourself. You haven't changed since the sd days as far as i can see.

Heinrich thingy of Redice is a cunt.

I've never seen Jones as left wing.

You are digging around on stuff I literally said up to 10 years ago, and of course I was wrong on many things.

Google "is webster tarpey a fascist" and the first several things that come up are talks against fascism in various guises.

Then some obscure forum thing about him being pro La Rouche, even though I've never once heard him reference La Rouche in all the years I've listened to him.

The people he seems most impressed by are Alexander Hamilton and FDR, a bit too right wing for me maybe and I disagree with Tarpley on quite a lot of things but I wonder if it's high time you put a decade old pointless wrangle between you and I to bed.

I've moved on and the world has moved on.

I shared that Tarpley talk from Left Forum in counter to the Trump base constant invoking of "deep state" conspiracy line which is bogus given not least that damaging stuff about Clinton was leaked just before the election but stuff about Trump was suppressed..

As someone with a knowledge of CT stuff I'm actually in an ok position to critique the significant amount of them who have fallen for the Trump BS.

Trump is hugely for the military industrial complex, is a 1%er nepotist, oligarchical, authoritarian, disappears thousands of kids, (without the pizzagate loons raising an eyebrow), an intelligence asset (of Russia at least) etc. etc.

He's everything "truthers" claim to be opposed to. I am calling these twats out on a constant basis elsewhere and getting plenty flamed for it by people far less bright, pleasant or clued up than you.

If you want to discuss the problem of conspiracists stupidly backing Trump then I'm more than happy to.

If you want to dig up old bones then I'm sorry but life is too short IMO.

If you claim that you can't find anything about Tarpley and Larouche then i think that you've proved my point. He was, literally, for years and years Larouche's number two. Have a search of this piece for his name. You're making the same mistakes for the same reason you made your past mistakes.

Trump administration officials dismissed benefits of national monuments
In a quest to shrink national monuments last year, senior Interior Department officials dismissed evidence these public lands boosted tourism and spurred archaeological discoveries, according to documents the department released this month and retracted a day later.

The thousands of pages of email correspondence chart how Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his aides instead tailored their survey of protected sites to emphasize the value of logging, ranching and energy development that would be unlocked if they were not designated as national monuments.
These redactions came to light because Interior’s FOIA office sent out a batch of documents to journalists and advocacy groups on July 16 it later removed online.
Aaron Weiss, a spokesman for the advocacy group Center for Western Priorities, said in an email the “botched document dump reveals what we’ve suspected all along: Secretary Zinke ignored clear warnings from his own staff that shrinking national monuments would put sacred archaeological and cultural sites at risk.”
This was nearly a year ago, and no one thought about what it might mean?

Trump thanks Putin for slashing U.S. diplomatic staff
Breaking nearly two weeks of silence on Putin's July 30 order cutting U.S. embassy and consulate staff by nearly two thirds, Trump said: "I'm very thankful that he let go of a large number of people because now we have a smaller payroll."

Trump said "there’s no real reason for them to go back" and "we're going to save a lot of money," in response to Putin's Cold War-style move, differing from the reactions of other presidents in similar circumstances in the past.

I don't think he will , he'll run full term , defended to somebody else's last by a rump of self motivated republicans .

The democrats are utterly rudderless, with no real obvious and unanimous succession in place ,riding on a blue ripple rather than a wave , and the republican party ..practically every thing it used to stand for , has been incinerated by trump to a crisp ...

Maybe the country needs another party ?

Be best Tv though !!
I don't think he will , he'll run full term , defended to somebody else's last by a rump of self motivated republicans .

The democrats are utterly rudderless, with no real obvious and unanimous succession in place ,riding on a blue ripple rather than a wave , and the republican party ..practically every thing it used to stand for , has been incinerated by trump to a crisp ...

Maybe the country needs another party ?

Be best Tv though !!

There's plenty of parties but under the radar of most voters.
Oh indeed! But even in being threatening dickheads they get everything wrong.

There used to be a popular political dichotomy offered up: "either the administration is incompetent not to know that A happened on its watch, or the administration was dishonourable to allow A to happen on its watch."

Trump has killed it! His admin is stupid and malign, evil and shit at everything it does. What a fucking time!
He'll probably give Comey a big gold security clearance certificate and then take it from him and tear it up in a televised ceremony that will take the place of the national anthem at an NFL game.
National..?..sans guns ....

The Prohibition Party are still going. I thought being that they're a very moral and upstanding bunch, they might be against the taking of lives but a brief look at their site tells me that they are pretty darn conservative (duh) and are therefore, very much pro-life and pro-guns.

I don't think there are any gun-free parties!
Resignation letter from an employee of the Department of Homeland Security. Doubt she'll get a good reference, but fair play to her for standing up to the racist shitstains.

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