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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

trumps twitter feed of that....is so funny

He probably doesn't read the responses though.

In the run up to the 2016 election, Trump pushed the line that the election was going to be rigged in favour of Clinton and the Democratic Party. He's doing the same thing here. He wants his base and enough of "meh" people to believe that the only valid outcome will be a GOP triumph, so he's sowing the seeds now. Expect his bullshit, and Russian troll/bot activity to escalate the closer we get to November. If Democrats do well, don't be surprised if the egging on ramps into high gear, with his faithful followers attacking targets they associate with the Democratic Party - politicians, but also ordinary folks of colour, gay men and Lesbians, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, women, etc. It won't be pretty.

That IS if there is an election in November. I'm not convinced there will be, sadly.
He'll probably give Comey a big gold security clearance certificate and then take it from him and tear it up in a televised ceremony

I hope he doesn't drop it

Trump pushed the line that the election was going to be rigged in favour of Clinton and the Democratic Party. He's doing the same thing here.

If you want to go off down a fun little rabbit hole, imagine how easy it would be to fake collusion if you were a foreign power, or at least provide evidence from the outside colluding side that looked pretty compelling in the run up to elections: "Wow, we were cleaning out the den in the Kremlin and found this cheque stub for $400 million, payable to Hilary Clinton, Evil Machinations Inc!"

It was interesting that Putin, in his request to have Bill Browder handed over to Russia, brought up that Browder had helped funnel $400 million from Russia to HRC. I've never heard anything about that before, even in Hannity world, but I wonder if we'll hear more about it as the elections approach?
Not Trump himself, but Trumpist editor visited a rally for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and felt 'uncomfortable' because:

They say things—I mean, they talk about things that everybody wants, especially like if you are a parent. They talk about education for your kids, healthcare for your kids. The things that you want. And if you're not really paying attention to how they're going to pay for it or the rest of that, it's easy to fall into that trap and say, my kids deserve this.

Conservative Attends Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rally, Has Strange Account on Fox News

OMG, heaven forfend the government should provide healthcare and education or anyone should think their kids deserve those things!

So people are laughing about this, but to me it shows just how damn sinister the boundary pushing-out is becoming (and it won't snap back when Trump is gone). The dogma from Fox and co is that only naive, lazy people should expect the government to provide them with things that governments are there to provide. If the government isn't providing people with things then I can only imagine it sees itself as there to provide for businesses so they will obviously 'take care' of the People out of the goodness of their hearts. And people are being encouraged to accept this as the role of government.
If you want to go off down a fun little rabbit hole, imagine how easy it would be to fake collusion if you were a foreign power, or at least provide evidence from the outside colluding side that looked pretty compelling in the run up to elections: "Wow, we were cleaning out the den in the Kremlin and found this cheque stub for $400 million, payable to Hilary Clinton, Evil Machinations Inc!"

It was interesting that Putin, in his request to have Bill Browder handed over to Russia, brought up that Browder had helped funnel $400 million from Russia to HRC. I've never heard anything about that before, even in Hannity world, but I wonder if we'll hear more about it as the elections approach?
It's probably made up, but as we know, these days, it seems to be easier to get people to believe lies than truth.

Speaking of elections, there's some good advice here about fighting back against the deregistations, the shonky voting machines, hacking, etc.

Tips (many not obvious) to Protect your Voter Registration and Vote against Hacking and Glitches!

Jennifer Cohn's tweets are pretty scary - about how shitty the voting machines are in some areas. Handwritten paper ballots seem to be about the only thing that can't be easily fucked up.
Yes, what about this lass?

She warned America that Russia hacked our voting rolls. Why is she in jail? | Will Bunch


Last week’s news that special counsel Robert Mueller had the goods on 12 high-level Russian spies whose job was to hack computers and muck up America’s 2016 presidential election was a political bombshell — but also a resounding vindication for a 26-year-old Georgia woman with the wonderfully poetic name of Reality Winner.
In the spring of 2017, with public concern mounting about the extent of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, federal officials still sought to assure people that there’d been no major success in penetrating electronic voting systems. But Winner, a commended Air Force veteran with a top-secret security clearance, then working for a government contractor, had seen evidence that federal officials weren’t telling the whole truth.
And so Winner did what Daniel Ellsberg, Mark Felt, and others whose difficult decisions made in real time have long since been vindicated by history had done: She blew the whistle. In sending her evidence to the news media, Winner took down a cover-up of information that the Russians had, in fact, been far more aggressive — and successful — in targeting voting systems.
Winner’s arrest and the aggressive prosecution of her under a federal law — the Espionage Act — intended for spies, not whistle-blowers, came just four months after President Trump and then-FBI director Jim Comey sat in the Oval Office and spoke about jailing journalists and the need to put a leaker’s (in Comey’s acknowledged words) “head on a pike.” They both laughed about that.
...the day after the leaked NSA document was published in The Intercept, a federal agency — the U.S. Election Assistance Commission — sent out a bulletin to state officials warning about the security issues that had been revealed. “This is at the same time,” Timm noted, “that the government was saying that by releasing this information, Reality Winner was putting national security at risk.”
Not Trump himself, but Trumpist editor visited a rally for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and felt 'uncomfortable' because:

Conservative Attends Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rally, Has Strange Account on Fox News

OMG, heaven forfend the government should provide healthcare and education or anyone should think their kids deserve those things!

So people are laughing about this, but to me it shows just how damn sinister the boundary pushing-out is becoming (and it won't snap back when Trump is gone). The dogma from Fox and co is that only naive, lazy people should expect the government to provide them with things that governments are there to provide. If the government isn't providing people with things then I can only imagine it sees itself as there to provide for businesses so they will obviously 'take care' of the People out of the goodness of their hearts. And people are being encouraged to accept this as the role of government.
In the ideal world of the Trumpsters/Fox and today's Repub party, business will take care of society not out of the goodness of their hearts but for profit. The generally accepted role of government of providing, or at least helping to provide education and health care is now seen as sinister socialism. In this world, everything should be privatized except national security, law enforcement, and the military.
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In the ideal world of the Trumpsters/Fox and today's Repub party, business will take care of society not out of the goodness of their hearts but for profit. The generally accepted role of government of providing, or at least helping to provide education and health care is now seen as sinister socialism. In this world, everything should be privatized except national security, law enforcement, and the military.
I think it also goes to show Trump is not a facist. He's an authoritarian and a plutocrat. As I see it fascism is about the government micromanaging your life and yes, giving your kids healthcare, and education, and lovely free summer camps where they learn how great their country is (provided the government has declared them full citizens and they're not ill or disabled). Trump's not consistent enough to be a facist, he'll just do hideous things because he doesn't give a shit and because he thinks everyone else is as dishonest as he is.
I think it also goes to show Trump is not a facist. He's an authoritarian and a plutocrat. As I see it fascism is about the government micromanaging your life and yes, giving your kids healthcare, and education, and lovely free summer camps where they learn how great their country is (provided the government has declared them full citizens and they're not ill or disabled). Trump's not consistent enough to be a facist, he'll just do hideous things because he doesn't give a shit and because he thinks everyone else is as dishonest as he is.

He's definitely an autocrat, plutocrat and kleptocrat, no doubt about it. Whether or not he is ideologically pure enough to merit a Bundle of Fasces badge surely isn't the important thing.

It's the actions of him, his administration and the GOP controlled congress, and the harm they cause, that matters, surely. They're all either driven by or at least content to nod along with to white supremacy, misogyny, Islamaphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. You can get people who co-sign any and all of those anywhere on the political spectrum, but to be fair, the pile of turds in or who support Trump tend to be pretty far to the right.

Trump is inconsistent, true, but I think that's deliberate. It fucks with people's heads, exhausts and deflates them. He lies not to deceive, but does it openly to demonstrate his power and control. So, there is actually a consistency in his inconsistency. It's purposeful.

I don't think he actually needs to set up Trump Youth Camps, or similar. There are plenty of people, particularly of the Evangelical Christian persuasion, who believe he's guided by the hand of God - a prophet, a saviour. They'll follow his command willingly.
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Well then . . .

Trump delays proposed Putin meeting until 2019

President Donald Trump’s proposed Washington meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin has been delayed until 2019.

National security adviser John Bolton, in a statement, cites special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election as the reason for the delay.

Bolton says: “The President believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the Russia witch hunt is over, so we’ve agreed that it will be after the first of the year.”

The White House said last week that Trump had directed Bolton to invite Putin to Washington for a meeting in the fall. This came amid the backlash over Trump’s performance at a news conference with Putin following their Helsinki summit, and many members of Congress had objected to them meeting again in the fall.
Oh yeah, ultimately it doesn't matter what you call him as long as you recognise the harm he's doing and I guess keep recognising his tricks and calling him on it.
Maybe it's a uniquely American version of fascism, I dunno. :mad:
Trump is inconsistent, true, but I think that's deliberate. It fucks with people's heads, exhausts and deflates them. He lies not to deceive, but does it openly to demonstrate his power and control. So, there is actually a consistency in his inconsistency. It's purposeful.

^This. I've been saying for a while that he's not really stupid or crazy. He's fucking with his opposition to keep us off balance. It's a variation on "if you can't dazzle them with facts, baffle them with bullshit." It's all meant as a distraction to hide his actions under the table.

BTW, I once thought that it would be best if he stayed in office because Pence is pretty much the same, except a competent politician as well. I've changed my mind. Trump has to go, and as soon as possible. He's doing damage (socially, economically, and politically) we may not be able to recover from.
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^This. I've been saying for a while that he's not really stupid or crazy. He's fucking with his opposition to keep us off balance. It's a variation on "if you can't dazzle them with facts, baffle them with bullshit." It's all meant as a distraction to hide his actions under the table.

BTW, I once thought that it would be best if he stayed in office because Pence is pretty much the same, except a competent politician as well. I've changed my mind. Trump has to go, and as soon as possible. He's doing damage (socially, economically, and politically) we may not be able to recover from.
I'm with you on this, sadly. I mean it's a "eating a plate of snot or sliding down a razor blade into a pool of alcohol" kind of choice, but I'm leaning towards Trump the sociopath, psychopath willing to destroy the world to get his way being a touch more dangerous. Dunno.

I think dismissing Trump as crazy, stupid or senile only serves to diminish and detract from the impact of his cruelty. Of course it's not just about Trump. People in his "team" are there for different reasons and whether they egg him on, pretend they don't notice his "excesses" or try and justify what he's doing, they're all part of the regime, all contributing to the damage, all unforgiveable.

I was listening to a podcast or internet radio show, can't remember, the other night, where someone suggested he's running the country/world like a mobster. To be fair, it's the world he knows best. For the Trump regime, it's all about copious displays of wealth and power and trusting only "family" and an inner circle from which absolute loyalty is demanded. For anyone he thinks as "crossed" him, retribution is swift and brutal.

There's also the gratuitous cruelty. Thousands of people died in Puerto Rico because he deliberately chose to deny the island essential aid. There was no legal or security justification for separating asylum seeking children from their parents and keeping them in cages, but he implemented this as policy. I don't doubt he got off on the idea he could make thousands of brown people suffer and die with just the stroke of his Sharpie, but I also think these and other policies like withdrawing food aid and health care for poor children were also meant to send a message of, "Look what I can do. Don't fuck with me or you'll be next."

And the farm subsidies just announced? That's to keep his loyalists on side. It sends them the message that he's "their man" and reinforces their sense of superiority, racial and otherwise. He wants them loyal as he might need them in battle later.

I don't actually think he's even trying to hide anything and he doesn't feel shame. He doesn't seem to mind getting caught, whether its lying, paying hush money to a mistress, profiting from his position, sexual assault, flat out breaking the law, whatever. What he doesn't want is to be punished, so if it looks like that's on the cards, he'll insist he just misspoke, was misunderstood or blame someone else. Or, he'll dig his heels in and lash out at whoever he thinks is responsible, or someone else as a proxy.

It's fucked up. It's all fucked up. I'm not sure whether it can ever be unfucked tbh. :(
And the farm subsidies just announced? That's to keep his loyalists on side. It sends them the message that he's "their man" and reinforces their sense of superiority, racial and otherwise. He wants them loyal as he might need them in battle later. (

I disagree, I think the farmers would prefer stability over welfare.

Also, $12B for one sector of the economy leaves other sectors wondering where their bailout money is.
It wasn't this was it?

Gaslit Nation with Andrea Chalupa and Sarah Kendzior

Sarah Kendzior often says not only that Trump doesn't mind getting caught, he revels in it and flaunts it because it shows he can get away with it. It's just being punished he doesn't like and he's pretty much never been punished and certainly isn't being now.
Yes - I think it was. I was having a podcast binge over the weekend and this was one of them. She's also frequently mentioned that he lies openly to show he can, and no one can do shit about it.
I disagree, I think the farmers would prefer stability over welfare.

Also, $12B for one sector of the economy leaves other sectors wondering where their bailout money is.
Ah, but Midwest farmers don't see farm subsidies as "welfare." They see it as compensation they deserve because say, there's been a drought and so low yield, or fuel cost have gone up. No, "welfare" is government handouts to undeserving people, mostly in cities, brown, black or "white trash", who are too lazy to get off their butts and work for a living. To be fair, most "Heartland" farmers have been Republicans throughout my lifetime, so they've always believed this.

In the past 10 to 20 years, more and more livestock production has been through super-size farms that are more like massive factories really, but not subject to the same regulations because they're still classified as farms. They're destroying the environment, pumping masses of antibiotics into the food chain, and will probably cream off the lion's share of Trump's subsidies. Owners are big GOP donors, too, naturally.

True, people in other sectors may be wondering when it's their turn for compensation. But from the campaign onwards, Trump has favoured some sectors and ignored others. Already there have been bungs to steel and coal and some heavy manufacturing for example - industries that aren't economically viable or environmentally sustainable, but dominated by white male Republican voters.

He doesn't see any value in service industries, arts and culture, public services. He's sought to cut funding, opportunities and workers' rights in those. Funnily enough, they seem to employ a higher proportion of women, and people of colour, and quite likely, Democratic Party voters.
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