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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Memphis Police Spying on Activists Is Worse Than We Thought

When the ACLU of Tennessee filed a lawsuit against the Memphis Police Department in March 2017, its lawyers accused the police department of spying on local protesters in violation of a consent decree. The lawsuit was based on the existence of a “City Hall Escort List” created by Memphis police, at Mayor Jim Strickland’s request, and mostly filled with names of Black Lives Matter activists to be flagged by police if ever on City Hall grounds. However, after deposing key police officials and collecting hundreds of pages of documented evidence, ACLU lawyers learned that this was just a fraction of what was going on.
Whole list in article including -
Undercover and plain-clothed officers used this intel to monitor African American-hosted events and activities even if they weren’t protests—like flash mob dance rallies. Among the events the police monitored in stealth mode: several black church meetings; a memorial service for Darrius Stewart, a teenager who was shot and killed by a Memphis police officer in 2015; a black-owned food truck festival; and a gathering at a local park where an organization gave out free book bags and school supplies to students.
No surprises here. Cronyism on speed.

White House uses foreign aid agency to give jobs to Trump loyalists

Until the Trump administration, only the chief executive and several other top officials of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) were selected by the White House, former agency officials said. The chief executive, in turn, used authority granted to the agency by Congress to appoint about two dozen other staffers, primarily for their technical expertise.

But starting last year, the White House began naming political appointees to the lower-level positions, according to internal rosters obtained by The Washington Post and interviews with former employees and other knowledgeable people. The employees were warned by an agency leader they could lose their jobs to make way for the new political appointees, the former employees said.
Fourteen allies and Trump loyalists have been placed at the agency as political appointees so far — more than double the number of political staff on the day the president took office, the rosters show. Among them are a 2016 college graduate with a degree in English literature whose grandmother is a senior personnel official in the White House and a recent congressional intern who graduated in May with a master’s degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies.
In a statement to The Post, Menendez condemned the administration’s “practice of replacing seasoned professional and programmatic experts with patronage hires.” He said that “blind loyalty seemingly trumps qualifications, experience and career public servants.”

“Congress gave MCC special hiring authority so that it could operate with efficiency and effectiveness, not so that it could become a dumping ground for unqualified partisan loyalists and lackeys,” Menendez wrote.
Looks like Trump is going to be forced to admit collusion, but is trying to redefine collusion and, just in case nobody believes that bollocks, deny it's a crime.
We all know the orange bastard did it, but hopefully this stuff will finally bring enough proof to force even cretins stupid enough to be republican Trump supporters to vote for impeachment.

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Last week, CNN reported that Michael Cohen will testify that Donald Trump was contemporaneously informed of the 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Russian officials promising dirt on Hillary Clinton and several of his close advisers. What we have seen over the last day is a sharp turn in the pro-Trump message, from denying that any collusion took place to redefining what collusion means and whether it is okay.

Anthony Scaramucci was asked yesterday whether he believes Cohen or Trump. Scaramucci — who was on the campaign at the time — paused several seconds, blinked three times, cocked his head, took a deep breath, and said, “It’s a good question. I mean, listen, I–I–I–I– it’s not clear to me Michael leaked that, and so I’m gonna, I’m gonna stay on the side of the president here, I’m gonna take the president at his word that he didn’t know.”
I see a pattern emerging here:

1 - TRUMP: Fuck you, Terrible Foreign Power, fire will reign down upon you for infinity!

2 - I will meet with Terrible Foreign Power, it's more than Obama ever did.

3 - Pointless, photo-shoot heavy meeting with Terrible Foreign Power that changes nothing.

4 - TRUMP: I have again saved the world from the Nuclear Holocaust I was about to unleash on Terrible Foreign Power. Now there is peace forever. Let the plaudits begin.

5 - Terrible Foreign Power carries on as normal, but starts building Trump Hotels in capital.
I recall predicting Trump would share a lovely hug with some beard or another in Iran.
Fuck me, I'm good at this shit.

Trump 'ready to meet Iran's Rouhani'

President Trump has offered to meet Iran's leaders with no preconditions, at any time they want.

"If they want to meet, we'll meet," he said at a news conference at the White House with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

I'm guessing Trump will marry a Chinese ex-porn star next. :D
I see a pattern emerging here:

1 - TRUMP: Fuck you, Terrible Foreign Power, fire will reign down upon you for infinity!

2 - I will meet with Terrible Foreign Power, it's more than Obama ever did.

3 - Pointless, photo-shoot heavy meeting with Terrible Foreign Power that changes nothing.

4 - TRUMP: I have again saved the world from the Nuclear Holocaust I was about to unleash on Terrible Foreign Power. Now there is peace forever. Let the plaudits begin.

5 - Terrible Foreign Power carries on as normal, but starts building Trump Hotels in capital.

Looked and looked for the original but can't find it...

Trump: *pushing old lady onto ground*

Trump: *picks up old lady*

Trump: look what I did

Trump supporters: trump loves seniors

Other person: but he pushed her down!!!

Trump supporters: Why do you hate Trump?
Well, this could be interesting. If I weren't cream crackered, I'd have a gander.

Activist Publishes 11,000 Private DMs Between Wikileaks and Its Supporters

“The idea was that the attitudes and behavior of WL [Wikileaks] behind closed doors is relevant, especially their coordination of PR, propaganda and troll ops through assets that are public supporters but not publicly known to take cues from WL,” Emma Best, the freedom of information activist, told Motherboard in a Twitter direct message.
The DMs concern a particular group chat between the official Wikileaks account and several supporters. In the chat—dubbed “Wikileaks +10” due to number of participants—Wikileaks would coordinate smear campaigns against the group’s rivals, including journalists, according to the DMs. The official Wikileaks account, widely believed to be controlled by Assange, also pushed antisemitic and transphobic messages, according to the messages.
I see a pattern emerging here:

1 - TRUMP: Fuck you, Terrible Foreign Power, fire will reign down upon you for infinity!

2 - I will meet with Terrible Foreign Power, it's more than Obama ever did.

3 - Pointless, photo-shoot heavy meeting with Terrible Foreign Power that changes nothing.

4 - TRUMP: I have again saved the world from the Nuclear Holocaust I was about to unleash on Terrible Foreign Power. Now there is peace forever. Let the plaudits begin.

5 - Terrible Foreign Power carries on as normal, but starts building Trump Hotels in capital.

OMG that is perfect!
I loath saying this, but Trump is a winner.
He doesn't seem to be able to be arrested, charged, brought in to testify, or anything else that normal bastard criminals that should be facing treason and a million other charges usually have to face.
Impeachment is the only way but, even if his son is banged up, drops Trump right in the shit and outright says his dad worked with the Russians to gain power and work in their favour, his idiot supporters won't accept it as true and the fucking moron republican lawmakers will refuse to see what a massive fuck up their idiot is making of their party and the US, and the danger the orange twat is putting the world in.
Mid terms - fucking please get a democrat majority in both houses and vote to dump the silly cunt.
Trump claims ID needed to go shopping

At a rally in Tampa, Florida, he said: "You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card, you need ID."

Americans do not need to present ID at supermarkets, though they may be asked for it if they wish to buy alcohol.

The Republican president was arguing for tougher ID checks on voters.

"You go out and you want to buy anything, you need ID and you need your picture," he told the crowd at the "Make America Great Again" rally on Tuesday night.

cue comments about the last time Trump went grocery shopping
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GOP Congress, with only ONE SENATOR with the cajones to go against the flow, but still . . . :mad:

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