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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I especially like the tone of that piece, it managing to explain very nicely the author's thoughts on the subject, those being similar to mine in many ways but perhaps without my bias against Trump for his political views.
Still, at the end of the day, my objections to his politics come after my absolute disgust at the way he does everything, treats everyone, and generally behaves.
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Ukraine, downed plane, assasinated critics, jailed opponents, murdered journalists, spies, meddling in US and European affairs, nerve agents, Assadists. Of course the Putin admin is innocent.

None of this is happening.

Ukraine has to be in context, that being any mention must include the US assisted coup that removed the elected government. The Crimea may or may not have been a crime, but it wouldn't have happened without the US coup.

We have no idea who shot at the passenger plane thus committing mass murder, but we're told it was the Russians by the people with the most to gain by the Russians getting the blame, even though the US sponsored Ukrainian government had that type of missile in the area to defend against air attacks from a group with no aircraft.

Putin is very likely guilty of a lot, the list of stuff pretty sure to include murdering journalists and
political 'problems', but that doesn't mean he did everything those with interests say he did.
Before anyone has a pop at me for defending Putin, I don't like him at all, but I refuse to believe every piece of shit from the people who assured us the nasty Iraqi WMD were real.

We know Trump has done a probably dodgy deal with a Chinese company concerning a resort on Bali, but I can't find a direct link between that and ZTE.
I want to know why Trump is pushing their cause so much, and why many Republicans are letting him get away with it.
I can see how senators could be protecting exports from their areas as ZTE use a lot of US made parts, but that alone doesn't quite explain it.

Any light?
1 not when the lawyer's a bent twat
2 Your grandmother and the idiot end of voters will believe that
Given the bloke says would when he means wouldn't (being charitable) if I was dealing with Trump I'd do him the favour of taking the liberty of recording the conversation so as to be able to remind the septagenarian what he'd been 'thinking'

I do worry for him, at least his last lawyer was clear on what is acceptable in New York. His current one Guliiani, obviously seems to be giving him bad advice. He seems to be unaware of what the law is there, which is odd it's not like he wasn't mayor there or anything
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Ukraine has to be in context, that being any mention must include the US assisted coup that removed the elected government. The Crimea may or may not have been a crime, but it wouldn't have happened without the US coup.

We have no idea who shot at the passenger plane thus committing mass murder, but we're told it was the Russians by the people with the most to gain by the Russians getting the blame, even though the US sponsored Ukrainian government had that type of missile in the area to defend against air attacks from a group with no aircraft.

Putin is very likely guilty of a lot, the list of stuff pretty sure to include murdering journalists and
political 'problems', but that doesn't mean he did everything those with interests say he did.
Before anyone has a pop at me for defending Putin, I don't like him at all, but I refuse to believe every piece of shit from the people who assured us the nasty Iraqi WMD were real.
I'd say the JIT are beingmeticulous in their airline investigation and a motivation of wanting justice is an honest one

JIT releases findings further linking Russia to the downing of MH17 - reporti
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We have no idea who shot at the passenger plane thus committing mass murder
If you are referring to MH17 then, no, that is incorrect. We have a very good idea (and we know with an extremely high degree of confidence how it occurred). Here - knock yourself out reading the relevant thread.
we're told it was the Russians by the people with the most to gain by the Russians getting the blame
The governments of Australia, the Netherlands, Malaysia and Belgium (JIT members) have little to gain from identifying Russia as being at fault other than getting to the facts of the matter.
Not for everyone but worth an airing - How The Deep State Put Trump Into Office

Webster Tarpley - a fascist aligned nutjob duginist larouchite conspiracy freak with many dodgy dodgy deep state ties? You really have not learned a thing have you? Nor, it seems, have the left forum after being conned into allowing holocaust deniers, neo-nazis anti-semites and general far-right loons into speaking at their events last year.

edit: that said, it's entirely in tune with the recent tenor of this thread and it's leaders.
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Trump diplomacy again
Cant remember now where i read it, but speculation is that when Trump met Putin and they talked behind closed doors for 2 hrs one key thing discussed was Syria and Iran. The speculation as I remember it was something along the lines of the US saying to Putin we recognise your dominance over Syria and we wont challenge that, but we want to push back Iran.

What that means is anyone's guess, but today's "suffer consequences" warning shot against Iran doesn't bode well in that narrative.
Lest we forget John Bolton is in the hot seat here.
When Trump announced a new forthcoming meeting with Putin it was phrased that Bolton will be doing the inviting

Just googled John Bolton and this is the first thing that comes up (published last night)
Warnings of 'Iraq War Redux' as Bolton and Pompeo Are Reportedly Leading Push to 'Foment Unrest' in Iran

Some of the conversation upthread about how great it is that Trump is talking to Putin, that its some kind of attempt to thaw the last ice patches of the cold war, are IMO really misguided and born of wishful thinking. Its all geopolitics, its all about weakening US "foes" (now including the EU), and its far from benign. Its also about normalising strong man anti-democratic, anti-liberal leaders on the global stage and shifting the Overton window of what is normal and acceptable.
Some of the conversation upthread about how great it is that Trump is talking to Putin, that its some kind of attempt to thaw the last ice patches of the cold war, are IMO really misguided and born of wishful thinking.
When was this? I must have missed it between the ever increasing deluge of conspiraloon idiocy flooding the thread.
last 3 pages or so. I may be mischaracterising other posters position but judge that for yourself
I've reread and it was one poster who I'd mostly ignored. I feel calling it 'part of the conversation' suggested a bit wider support for that point of view and plays into the hands of certain posters who believe this thread to be inhabited by a significant faction of Trump supporters.
I've never once verified these alleged fascist ties despite trying. In fact, I've only ever heard him berate fascism and those he said to be tied to.

I've learned plenty thanks, including from you. Tarpley is one of the few in that world I still follow precisely because he is consistently anti fascist, pro union, scathing about racism etc. unlike too many of the koolaid Trumptard "truthers".

Perhaps you should contact The Left Forum with your complaint.

Even more of a stretch I know, but you could attempt to critique his well substantiated thesis regarding those factions of intel and establishment that were pro Trump in the run up to 2016.

Webster Tarpley - a fascist aligned nutjob duginist larouchite conspiracy freak with many dodgy dodgy deep state ties? You really have not learned a thing have you? Nor, it seems, have the left forum after being conned into allowing holocaust deniers, neo-nazis anti-semites and general far-right loons into speaking at their events last year.

edit: that said, it's entirely in tune with the recent tenor of this thread and it's leaders.
Cant remember now where i read it, but speculation is that when Trump met Putin and they talked behind closed doors for 2 hrs one key thing discussed was Syria and Iran. The speculation as I remember it was something along the lines of the US saying to Putin we recognise your dominance over Syria and we wont challenge that, but we want to push back Iran.

What that means is anyone's guess, but today's "suffer consequences" warning shot against Iran doesn't bode well in that narrative.
Lest we forget John Bolton is in the hot seat here.
When Trump announced a new forthcoming meeting with Putin it was phrased that Bolton will be doing the inviting

Just googled John Bolton and this is the first thing that comes up (published last night)
Warnings of 'Iraq War Redux' as Bolton and Pompeo Are Reportedly Leading Push to 'Foment Unrest' in Iran

Some of the conversation upthread about how great it is that Trump is talking to Putin, that its some kind of attempt to thaw the last ice patches of the cold war, are IMO really misguided and born of wishful thinking. Its all geopolitics, its all about weakening US "foes" (now including the EU), and its far from benign. Its also about normalising strong man anti-democratic, anti-liberal leaders on the global stage and shifting the Overton window of what is normal and acceptable.

Yep, some members here spat nails anytime someone mentioned any Russian connection with Trump that wasn't totally benign, and suggesting Russian involvement in the 2016 elections was slated as garbage talk. Most have gone pretty silent in the past couple months (or maybe I just blocked them all), but a few have prevailed.

Useful thread here about journos and other commentators who rode hard to deny any Russian involvement. Some still haven't got off their high horses yet. :rolleyes:

It's kind of stunning, when you go back and look at contemporaneous 'debunkings' of the people who calling out the extremely obvious Russia-Trump-hacking nexus in real time, how wrong about literally everything the Russia 'skeptics' were.
Prolly relevant today.

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu says on video he was behind Trump’s Iran deal exit

Netanyahu publicly pushed Trump to cancel a 2015 deal struck with longtime U.S. foe Iran under former President Barack Obama, along with officials from China, France, Germany, Russia and the U.K., arguing Tehran was being untruthful about its nuclear intentions and using sanctions relief to fund militant groups across the Middle East. For the first time, however, Israel's state-run Kan News aired a clip Tuesday of Netanyahu stating he was the one who influenced Trump to finally abandon the nuclear accord in May.

"We convinced the U.S. president [to exit the deal], and I had to stand up against the whole world and come out against this agreement," Netanyahu told fellow conservative Likud party members in a clip Kan News said was recorded two weeks ago, according to The Times of Israel. "And we didn’t give up."

EDIT - Also this from March:

Will The Indictment Of Iranian Hackers Prove The Pretext For John Bolton’s War?

While the contrast between the Trump administration’s treatment of Iranian and Russian hackers is alarming in its own right, the most troubling aspect of the announcement may be the timing. Less than 24 hours before the indictments were revealed, Trump appointed notorious warmonger John Bolton as his new national security advisor, effective April 9. Bolton has been seeking to invade Iran for at least 15 years.
There is almost nothing to keep the two of them in check. Bolton will enter a White House with a gutted State Department, multiple officials under investigation for illicit Kremlin ties (which Bolton also shares) and illicit work with Cambridge Analytica (with whom Bolton also worked), and a support team of religious zealots, Islamophobes, kleptocrats, and mercenaries, all of whom would likely find a rearrangement of the Middle East power structure advantageous. It is an administration that has long abandoned accountability, violating both White House protocol and the constitution with impunity, and firing officials—like James Comey and Andrew McCabe—who attempt to investigate the corruption.
I've never once verified these alleged fascist ties despite trying. In fact, I've only ever heard him berate fascism and those he said to be tied to.

I've learned plenty thanks, including from you. Tarpley is one of the few in that world I still follow precisely because he is consistently anti fascist, pro union, scathing about racism etc. unlike too many of the koolaid Trumptard "truthers".

Perhaps you should contact The Left Forum with your complaint.

Even more of a stretch I know, but you could attempt to critique his well substantiated thesis regarding those factions of intel and establishment that were pro Trump in the run up to 2016.
This is exactly why you are still - despite recent attempts to pretend otherwise - still up to your neck in this shit as when you were promoting red ice radio and calling alex jones left wing. To suggest that you are unable to find evidence of larouchite, dugin, far right links to tarpley only shows to demonstrate your appalling critical capabilities. I think it's likely you've found evidence but dismissed it as you yourself are from the same mould as him - the conspiracist component anyway - and to attack him would be to attack yourself. You haven't changed since the sd days as far as i can see.
He's posted it because this is now the conspiraloon thread and he feels safe posting it here. Any attempt at discussion and debate has been thoroughly stamped out now and any old dodgy shit can be posted.

Elements of US intel and establishment were pro Trump: Conspiraloon. Natch.
Anyone want to bet Trump will be in Iran in six months, sharing a hug with some bearded dude and claiming Iran has stopped its nuclear program because he said so?
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