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What stupid shit has Trump done today?


I know it's a fake, but don't you just want it to be real. :D
A well known "sloppy" fat bastard says he won't answer questions because they won't ask the questions he wants to answer.
Arrest the twat.

Trump-Russia: Steve Bannon refuses to testify before House committee – source

The former White House senior strategist Steve Bannon will not testify before the intelligence committee of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday, according to sources – defying a subpoena requiring him to appear.

The panel wants Bannon to testify as part of its investigation of allegations that Russia sought to influence the 2016 presidential election in the United States, following up on his 16 January appearance that failed to satisfy some members of the committee....

But a source close to Bannon confirmed to the Guardian that he would not appear. The source cited a lack of agreement on the scope of questioning between the intelligence committee and the White House, while noting Bannon’s intention to eventually meet with House investigators.

In the meantime, the source said, Bannon would be interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Two sources familiar with the situation also told Reuters he would not appear, which could leave Bannon facing a charge of contempt of Congress.
Trump's lawyers are shit scared of him answering questions as they know he'll either lie really badly and get busted, or he'll brag his was to impeachment.
Trump's lawyers are really making cash on this one so I suppose they'll hang on as long as they can in the hope of getting a few million out of Trump before he goes to prison.
There's a bonus for them at the end as Trump seems to pay $130,000 to keep screws covered up.

Trump’s Lawyers Want Him to Refuse an Interview in Russia Inquiry
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President Trump has ordered the Pentagon to plan a military “celebration” in Washington, D.C. to show “appreciation” for the U.S. Armed Forces.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed on Tuesday that Trump requested such an event.

“President Trump is incredibly supportive of America’s great service members who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe. He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation,” Sanders said.
The last time a military parade marched through Washington, D.C. was at the conclusion of the Gulf War in June 1991. The National Victory Celebration Parade, which strolled down Constitution Avenue, reportedly cost more than $12 million.
Trump orders military 'celebration' in Washington, DC
Military parades, the leader demanding fealty, dismissing the press and opposition as unloyal or enemies of the people.

Something so darn familiar about all this...

Trump might wish he was a dictator but he's really not, look at how little of his grand plans he's actually managed to get done for a start. Seriously I think its disrespectful to everyone who has lived under real dictatorships to confuse this twat's grandiose fantasies with reality, if you know what i mean.
Trump might wish he was a dictator but he's really not, look at how little of his grand plans he's actually managed to get done for a start. Seriously I think its disrespectful to everyone who has lived under real dictatorships to confuse this twat's grandiose fantasies with reality, if you know what i mean.

People laugh at would be dictators (which is fine - they deserve scorn) but to dismiss them as mere twats... well, that's how it starts, isn't it? Surely we've learnt from history that such demagogues are to be feared and shunned?
People laugh at would be dictators (which is fine - they deserve scorn) but to dismiss them as mere twats... well, that's how it starts, isn't it? Surely we've learnt from history that such demagogues are to be feared and shunned?
I agree. Throughout history, men who rose to become dictators weren't taken seriously early on so we're allowed to pursue their agendas and coalesce power.

I think there are still too many people who are clinging to American exceptionalism - no way could it happen here. The fact that he acts like a buffoon makes it easy to dismiss him, but that's dangerous.

His administration and the GOP dominated Congress have already pissed all over the constitution and other federal laws. I think they're prepared to go much much further toward autocracy if they can.
I get that, and am going to borrow a copy of 'How Democracies Die', but at the same time i think its worth trying to keep some perspective here.

I'm trying, I'm honestly trying, I know the system is what's broke and it won't matter if it's Trump getting a grilling from Mueller or Clinton. The game goes on and nothing changes. But it seems grimmer than ever.
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I get that, and am going to borrow a copy of 'How Democracies Die', but at the same time i think its worth trying to keep some perspective here.
I'm trying, I'm honestly trying, I know the system is what's broke and it won't matter if it's Trump getting a grilling from Mueller or Clinton. The game goes on and nothing changes. But it seems grimmer than ever.
There are also things happening on the ground in communities across the US that are reminiscent of what happened in other places before civil wars and/or the rise of oppressive regimes. Ostracisation, upticks in vandalism and abuse targeted at specific groups of people, exclusion from other aspects of public and community life, etc. Also worrying shifts at local and state government level. It's not all about what's happening on Washington.

I'm puzzled by the idea that we should "keep things in perspective." Why? And, how are people not doing that already?
I'm puzzled by the idea that we should "keep things in perspective." Why? And, how are people not doing that already?

To be honest its maybe mostly a personal thing, I'm saying it to myself as much as anything. When Trump was new I was so freaked out I went a bit odd for a while, seeing the shadows of the 30s everywhere. Because of childhood stuff I'm really highly strung in that regard (had a grandma who survived concentration camps and talked about it, a lot) but watching over the past year has calmed my most fevered fears down lot, because his actual policies have been failures, and so many people are standing in his way and obstructing him openly both legally and in the streets , and the man himself is clearly no evil genius but a bumbling idiot with no real coherent agenda let alone the know-how or political friends to make his halfbaked vision of what a great america might look like a reality. I'm glad Bannon is gone. It's scary as hell yes but it's not the 1930s, is all i'm saying really.
To be honest its maybe mostly a personal thing, I'm saying it to myself as much as anything. When Trump was new I was so freaked out I went a bit odd for a while, seeing the shadows of the 30s everywhere. Because of childhood stuff I'm really highly strung in that regard (had a grandma who survived concentration camps and talked about it, a lot) but watching over the past year has calmed my most fevered fears down lot, because his actual policies have been failures, and so many people are standing in his way and obstructing him openly both legally and in the streets , and the man himself is clearly no evil genius but a bumbling idiot with no real coherent agenda let alone the know-how or political friends to make his halfbaked vision of what a great america might look like a reality. I'm glad Bannon is gone. It's scary as hell yes but it's not the 1930s, is all i'm saying really.

No, it's not the 30s and Trump is a stooge. It's the bastards behind him.They're rolling out PNAC version 0.2 and they have the money and the approval of the people. A rogue America (at least this latest incarnation) is bad news for all.

It's great that people are fighting him every step of the way but can they make a difference.I hope so.
I tend to think it's the people behind Trump that are most to worry about. I understand not wanting to fear the worst.
Ohooooo, cool. I want to see all the neat tanks, troops, missiles and stuff, like in Red Square, and it'll scare the shit out of US adversaries and all them shithole countries.

We could have it on May Day. Then, everyone can whip out their missiles and see who has the biggest.
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