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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

This dude was genuinely running to be the Republican candidate for the Michigan State Senate, until he dropped out a couple days ago, due to "pressure" from social media. He probably still has no idea why.

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Then, there's this guy, running as a Republican candidate for the Illinois General Assembly. He won't win, but the fact he's not being disavowed by the GOP is well :hmm:.

Thing is, if he ran downstate, he'd have a good chance of winning. :(

Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress
Arthur Jones — an outspoken Holocaust denier, activist anti-Semite and white supremacist — is poised to become the Republican nominee for an Illinois congressional seat representing parts of Chicago and nearby suburbs.

“Well first of all, I’m running for Congress not the chancellor of Germany. All right. To me the Holocaust is what I said it is: It’s an international extortion racket,” Jones told the Chicago Sun-Times.
Then, there's this guy, running as a Republican candidate for the Illinois General Assembly. He won't win, but the fact he's not being disavowed by the GOP is well :hmm:.

Thing is, if he ran downstate, he'd have a good chance of winning. :(

Holocaust denier poised to claim GOP nomination in Illinois race for Congress
Apart from disavowing him of course - and not being legally allowed to remove him. It literally says just that in the link you provided.

Remind me, how many elections did David Duke stand in for the Democrats?
To their credit, the Illinois Republican Party did manage to get Jones kicked off the ballot when he ran unopposed in 2016 by calling attention to problems with the signatures in his nominating petitions. Too bad they apparently didn't care enough to prevent him running unopposed again in 2018.
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Trump sends aircraft carriers (Once he managed to tell them North Korea wasn't near India), Kim sends an ice hokey team south to make a joint team for the games.

Not that it's hard to make Trump look like a moron, he sort of self engineers it so it's pretty easy, but Kim isn't all that clever either so I'm pretty sure the Russians and/or the Chinese gave him a hand.
Not that I'm joining Kim's fan club but I might send him a box of very nice chocolates as a thank you for the laugh he gave me at Trump's expense.
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To their credit, the Illinois Republican Party did manage to get Jones kicked off the ballot when he ran unopposed in 2016 by calling attention to problems with the signatures in his nominating petitions. Too bad they apparently didn't care enough to prevent him running unopposed again in 2018.

How would they do that? It seems like any crackpot or bigot can run as a Democrat or a Republican without needing any approval from party central, just a certain number of valid signatures.

It's the kind of bonkers batshit nonsense political system that allowed an open Nazi like David Duke to run on the Democratic ticket. It seems that party affiliation somehow means both everything and nothing in US politics. Weird as fuck.
How would they do that? It seems like any crackpot or bigot can run as a Democrat or a Republican without needing any approval from party central, just a certain number of valid signatures.

It's the kind of bonkers batshit nonsense political system that allowed an open Nazi like David Duke to run on the Democratic ticket. It seems that party affiliation somehow means both everything and nothing in US politics. Weird as fuck.

Duke did represent quite a few political positions historically (as in, within his lifetime) associated with some of the Democrats, though.
Duke did represent quite a few political positions historically (as in, within his lifetime) associated with some of the Democrats, though.
Bear in mind, there were still "Dixiecrats" in the Southern States in the 1970's. Some of the older folk here may remember George Wallace - avowed opponent of civil rights, who was Democratic Party Governor of Alabama. He ran several times for the Democratic nomination for US President, survived an assassination attempt in 1972, and ran the last time I think in 1976 when Carter won.

To his credit, he found religion in the late 70's or early 80's I think and repented his sins, including his previous white supremacist beliefs, but like most of the "Dixiecrats," eventually changed his allegiance to the GOP.
I have my issues with the NHS , however I still wouldn't want to get rid of it ever to go to a US style system
The NHS was the jewel in the crown of this country. However, cuts by successive governments have left it fucked, frankly .

My friend's sister a locum gp and stated if you can afford to go private think about it soon, because within 20 years the nhs will be so debilitated only the desperate will use it
Not specifically Trump's shit, but a shitty tactic of the anti-abortion lobby, which is at the heart of his "base."

"Black genocide": Why this anti-abortion rhetoric is so dangerous

A recently released short documentary explores this disturbing trend, which has zeroed in on the black community with a false but darkly resonant message: Abortion is leading to black genocide.
Conservative movements co-opting racial justice language to use the black community as a political wedge is not new or surprising.
These efforts rely on an unfortunate truism that social justice movements often fail to confront their own racism and try to erase racial difference or fetishize black intolerance as particularly morally objectionable.

Good response to this here, explaining anti-abortionists don't give any more of a shit about Black fetuses than they do Black children or adults. Their goal is to increase the white birth rate by banning abortion full stop, but are trying to appeal to Black Christians to achieve this. Evidence shows higher rates of maternal and infant mortality among Black people, which will only increase once many lose access to the healthcare that is there, so there's little risk they'll "outproduce" white people.
Good response to this here, explaining anti-abortionists don't give any more of a shit about Black fetuses than they do Black children or adults. Their goal is to increase the white birth rate by banning abortion full stop, but are trying to appeal to Black Christians to achieve this. Evidence shows higher rates of maternal and infant mortality among Black people, which will only increase once many lose access to the healthcare that is there, so there's little risk they'll "outproduce" white people.

Nunes, now a world famous right wing bastard and general idiot, complains about lies ...... then goes on to lie in the most stupid fashion possible, that being a lie that's very easy to prove as such.
I see the twit has been taking lessons from Trump on how to make an idiot of himself.

Given his position and willingness to lie for Trump who is very clearly guilty of pretty much everything from serious sexual assault to likely treason, he should end up in the dock with his lord and master.
Devin Nunes: Trump never met with Papadopoulos. Reality: here’s a photo.

Devin Nunes said:
Trump never met with Papadopoulos.

Oops - BUSTED!

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From the NY Times
The Latest: White House Says Economic Fundamentals 'Strong'

President Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of being "un-American" and maybe even treasonous for failing to applaud him during his State of the Union speech.

Trump says during a speech in Blue Ash, Ohio, that the Democrats last week gave off "bad energy" as he delivered his first State of the Union, failing to clap even at positive economic news.

Trump is calling their reception "un-American" and asks: "Shall we call that treason? Why not?"

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