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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

We could have it on May Day. Then, everyone can whip out their missiles and see who has the biggest.

By all accounts his idea was inspired by the show he saw in Paris on bastille day, which was big and shiny and he was impressed. Dragging the nazis out at every opportunity is a bit cheap imo. There were massive military parades in America at the ‘end’ of the gulf war as well.
It's not that unusual to have a victory parade at the end of a war in America or elsewhere, and most 4th of July parades have some military presence, even if it's just a couple military bands and a bunch of elderly veterans on a float throwing candy into the crowds. But what Trump wants to have is something different - not celebrating the end of a war or commemorating Independence Day. It's a show of strength of the military for show's sake, and not something that's ever been a tradition in the US.

No, it's not Nazis on parade, but does have much in common with military parades in oppressive regimes which are designed to demonstrate the absolute power of the state and its leadership.
I know, not denying that the military parade idea is shit in a whole array of ways. On the plus side this silly set piece of macho-childishness might actually be the first idea he's had all on his own (unless maybe the Wall was one of his very own brainwaves).
Where's it going to happen i wonder, if it happens.
Treasonous Trump is a Nazi! I have no problems comparing him to Hitler, except instead of Jews, he's going after everyone that's not orange.
I know, not denying that the military parade idea is shit in a whole array of ways. On the plus side this silly set piece of macho-childishness might actually be the first idea he's had all on his own (unless maybe the Wall was one of his very own brainwaves).
Where's it going to happen i wonder, if it happens.
I can make fun of Trump's buffoonery, but I find it hard to just dismiss pronouncements like this as just silly or childish, or not that big a deal because the regime isn't dropping its opponents over the ocean from planes or shipping hundreds of political dissidents to Guantanamo Bay for torture . . . . yet.

The point here isn't whether the parade will happen, or the wall with Mexico be built, etc. It's the fact he says these things will happen and what they symbolise that generates fear, despair and helplessness, particularly among the most vulnerable and marginalised people in America.

History tells us plenty of people dismissed dictators-to-be as fools, not worthy of attention, and lived, or perhaps didn't live, to regret it.
Treasonous Trump is a Nazi! I have no problems comparing him to Hitler, except instead of Jews, he's going after everyone that's not orange.

Do you agree with the sentiment above CRI ? I have a problem with stuff like that because I think if you want words to mean something and aren't into 'alternative facts' you have a sort of duty to not behave and talk in the same cavalier and extremist way that trump/fox news do.
I don't want to be misunderstood, am not suggesting everything's normal and nothing to see here, I don't think that at all. But whilst a lot of people have a lot to fear from the current regime at the same time I reckon (maybe mistakenly) that there are very few true believers in whatever agenda Trump might stands for at the higher levels of the military/legal/political machine (the machine which he has no clue how to use).
You said earlier that its the people behind Trump who worry you, who are they?
Do you agree with the sentiment above CRI ? I have a problem with stuff like that because I think if you want words to mean something and aren't into 'alternative facts' you have a sort of duty to not behave and talk in the same cavalier and extremist way that trump/fox news do.
I don't want to be misunderstood, am not suggesting everything's normal and nothing to see here, I don't think that at all. But whilst a lot of people have a lot to fear from the current regime at the same time I reckon (maybe mistakenly) that there are very few true believers in whatever agenda Trump might stands for at the higher levels of the military/legal/political machine (the machine which he has no clue how to use).
You said earlier that its the people behind Trump who worry you, who are they?

The people that worry me? Pence, Mnuchin, Kelly, Tillerson, Sessions, DeVos, Pruitt, pretty well everyone in his cabinet. All the GOP members of the US House and Senate and state legislatures.

Trump is shouty with all his bigotry and bile, but there are people behind him who are working hard to turn this into policy. Whether they're motivated by "true belief," greed, revenge or something else, I don't think that's the important part. What is important is they are instrumental in implementing oppressive laws and practices and are encouraging fear and hatred of people who are marginalised in society.

They're speeding through judicial appointments, filling them with people who have insufficient experience and espouse right wing, often very extremist views. Continue on this path and the legal system will become more and more politically driven. Also, there are plenty of people who support Trump at all levels in the military.

Don't forget the influence of religious leaders as well, and there are a hella lot of them who are still running with the "Trump is the anointed one" bullshit, and congregations are eating it up.

I don't tend to get hung up on words or that they can't be used outside their dictionary definitions. In the same way someone might call an abusive partner an evil bastard or the devil incarnate, I'm happy to give a pass to people who are frightened and angry about the creeping destruction of Democracy in the US when they call Trump and his ilk Nazis or Fascists. I don't see that this in itself over-inflates what they are doing, or does it diminish the horrors that Nazis and Fascists committed in Europe in the 30's and 40's.

Is that perhaps the issue, that you feel using these terms for anyone who isn't a literal Nazi or Fascist from that time is trivialising what happened then?
As its electoral rolls that were accessed, I wonder if there's a tally with reports of people who thought they had registered, but on the day couldn't vote, in the affected states.
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Just watched the Trump hair video, my first thought being how his crappy comb over is exactly what his presidency is.
The advertised version is big and lively but the reality is it's just a facade with fuck all underneath.

Roll on the mid terms, a democratic majority in both houses, and a lovely impeachment party.
Been busy so haven't commented on his military parade.
Waste of tax money
Dick waving

That's that looked after.

I mean she's rambling a bit but that's impressive. I'm 53 and fuck that...7 hours? No chance.
While wearing four inch heels, no less. Crikey!
I think I'd struggle to sound "fresh" after an hour myself. :)

Nancy Pelosi marathon speech on DACA sets record - CNNPolitics

The House Historian's office told CNN that Pelosi's speech is the longest on record on the House floor, according to their records.
The budget deal, which was proposed by Senate leaders on Wednesday, will require Democratic support to pass the House, so the House Democratic leader's comments make the plan's future unclear.
Pelosi said she opposed that the spending deal because it doesn't include a permanent solution for undocumented immigrants affected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Pelosi has been sharing statements from DACA recipients about themselves and their successes in the US.
Seriously I think its disrespectful to everyone who has lived under real dictatorships to confuse this twat's grandiose fantasies with reality, if you know what i mean.

You're probably right about that but I'm equally sure the twat would go for dictatorship if he got the chance.
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Trump reminds me more of "His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular" than Hitler, though of course without the military service.
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