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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Actually, thinking about my above post that unfairly accuses Trump of being a bent bastard, I'm going to apologise to the gentleman as there is absolutely no evidence at all he hires bent twats to key jobs and they use their position for make cash on the side.

OK, I'm taking the piss.


The Trump administration’s top public health official bought shares in a tobacco company one month into her leadership of the agency charged with reducing tobacco use — the leading cause of preventable disease and death and an issue she had long championed.

The stock was one of about a dozen new investments that Brenda Fitzgerald, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, made after she took over the agency’s top job, according to documents obtained by POLITICO. Fitzgerald has since come under congressional scrutiny for slow walking divestment from older holdings that government officials said posed potential conflicts of interest.

Potential conflicts of interest? Get out of it's she's bent.


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‘Using his position for private gain’: Ben Carson was warned he might run afoul of ethics rules by enlisting his son

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson allowed his son to help organize an agency “listening tour” in Baltimore last summer despite warnings from department lawyers that doing so risked violating federal ethics rules, according to internal documents and people familiar with the matter.

Career officials and political appointees raised concerns days before the visit that Carson’s son, local businessman Ben Carson Jr., and daughter-in-law were inviting people with whom they potentially had business dealings, the documents show.

Taibbi: Donald Trump's Thinking on Nukes Is Insane and Ignorant

Nukes are the ultimate Trump policy problem because it's a subject that requires scientific knowledge he completely lacks

This shit is really scary, more so when we know he's stupid enough to actually use a nuke, or maybe cause a nuclear war with his idiotic 'bloody nose' strike against North Korea idea.

I will be so happy when he's of of office.
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But . . . .

Central Park Five: Donald Trump still believes wrongfully convicted black and Latino men are guilty of 1989 rape
The five men, jailed when they were teenage boys, were exonerated in 2002 when a convicted rapist confessed to the 1989 attack
Yipppeeeee, I've found something great about the Trump presidency.
Yes, I love it, I'd vote for the fat pillock if I could - Yaaaa, Go Trump Go, Trump for anther term in the white house.


Trump's America will be saddled with debt – like his bankrupted hotels were | Richard Wolffe

Seems the long term results of his spending plans is a totally bankrupt US, meaning they can't afford new wars and murdering loads of innocent people.

YO, Go, Trump! :D
Sorry but Iraq shows Americans can be easily stampeded into war and the money can simply be borrowed.

"Why can't these men just pay $14 million divorce settlements like I did?"

The part of the book that caused the most controversy concerns Trump’s divorce from his first wife, Ivana. Hurt obtained a copy of her sworn divorce deposition, from 1990, in which she stated that, the previous year, her husband had raped her in a fit of rage. In Hurt’s account, Trump was furious that a “scalp reduction” operation he’d undergone to eliminate a bald spot had been unexpectedly painful. Ivana had recommended the plastic surgeon. In retaliation, Hurt wrote, Trump yanked out a handful of his wife’s hair, and then forced himself on her sexually. Afterward, according to the book, she spent the night locked in a bedroom, crying; in the morning, Trump asked her, “with menacing casualness, ‘Does it hurt?’”
I cant keep up !

I can.
Birds of a feather. Trump hires twats because he's a twat but, as is normal, twats get busted and he always works on the assumption everyone is stupid, but only his voter base is silly enough to believe him.
As for the Republican party, they managed to get themselves into a situation where they allowed that idiot to get the nomination so they feel forced to run with it, hoping to minimise the massive damage the idiot is doing to them, but that utter stupidity is going to blow back at them in epic fashion.
Given the set of arseholes the US right are, seems reasonable to keep them out of power and they deserve it for their idiocy.
I can.
Birds of a feather. Trump hires twats because he's a twat but, as is normal, twats get busted and he always works on the assumption everyone is stupid, but only his voter base is silly enough to believe him.
As for the Republican party, they managed to get themselves into a situation where they allowed that idiot to get the nomination so they feel forced to run with it, hoping to minimise the massive damage the idiot is doing to them, but that utter stupidity is going to blow back at them in epic fashion.
Given the set of arseholes the US right are, seems reasonable to keep them out of power and they deserve it for their idiocy.
Trump hires twats coz who else wants the gig?
Well, this IS the "stupid stuff Donald Trump has done" thread, and he has done rather a lot of stupid stuff, at least in my view, so . . .

The thread title is "What stupid shit has Trump done today?" (My bold)

So perhaps non-current stupidity and related commentary should be posted elsewhere?
The thread title is "What stupid shit has Trump done today?" (My bold)

So perhaps non-current stupidity and related commentary should be posted elsewhere?

Oh, come on, apart from his very dodgy past being directly related to what he's up to today, it's almost impossible to post all his day's idiocy without spending 24 hours on the forum.
Jennie Willoughby: President Trump Will Not Diminish My Truth

On Friday, a friend and I watched as the President of the United States sat in the Oval Office and praised the work of my ex-husband, Rob Porter, and wished him future success. I can’t say I was surprised. But when Donald Trump repeated twice that Rob declared his innocence, I was floored. What was his intent in emphasizing that point? My friend turned to me and said, “The President of the United States just called you a liar.”

Yes. And so he did.
There it is again. The words “mere allegation” and “falsely accused” meant to imply that I am a liar. That Colbie Holderness is a liar. That the work Rob was doing in the White House was of higher value than our mental, emotional or physical wellbeing. That his professional contributions are worth more than the truth. That abuse is something to be questioned and doubted.
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