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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Not so much a racist dog whistle, but more of a foghorn.

Sessions invokes 'Anglo-American heritage' of sheriff's office - CNNPolitics

"I want to thank every sheriff in America. Since our founding, the independently elected sheriff has been the people's protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elected process," Sessions said in remarks at the National Sheriffs Association winter meeting, adding, "The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement."
Isn't there a chance that this evil, deranged vermin is gonna get cancer soon? He's spent his whole life eating carcinogenic shit and getting fake tans - hopefully it's not too long until he exterminates himself.
Isn't there a chance that this evil, deranged vermin is gonna get cancer soon? He's spent his whole life eating carcinogenic shit and getting fake tans - hopefully it's not too long until he exterminates himself.
Some confusion about what gives you cancer there. Is Trump not a hamburger rather than a sausage and bacon fan (I haven't actually researched his diet but it's processed meat that most significantly raises cancer risk)? Also it's tanning beds rather than fake tans (sprays) that raise skin cancer risk. He's also not a smoker or a drinker and extremely wealthy (wealth is the single best indicator for long life) so he's probably a low risk all round.

Not that I wouldn't happily stab him in the face given the chance, just saying.
Some confusion about what gives you cancer there. Is Trump not a hamburger rather than a sausage and bacon fan (I haven't actually researched his diet but it's processed meat that most significantly raises cancer risk)? Also it's tanning beds rather than fake tans (sprays) that raise skin cancer risk. He's also not a smoker or a drinker and extremely wealthy (wealth is the single best indicator for long life) so he's probably a low risk all round.

Not that I wouldn't happily stab him in the face given the chance, just saying.

WHO say red meat probably increases risk of cancer and processed meats do increase the risk of cancer. HIs favourite breakfasts are bacon and eggs and egg McMuffins apparently. I assumed he uses tanning beds but hadn't looked into it tbh. I'm clutching at straws.
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WHO say red meat probably increases risk of cancer and processed meats do increase the risk of cancer. HIs favourite breakfasts are bacon and eggs and egg McMuffins apparently. I assumed he uses tanning beds but hadn't looked into it tbh. I'm clutching at straws.

I think he just rolls around in an inflatable paddling pool full of wood stain tbh. Previously with Steve Bannon rubbing it in with a sponge on a stick, not sure who's doing it now.
WHO say red meat probably increases risk of cancer and processed meats do increase the risk of cancer. HIs favourite breakfasts are bacon and eggs and egg McMuffins apparently. I assumed he uses tanning beds but hadn't looked into it tbh. I'm clutching at straws.
He lives in Florida doesn't he? I'm guessing there isn't a massive market for artificial sunlight in the Sunshine State.
Meteor, highly targeted though, to wipe out Trump, his cabinet and all the GOP Congress peeps. That's not asking too much. :)
The Trump administration is proposing a major shake-up in one of the country's most important "safety net" programs, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps. Under the proposal, most SNAP recipients would lose much of their ability to choose the food they buy with their SNAP benefits.

The proposal is included in the Trump administration budget request for fiscal year 2019. It would require approval from Congress.

Under the proposal, which was announced Monday, low-income Americans who receive at least $90 a month — just over 80 percent of all SNAP recipients — would get about half of their benefits in the form of a "USDA Foods package." The package was described in the budget as consisting of "shelf-stable milk, ready to eat cereals, pasta, peanut butter, beans and canned fruit and vegetables." The boxes would not include fresh fruits or vegetables.

Trump Administration Wants To Decide What Food SNAP Recipients Will Get
Shhh, don't pass secrets to the white house - way too dodgy.
This guy as essentially telling the world the white house is a security risk.

Spy chief warns on Trump aides' clearance

A US spy chief has warned that presidential aides with interim security clearances should have "limited" access to secret information.

US Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said the clearance process was "broken" and needs to be reformed.

He was responding to a question about former White House aide Rob Porter, an alleged wife beater, and the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Mr Kushner reportedly has only interim security clearance, like Mr Porter.
Interesting article on a much better, proven alternative - giving people cash.

The Best Way to Reform Welfare: Give Poor People Cash

It's a few years old, but I saw it posted on social media today, and it generated a slew of ghastly posts from the self righteous who genuinely see poverty as a sign of "moral decay."

Existing systems to support poorer people aren't designed to lift them out of poverty, but to shame, stigmatise and limit their agency. Government "food parcel" handouts are mainly a say to prop up sections of the agriculture industry by buying and giving away surpluses. Nutrition, or even human dignity hardly comes into it - well not under the current administration.

Remembering Trump throwing paper towels into a crowd of people in Puerto Rico last year makes me wonder if he'd get his rocks off seeing relief workers tossing food into crowds of hungry people - what a spectacle, eh?
Equipment on the ISS shall not be owned by any non-Partner or a private entity under its jurisdiction without the prior concurrence of other Partners. Any transfer of ownership of any ISS element to a non‐Partner shall require prior notification of other Partners.
Article 6(4) of Inter-governmental Agreement (The Legal Framework for the International Space Station).
I'd favour a sudden (and instant) cardiovascular event.
No, I want him to live long enough for him to watch his whole rotten edifice, the family members and members of the GOP who have enabled said edifice, to come crashing down in a pile of odure.
And hopefully ( though given the level of corruption in high office in the US) I'm not likely to see it, Trump and enablers in orange jump suits.
The gob smacking hi jacking of every level of Us Govt is beyond belief!
But there seem to be a level of cunning in the present situatation, with the 1 %s seemingly getting their desires met, while TTT keeps on fanning the the fires of his base
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