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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Some good news among the Trump shower of shit . . .

Florida woman wins Democrats' 36th red-to-blue flip, Florida man continues to live in infamy

Don’t look now, but Democrats just flipped their 36th state legislative seat this cycle.

Tuesday’s win in Florida House District 72 was not only yet another Democratic win in a seat Trump carried in 2016 (by a 51-46 margin), but it was also a stark reminder for Republicans of how much trouble they may be in at the ballot box in November.

Democrat Margaret Good, an attorney and community activist, defeated Republican James Buchanan 52-45 percent, improving on the 2016 Democratic presidential performance in this Sarasota County-area district by 12 points. This historically Republican seat, which has a GOP voter registration advantage of around 13,000, became vacant upon the abrupt resignation of a freshman lawmaker in August 2017.

There's already some controls in there for buying things the government doesn't like. It varies by state, but here you can't buy candy or pop, or a pre-cooked chicken, no paper-goods, laundry soap, or personal care items, etc. The pre-cooked chicken ban is a little stupid from a money management standpoint. You can buy a pre-cooked chicken for as little as $4.99. A whole, raw chicken will run you $6 - $7. It's all meant to be punitive and assumes you can't make your own decisions.
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There's already some controls in there for buying things the government doesn't like. It varies by state, but here you can't buy candy or pop, or a pre-cooked chicken, no paper-goods, laundry soap, or personal care items, etc. The pre-cooked chicken ban is a little stupid from a money management standpoint. You can buy a pre-cooked chicken for as little as $4.99. A whole, raw chicken will run you $6 - $7. It's all meant to be punitive and assumes you can't make your own decisions.

I didn't realize it was a state issue. Read an article on what snap covers and was pleasantly surprised. They allow cake if it is not over half decoration, seeds for growing food providing it is not gourds, and other items could make things more bearable. I wonder what state that was.

found it-> What Can SNAP Buy? | Food and Nutrition Service

I suppose that the above are suggested guidlines.
I didn't realize it was a state issue. Read an article on what snap covers and was pleasantly surprised. They allow cake if it is not over half decoration, seeds for growing food providing it is not gourds, and other items could make things more bearable. I wonder what state that was.

found it-> What Can SNAP Buy? | Food and Nutrition Service

I suppose that the above are suggested guidlines.

Yes, there are some things it covers that you might not expect. Around here they accept SNAP at some farmer's markets.
More idiocy

In what seems to be a weak and pathetic attempt to get Trump off the hook for paying a prostitute, sorry, adult film star to shut up, seems his lawyer is now claiming Trump had nothing to do with it and he paid the bribe himself.
I believe every word.

Trump's lawyer paid $130,000 of own money to porn star - CNNPolitics

For a lawyer he's remarkably dumb, or thinks he's untouchable

Stormy Daniels Payment May Be Illegal, Even If It Came From Trump’s Lawyer
The food package thing is every kind of fucking stupid twattery imaginable. As well as the insult of it, there's how would it be cheaper than giving people money to send food packages to millions of poor people in every part of America? How would it 'improve nutrition' when it couldn't contain fresh food? What about allergies and religious dietary strictures? How will it be kept safe if there's no one in and no safe place to receive it? Etc

Luckily, between the total impossibility of instituting it and supermarket opposition, it ain't happening.
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Well ...slap me with a forbes magazine....

Unfortunately for Trump, Cohen's intervention appears to have had precisely the opposite effect of what was intended as Daniels, the porn star at the center of the scandal, believes she is now free to discuss her alleged sexual encounter with Trump, her manager told The Associated Press Wednesday.

According to her manager, Gina Rodriguez, the porn star "believes that Trump attorney Michael Cohen invalidated a non-disclosure agreement after two news stories were published Tuesday: One, in which Cohen told The New York Times that he made the six-figure payment with his personal funds, and another in the Daily Beast, which reported that Cohen was shopping a book proposal that would touch on Daniels’ story", said the manager,

"Everything is off now, and Stormy is going to tell her story," the manager said.

Porn Star: "Trump Broke The NDA, I Can Now Tell My Story"

its on zero hedge ...so it may be a bit hit and miss ......maybe the Discovery channel will run another Shark week from all the free publicityits going to get ...

can this shit get any funnier ?


Oh my sides
Well ...slap me with a forbes magazine....

Porn Star: "Trump Broke The NDA, I Can Now Tell My Story"

its on zero hedge ...so it may be a bit hit and miss ......maybe the Discovery channel will run another Shark week from all the free publicityits going to get ...

can this shit get any funnier ?


Oh my sides
All her options would most likely include an incredible amount of money.

She could do pay per view.
I haven't had sex with Trump so I want my $130,00.
As I see it (and this lot see it), if Stormy gets the cash for not having sex with Trump, it seems only reasonably we all should get paid out.
His various wives can't claim but his latest doesn't seem to have had sex with him for some while so it's possible she could get a percentage.

Millions of Americans Demand $130,000 for Not Having Sex with Trump

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of Americans on Wednesday demanded that Donald J. Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, issue them checks in the amount of $130,000 for not having sex with Trump.

After Cohen revealed that he had issued such a check to Stormy Daniels, a porn star who he claims never had intimate relations with his client, there was widespread outrage among other Americans who had also not had sex with Trump but had not been paid for not doing so.

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for Stormy Daniels,” Tracy Klugian, a florist in Santa Rosa, California, said. “I just want my check, too.”

President Donald Trump's travel ban targeting people from six Muslim-majority countries violates the U.S. Constitution by discriminating on the basis of religion, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday in another legal setback for the policy.

The Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on a 9-4 vote, became the second federal appeals court to rule against the ban, finding that the Republican president's own words demonstrated that bias against Muslims was the basis of the policy.

The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed the ban, put in place by Trump with a presidential proclamation in September, to go into effect while litigation challenging it continues.

The 4th Circuit ruling went further than the earlier decision by the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which found the ban violated federal immigration law but did not address the question of whether it also violated the Constitution. The Supreme Court already has said it will consider both issues in deciding the legality of the ban in the coming months.

The justices are due in April to hear arguments over the ban and issue a ruling by the end of June.

US court says Trump travel ban unlawfully discriminates against Muslims
Trump to address the nation on Florida shooting.

...this unspeakable tragedy in Florida, which, by the way, I won. Everyone said I couldn't win in Florida but I won it and it was very beautiful..."

Funny, mostly because he's stupid enough to say it.

Talking of saying things, another nail is being driven into Trump's coffin.

Another former Trump aide might soon cooperate with Robert Mueller’s investigation

Rick Gates — Paul Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, and a 2016 Trump campaign staffer — is “finalizing” a plea deal in which he’d cooperate with the Mueller investigation, CNN’s Katelyn Polantz and Sara Murray report. Gates has been in negotiations with Mueller’s team about cooperating for over a month, their report says, citing sources familiar with the case.
Oops for Trump.
Bannon refused to answer questions on Thursday, that drawing calls for contempt charges, but it seems he answered all Mueller's questions, and those will have been under oath so, if he fibbed, he's seriously buggered.
One nail more - excellent!
It strikes me refusing to answer questions is contempt, and very probably obstruction as well.

Bannon interviewed in Mueller's Russia investigation

WASHINGTON (AP) — Steve Bannon, the combative former chief strategist for President Donald Trump, was interrogated for 20 hours over two days this week as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, according to a person familiar with the process.

The person, who declined to be named because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the investigation, said Bannon answered every question that was put to him by Mueller’s team. That’s in contrast to a Thursday interview with the House intelligence committee, where Bannon declined to answer some of lawmakers’ questions, despite a subpoena.
grim. from the indictment today. How as one small part of the work, they targeting BME people trying to tell them not vote or vote 3rd party.

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heh, it's the start, hence Rosenstein saying 'in this indictment' after any statement that might exonerate Team Trump, and people like Hannity....
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I think 2 things are going on, firstly this indictment is to set the scene, and secondly to blunt the propaganda fight back against the Trump Team trump collusion trial. I think in the near future there'll be more against Americans involved in this, which will further downgrade the fight back from Hannity/MAGAloons/etc, before we get to people like Trump Jr, Kushner, and Brad Pasqual (sp?), and way before we get to Trump/Pence/Mercer.

I suspect that the bringing of charges against Bibi is also tied up with this.

Trump only won by 80,000 votes, as a percentage of the American electorate, that's a small percentage.
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One allegation is “Received money from clients to post on US social media sites“. I wonder who from? I wonder if any of it originated in the US?

Not sure how some of these things could be classed as illegal anyway, misleading maybe, dishonest, but not sure what lines have been crossed with some of them. Maybe that thing a few years ago where Guardian readers were encouraged to write to swing voters in the US election was also ‘interference‘.

And it’s not as though the US has kept its beak out of other country’s affairs is it?
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