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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Who the hell has ever alleged that Putin was controlling the US media?

CRI was saying that the US media was not reporting on a story that it is reporting on because they are in the pay of someone, presumably Russians or whoever. Manufacturing Consent it ain't
Trump's Republican base don't give a shit if he's a sociopath. In fact the crueler he sounds, the more they adore him.

And he is fanatically supported by a significant chunk of the Repub base that is crucial in primary elections.

TBH if the past couple of years have proved anything, its that Trump has far more support than the Republicans do. "The base" is his now, as is a significant chunk of the US electorate and it will be for as long as both main parties fail to understand why it is that millions of people - not entirely without reason - prefer him to them.
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Who the hell has ever alleged that Putin was controlling the US media?
Never heard that one myself.

He's quite popular among blue collar Republican voters though. They see him as a god fearing, manly man and strong leader. They tend to ignore the other shit about him though.
TBH if the past couple of years have proved anything, its that Trump has far more support than the Republicans do. "The base" is his now, as is a significant chunk of the US electorate and it will be for as long as both main parties fail to understand why it is that millions of people - not entirely without reason - prefer him to them.
Yes, Trump has a lot of support among a certain contingent of Americans, which is why the Republicans in the US Congress aren't too keen to diss or ditch him that much.

I don't think it's a mystery why Trump's base adores Trump though. They're delighted to finally have a man in the White House who reflects their values and beliefs - for the most part, the same values and beliefs their ancestors had. They're joyous that he and congress are implementing policies they hope will make their dreams of a white supremacist utopia come true.

The best chance of thwarting that is to vote out the assholes in Congress who are enabling this.
Yes, Trump has a lot of support among a certain contingent of Americans, which is why the Republicans in the US Congress aren't too keen to diss or ditch him that much.

I don't think it's a mystery why Trump's base adores Trump though. They're delighted to finally have a man in the White House who reflects their values and beliefs - for the most part, the same values and beliefs their ancestors had. They're joyous that he and congress are implementing policies they hope will make their dreams of a white supremacist utopia come true.

The best chance of thwarting that is to vote out the assholes in Congress who are enabling this.

I am not sure that is it, though. Trump certainly has a load of racist supporters, but they were not why he won either the Republican nomination or the Presidency itself; indeed I find it difficult to come up with a more compelling reason as to why so many people voted for him than that he was the only possible alternative to "more of the same", with all that entails.
Trump certainly has a load of racist supporters, but they were not why he won either the Republican nomination or the Presidency itself

Given that it was a pretty narrow win, then any category of people that voted for him, provided it is non-negligible in size and not too geographically specific, is the reason he won (or, more exactly, one of the reasons), in the sense that but for their support he would not have won.
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Given that it was a pretty narrow win, then any category of people that voted for him, provided it is not non-negligible in size and not too geographically specific, is the reason he won (or, more exactly, one of the reasons), in the sense that but for their support he would not have won.
Indeed, and remember, he actually lost the popular vote by some 3 million votes.

Many of those who voted Trump are people who always vote a straight Republican ticket, no matter who is on it. If they were squeamish about Trump, they expected the Congress would keep him from doing anything too stupid. Even if they're still squeamish, most still hope they'll get what they want from the symbiotic relationship between Congress and the Trump White House (e.g. abortion ban, curtailing rights for minorities, lower taxes, etc.) Some of them, however, were never squeamish about what Trump said, and are delighted that he's managed to push the nativist/white supremacist agenda even further than they could ever have dreamed.
Kimberly-Clark announced on Tuesday that it would cut between 5,000 and 5,500 jobs, or roughly 12 or 13% of the company's employees.

The personal care product company also announced plans to shut down 10 manufacturing facilities. The restructuring program is estimated to save Kimberly-Clark $500 to $550 million by the end of 2021.

The company said it plans to use savings from the Republican tax plan to fund the cuts and other restructuring efforts, The New York Times reported. Tax savings would additionally be used for capital investments and to allocate capital to shareholders, CFO Maria Henry said in a call with analysts.

A number of companies have announced pay hikes and bonuses in response to the new tax plan. Walmart said that it would give employees bonuses due to the new tax plan — on the same day that it laid off thousands after closing more than 60 Sam's Club locations.


Trump trolling

Putting that rebate use out there in public is a bit of a risk considering the near feral support of the trumpsters hard core support ..Boycotts do seem to work
Given that it was a pretty narrow win, then any category of people that voted for him, provided it is not non-negligible in size and not too geographically specific, is the reason he won (or, more exactly, one of the reasons), in the sense that but for their support he would not have won.

Yes, but in that way lies madness; you could use the fact that 8% of the black elecorate voted for him means that he won because of the black vote.
Yes, but in that way lies madness; you could use the fact that 8% of the black elecorate voted for him means that he won because of the black vote.

No, that's not right. But he did win, inter alia, because of the black voters that chose him.
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On his popularity in Britain
“I think I’m very popular in your country.”

Morgan interjected: “Let’s not be too hasty, Mr President.”

Trump continued: “I know, but I believe that, I really do. I get so much fan mail from people in your country. They love my sense of security, they love what I’m saying about many different things. We get tremendous support from people in the UK.”

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On his popularity in Britain
“I think I’m very popular in your country.”

Morgan interjected: “Let’s not be too hasty, Mr President.”

Trump continued: “I know, but I believe that, I really do. I get so much fan mail from people in your country. They love my sense of security, they love what I’m saying about many different things. We get tremendous support from people in the UK.”

I doubt his UK support is all that much different from his US support
Yes, but in that way lies madness; you could use the fact that 8% of the black elecorate voted for him means that he won because of the black vote.
That's just silly. The majority of white people, especially white men, actively CHOSE to vote for the white supremacist, misogynist, kleptocratic candidate. White people need to own that. It's on their heads. It's also on the heads of the white people who didn't vote Trump, but didn't want to ruffle feathers when their mum announced their intention to vote Trump, "Because he's a businessman and he's not part of the establishment," tried to changed the subject when Favourite Uncle said "at least he'll know how to deal with them dirty Mexicans and Muslims," or just sat quietly in the pew when their Pastor reminded the congregation that Trump will stop the murder of unborn babies. Fuck that.
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