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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

I only saw clips of the Moron interview and I can't immediately find the relevant quote. However, he said words to effect of, "I get on great with your Prime Minister, and I think they're doing a great job", inferring that not only had he forgotten the PM's name, but also her gender.
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Can't bear to watch the State of the Union bollocks, and glad to see so many Democratic legislators aren't going. Also pleased that Congressman Kennedy is bringing along transgender servicewoman, Staff Sergeant Patricia King and Senator Gillibrand is bringing the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz, as their companions to the event. :)
Can't bear to watch the State of the Union bollocks, and glad to see so many Democratic legislators aren't going. Also pleased that Congressman Kennedy is bringing along transgender servicewoman, Staff Sergeant Patricia King and Senator Gillibrand is bringing the Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz, as their companions to the event. :)

I noticed that RBG won't be attending. She's arranged a speaking gig for tomorrow morning as an excuse. I suspect her tolerance for bullshit is pretty low these days. I know my tolerance for bullshit has gone down as I've gotten older. I'll be binge-watching Better Call Saul, season 3.

Ginsburg won't attend State of the Union address
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Big step toward all-out authoritarianism. Trumped up (pun intended) charges against individuals in agencies investigating Government corruption. If they get away with locking some of them up, it will be their political opponents next, and of course the old scores to settle with Obama and Clinton. Christ.

Republicans Vote To Release Nunes Memo, Open Probes Into DOJ And FBI

“I think we have crossed a deeply regrettable line in this committee where, for the first time in ten years or so I have been on the committee, there was a vote to politicize the declassification process of intelligence and compromise sources and methods,” Schiff told reporters Monday evening.
According to Schiff, FBI Director Christopher Wray “asked for the opportunity to come before the committee and express” concerns about releasing the document, but Nunes denied his request.
That's just silly. The majority of white people, especially white men, actively CHOSE to vote for the white supremacist, misogynist, kleptocratic candidate. White people need to own that. It's on their heads. It's also on the heads of the white people who didn't vote Trump, but didn't want to ruffle feathers when their mum announced their intention to vote Trump, "Because he's a businessman and he's not part of the establishment," tried to changed the subject when Favourite Uncle said "at least he'll know how to deal with them dirty Mexicans and Muslims," or just sat quietly in the pew when their Pastor reminded the congregation that Trump will stop the murder of unborn babies. Fuck that.

That is daft though; for a start, it assumes there was a real choice at the ballot box - instead of recognizing that the choice was between the system that created and promoted Trump, and Trump.
That's just silly. The majority of white people, especially white men, actively CHOSE to vote for the white supremacist, misogynist, kleptocratic candidate. White people need to own that. It's on their heads. It's also on the heads of the white people who didn't vote Trump, but didn't want to ruffle feathers when their mum announced their intention to vote Trump, "Because he's a businessman and he's not part of the establishment," tried to changed the subject when Favourite Uncle said "at least he'll know how to deal with them dirty Mexicans and Muslims," or just sat quietly in the pew when their Pastor reminded the congregation that Trump will stop the murder of unborn babies. Fuck that.

So white people need to "own" Trump's election, even if they didn't actually vote for the orange cunt. Meanwhile black people apparently do not have to "own" anything, even if they did actually vote for Trump.

You're judging entire groups of people based on the colour of their skin and not on the content of their character. You're literally being fucking racist, and you have the fucking gall to try and call others out on it?
That is daft though; for a start, it assumes there was a real choice at the ballot box - instead of recognizing that the choice was between the system that created and promoted Trump, and Trump.
I think you'll find the people most impacted by the increasingly authoritarian regime we have now believe there was a choice or even a least worst option. :rolleyes:

But we had lots of white people gleefully choosing white supremacists and others bawling like spoilt toddlers who don't fancy anything on the menu and would rather everyone starve if they can't get their special dish.

And far too many of folk from both camps who realise now they fucked up won't admit it and double down. "Oh the shame of being proved wrong, so must still insist I was right."

And because they'll be nearer the end of the queue for the shitstorm, they can pretend it's not happening, while others suffer. Charming. :(
On the one hand you have to applaud Americans who stand up and articulate how the separation of powers is supposed to work:

"There is, and ought to be in this country, the freedom to say goodbye. That is, freedom to hug one’s spouse and children, the freedom to organize the myriad of human affairs that collect over time. It ought not to be – and it has never before been – that those who have lived without incident in this country for years are subjected to treatment we associated with regimes we revile as unjust, regimes where those who have long lived in a country may be taken away without notice from streets, home, and work. And sent away. We are not that country; and woe be the day that we become that country under a fiction that laws allow it. We have a law higher than any that may be so interpreted-and that is our Constitution.
[...]Having carefully reviewed the submissions and entire record in this matter, and having heard the parties, the Court is convinced that it must grant the petition for habeas corpus. Constitutional principles of due process and the avoidance of unnecessary cruelty here allow and provide for an early departure. Petitioner is entitled to the freedom to say goodbye. Accordingly, it is hereby ordered that petitioner shall be immediately released from custody."

'Freedom to say goodbye' — Judge says Trump immigrant deportations resemble 'regimes we revile'

On the other hand, the guy does then get deported.
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The reality of Trump is still impossible for me to process.

We have one of the most savage, barbarian, evil and psychotic thugs on the planet who is also the most powerful. It's truly terrifying.
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Hate and intolerance is just that, hate and intolerance, wherever it comes from. Just because it fits with your personal prejudge doesn't make it right.
The not very well veiled racism and abuse of millions of workingclass people on this thread is appalling.
Oh right, both-siderism. Sure, the hatred and intolerance of right wing politicians, a Britain First supporter or KKK member toward people of colour, Jewish people and Muslims is just as bad as when those oppressed by white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism hate on the powerful people and institutions that oppress them. Sure. Even Stevens. :rolleyes:

True though - not very well veiled racism and abuse of millions of working class people of colour is appalling, wherever it occurs.
Oh right, both-siderism. Sure, the hatred and intolerance of right wing politicians, a Britain First supporter or KKK member toward people of colour, Jewish people and Muslims is just as bad as when those oppressed by white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism hate on the powerful people and institutions that oppress them. Sure. Even Stevens. :rolleyes:

True though - not very well veiled racism and abuse of millions of working class people of colour is appalling, wherever it occurs.

Do you ever read anything on these boards? Asides from your own endless, eye rolling proclamations that is?
Capitalism at its best

President Trump's re-election campaign will cash in on the State of the Union address Tuesday night with a fundraising pitch: Send us at least $35, and we'll scroll your name during a live stream of the president's speech.

The fundraising technique is raising eyebrows from ethics watchdogs, who say the unprecedented attempt to raise money off an official White House event crosses a line.

“Donald Trump is commercializing and corrupting yet another national institution, making this just the latest disgraceful degradation by Trump of the presidency and our public institutions," said Robert Weissman, president, Public Citizen.

"I have never heard of anything like this," said Fred Wertheimer, president of the organization Democracy 21. "It is a no class, money-grubbing misuse of the State of the Union address that is way beneath the dignity of the presidency and the occasion."
Trump campaign: Send us $35 and we'll scroll your name during State of the Union live stream
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