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What stupid shit has Trump done today?

Am I alone in thinking he'll win again in three years? It just seems predictable in the silly shit World we inhabit.

It's not too hard to imagine - probably only going to be a matter of time until the US economy goes to shit again, if it happens after November this year, there's a reasonable chance that Trump will have a Democrat-controlled Congress to blame it on and he'll promise to bring back the "good old days" of his first 2 years.

Or if the economy somehow remains strong, Trump will never shut up about it and he'll tell voters they'd be crazy to risk it in the hands of a 79-year-old Bernie Sanders or whoever ends up running against him.
It's not too hard to imagine - probably only going to be a matter of time until the US economy goes to shit again, if it happens after November this year, there's a reasonable chance that Trump will have a Democrat-controlled Congress to blame it on and he'll promise to bring back the "good old days" of his first 2 years.

Or if the economy somehow remains strong, Trump will never shut up about it and he'll tell voters they'd be crazy to risk it in the hands of a 79-year-old Bernie Sanders or whoever ends up running against him.
Stretching economic cycles is as bad for the herd as stopping wolves killing carabou
Once these new tax regimes are 'cemented into law' then look at how, in the coming months the GOP will seek to undermine TTT, he's served his purpose now he's due to be replaced by a more 'Media friendly face'.
He'll stay awhile longer because there's so much more to do.....slashing social programs to deal with increased debt from the tax cuts. They call it "entitlement reform."
Seems Sessions was questioned recently.

Sessions questioned in Russia probe

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions was questioned last week by investigators over alleged Trump campaign collusion with Russia.

Mr Mueller, the former FBI director, is leading the inquiry into alleged Russian collusion during the 2016 election campaign.

It is thought to be the first time a member of President Donald Trump's cabinet has been questioned in the inquiry, according to the New York Times.

The newspaper said he was questioned for several hours.
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The inexperienced man-child frat-rat that Trump made deputy drug czar got fired from his only real job for not showing up

Taylor Weyeneth is America's number two official in charge of drug policy. He's a 24-year-old former Trump campaign volunteer whose resume is singularly unimpressive: apart from being a frat brother in good standing at St John's University and organizing a single charity golf tournament, the only real jobs he's ever held were working in his daddy's chia seed factory (which closed when his dad went to jail for illegally processing Mexican steroids) and working as a legal assistant at the New York white shoe law firm of O’Dwyer & Bernstien.

But this job was a bit of a mystery, because different versions of Weyeneth's resumes listed different tenures at this firm. However, one of the partners at the firm, Brian O’Dwyer, has clarified the mystery. Weyeneth was fired because he "just didn’t show."
Am I alone in thinking he'll win again in three years? It just seems predictable in the silly shit World we inhabit.
It's all too possible - it might be long enough for some economic policies to seem to be working well, but before the payback comes.

Ugh, I just want to stop having to think about the guy, but it's simply not possible with all the shit he does and says and that it affects millions of actual human beings.
Bet it will, happen to have a £100 bet with a rather misguided mate of mine that he will be gone by 2019, the outriders are the bets are invalid if he (1) croaks (2) is assasinated.
Want to add a stake?
Proceeds to U75 begging bowl?
which position have you bet on?
The White House asked to borrow a van Gogh. The Guggenheim offered a gold toilet instead.

The emailed response from the Guggenheim’s chief curator to the White House was polite but firm: The museum could not accommodate a request to borrow a painting by Vincent van Gogh for President and Melania Trump’s private living quarters.

Instead, wrote the curator, Nancy Spector, another piece was available, one that was nothing like “Landscape With Snow,” the 1888 van Gogh rendering of a man in a black hat walking along a path in Arles, France, with his dog.

The curator’s alternative: an 18-karat, fully functioning, solid gold toilet — an interactive work titled “America” that critics have described as pointed satire aimed at the excess of wealth in this country.

For a year, the Guggenheim had exhibited “America” — the creation of contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan — in a public restroom on the museum’s fifth floor for visitors to use.

But the exhibit was over and the toilet was available “should the President and First Lady have any interest in installing it in the White House,” Spector wrote in an email obtained by The Washington Post.
This might be significant.

News article in a mainstream Netherlands newspaper that says hackers who were part of Dutch Intelligence pwned Russian hackers in 2014 onwards. Hacking into their security cameras. Getting real time footage of Cosy Bear hacking the state dept, etc. What the Dutch hackers saw they passed on to the US, and this intelligence was one of the reasons why members of Team Trump were under unvestigation.

I'm wondering if this leak is to put a stop to Nunes and some Republicans increasingly obvious attempts to rile up the Trump base, and shut down Mueller's investigation.

Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections - Media - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns
This might be significant.

News article in a mainstream Netherlands newspaper that says hackers who were part of Dutch Intelligence pwned Russian hackers in 2014 onwards. Hacking into their security cameras. Getting real time footage of Cosy Bear hacking the state dept, etc. What the Dutch hackers saw they passed on to the US, and this intelligence was one of the reasons why members of Team Trump were under unvestigation.

I'm wondering if this leak is to put a stop to Nunes and some Republicans increasingly obvious attempts to rile up the Trump base, and shut down Mueller's investigation.

Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections - Media - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns
Trump has said he's open to a deal that will allow a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million "Dreamers" who grew up in the US after having been brought there illegally as children.

This is making a lot of "Build the Wall" types spit blood, but the deal he wants includes big cutbacks in legal immigration - among other things, he wants to limit family immigration to spouses and children only, meaning that the tens of millions of legal immigrants already in the US have little hope of sponsoring their parents to come to the US and live with them.

So the man whose grandfather, mother, first wife, and third wife were immigrants wants to force immigrants to have to choose between looking after their aging parents or abandoning the lives they have built in the US - seems like more evidence, if any was needed, that the man is a sociopath.
Trump has said he's open to a deal that will allow a pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million "Dreamers" who grew up in the US after having been brought there illegally as children.

This is making a lot of "Build the Wall" types spit blood, but the deal he wants includes big cutbacks in legal immigration - among other things, he wants to limit family immigration to spouses and children only, meaning that the tens of millions of legal immigrants already in the US have little hope of sponsoring their parents to come to the US and live with them.

So the man whose grandfather, mother, first wife, and third wife were immigrants wants to force immigrants to have to choose between looking after their aging parents or abandoning the lives they have built in the US - seems like more evidence, if any was needed, that the man is a sociopath.

That's not even the most awful thing he's proposed. They've proposed splitting up families who cross illegally and are held in detention. They propose this as a deterrent. If he can advocate separating small children from their parents, no one should be shocked by this.

The Trump administration is weighing splitting up immigrant families who cross the border illegally
This might be significant.

News article in a mainstream Netherlands newspaper that says hackers who were part of Dutch Intelligence pwned Russian hackers in 2014 onwards. Hacking into their security cameras. Getting real time footage of Cosy Bear hacking the state dept, etc. What the Dutch hackers saw they passed on to the US, and this intelligence was one of the reasons why members of Team Trump were under unvestigation.

I'm wondering if this leak is to put a stop to Nunes and some Republicans increasingly obvious attempts to rile up the Trump base, and shut down Mueller's investigation.

Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections - Media - Voor nieuws, achtergronden en columns
Also covered on the Australian press

Dutch revealed to US details of Russian hackers linked to DNC hack

But oddly silence in the US mainstream media about what you'd think was a massive scoop.

Well, not odd at all if they're all bought and paid for.
seems like more evidence, if any was needed, that the man is a sociopath.
And he is fanatically supported by a significant chunk of the Repub base that is crucial in primary elections. This means that no matter what Mueller uncovers, congressional Rebubs will never impeach him or try to pressure him out. He's there for 3 more years for sure. What fun.
And he is fanatically supported by a significant chunk of the Repub base that is crucial in primary elections. This means that no matter what Mueller uncovers, congressional Rebubs will never impeach him or try to pressure him out. He's there for 3 more years for sure. What fun.
Unless Democrats can gain enough seats to flip the House and Senate. It will mean getting out every eligible voter and fighting all the voter suppression efforts the GOP will throw out, but it's possible.

Hella lot of stuff going on to get folks registered and supporting candidates, particularly women and women and men of colour.

Trump's Republican base don't give a shit if he's a sociopath. In fact the crueler he sounds, the more they adore him.
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