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Urban v's the Commentariat

it's ok, they've 'un published' it.
Everyday Feminism said:
After posting the new piece on Facebook, we received a comment from a reader that finally made it click for us, giving us the “ah-ha” moment that we needed to more fully understand the scope of our mistake: The issue wasn’t simply about the framing of the article; it was who we addressed it to and why – and how that contributed to the very oppression that we’re working to dismantle. At that point, we understood then that our “solution,” therefore, still didn’t address the issue in a responsible way.
We know that this work includes making mistakes. But we also know that we need to own up to those mistakes when they happen – and to work tirelessly at not making them in the future. The best we can hope for is to have opportunities to keep getting better. Thanks for pushing us to do just that.
Fucking nauseating :D
Don't know why they're apologising, it's in line with the other stuff they publish. They should embrace their class politics.
They're also offering a course in everyday-self-love which sounds from the title like it would be right up your street ;)
$97, why not just call it $100!

Anyway sounds like a lot of hippy bollocks.

  • [*]Being resilient to toxic messages within yourself and from others
    [*]Honoring and communicating your needs and wants
    [*]Accepting your internal experiences with compassion, not judgment
    [*]Finding validation within yourself and prioritizing your own truth
The most unpleasant part of that hungry-worker post is that it was written by somebody who had been in that position. If it had just been some dumb entrepreneur type you could simply write it off as the usual crap from privileged arseholes who've never actually thought it through. But somebody writing from the perspective of someone who actually hadn't had enough to eat, yet not even thinking to say "maybe pay us more"... that's horrible.

I've seen various folk saying how it shows how disconnected the outcomes of poverty have become from the reasons for poverty, as if "food insecurity" was some sort of illness that you just caught and employers should be sensitive to, rather than it directly being their fucking fault. That being internalised is terrible but predictable.
The most unpleasant part of that hungry-worker post is that it was written by somebody who had been in that position. If it had just been some dumb entrepreneur type you could simply write it off as the usual crap from privileged arseholes who've never actually thought it through. But somebody writing from the perspective of someone who actually hadn't had enough to eat, yet not even thinking to say "maybe pay us more"... that's horrible.

I've seen various folk saying how it shows how disconnected the outcomes of poverty have become from the reasons for poverty, as if "food insecurity" was some sort of illness that you just caught and employers should be sensitive to, rather than it directly being their fucking fault. That being internalised is terrible but predictable.
seems to be in the nature of a politics where rather than the problem being class as a system, instead the issue is 'classism'.

The 'progressive' wing of neoliberalism.
or perhaps thinking that asking for a proper wage would be seen as "Please sir I want some more" to be followed by a swift boot.
it's ok, they've 'un published' it.

Fucking nauseating :D
Don't know why they're apologising, it's in line with the other stuff they publish. They should embrace their class politics.

Clearly they need follow through to the logical conclusion of their politics of replacing social solidarity with a radical etiquette guide and decide what's needed is greater representation of people paid poverty wages in the work place. I'm sure that's something every woke boss can support.

or perhaps thinking that asking for a proper wage would be seen as "Please sir I want some more" to be followed by a swift boot.

You'll be shocked to hear that the author, although recognising unions are important, can't strike cos he works for an NGO for low income family who need his services. That low income people might support other low income striking for better pay never occurs to him.
$97, why not just call it $100!

Anyway sounds like a lot of hippy bollocks.

[*]Being resilient to toxic messages within yourself and from others
[*]Honoring and communicating your needs and wants
[*]Accepting your internal experiences with compassion, not judgment
[*]Finding validation within yourself and prioritizing your own truth

Every extra line I read of that got me angrier and angrier. Didn't even get to the end. :mad:
$97, why not just call it $100!

Anyway sounds like a lot of hippy bollocks.
Just as well I didn't get an invite - the urge to shout 'this is a load of hippy bollocks ' would have been great :D
Every extra line I read of that got me angrier and angrier. Didn't even get to the end. :mad:

Sounds to me like you could all benefit from at least some of the course content, particularly
  • Honoring and communicating your needs and wants
  • Accepting your internal experiences with compassion, not judgment
but maybe we need to find a non-hippy-bollocks way of re-wording it to make it more acceptable ;)
Sounds to me like you could all benefit from at least some of the course content, particularly
  • Honoring and communicating your needs and wants
  • Accepting your internal experiences with compassion, not judgment
but maybe we need to find a non-hippy-bollocks way of re-wording it to make it more acceptable ;)

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