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Urban v's the Commentariat

Shite tbh, wsm took another opportunist turn into intersectionalist sjw guff. Belfast has a tiny anarcho scene but no critical mass.

I'm not really interested in activism though

You are giving the WSM too much credit for tactical cleverness. The few of them that are left are completely genuine in their "intersectional sjw" beliefs.

As for the IWCA statement, what IWCA statement?
Tangential, but ballpark nonetheless:

Uncovering the brutal truth about the British empire | Marc Parry

Ah! The old plucky outsider from Harvard motif :D

(Interesting article, mind.)
I did like this line
She finds that Elkins’s current “narrative of victimisation” also rings a bit false. “There’s only so much ostracism one can plausibly claim if you won a Pulitzer and you became a full professor at Harvard – and this on the strength of the book that supposedly also made you outcast and vilified by all and sundry,” she says. “If only all the rest of us could be ostracised and have to make do with a Pulitzer and a full professorship at Harvard.”
The proposed film sounds sickening
Am i the only one getting annoyed at the Indy's and Al Jazeera's (among others) constant headlines/posts saying shit like 'this happened and you dont care about it' then when you go to read the article its just a news story. I am actually less likely to read something if i feel im being emotionally blackmailed.
Am i the only one getting annoyed at the Indy's and Al Jazeera's (among others) constant headlines/posts saying shit like 'this happened and you dont care about it' then when you go to read the article its just a news story. I am actually less likely to read something if i feel im being emotionally blackmailed.
Most people around here are inoculated against such why-why-whyery due to prolonged treelover exposure.
Am i the only one getting annoyed at the Indy's and Al Jazeera's (among others) constant headlines/posts saying shit like 'this happened and you dont care about it' then when you go to read the article its just a news story. I am actually less likely to read something if i feel im being emotionally blackmailed.
It's the new clickbait. "You won't BELIEVE what you didn't care about today".
Am i the only one getting annoyed at the Indy's and Al Jazeera's (among others) constant headlines/posts saying shit like 'this happened and you dont care about it' then when you go to read the article its just a news story. I am actually less likely to read something if i feel im being emotionally blackmailed.
Odd how the author could think of 20 reasons and not include that
looking at what they've got posted under the class tag on their site, it's striking that the assumption of the articles I saw on the 1st page at least all pretty much seem to assume that the reader isn't among the working class/poor they're talking about. It's like it's an alien species that they're teaching their audience how to deal with/think about (as they fly overhead in planes etc) :D

Neoliberals :thumbs:
From the article:

15. If an employee has disclosed to you that they struggle with hunger, thank them for disclosing, and let them know you know there is no shame in being hungry, and you will not penalize them.

...Gee thanks for not penalising me boss!

The article begins "Whether you're coming from a place of compassion, or of wanting the employees to be more productive..."

Jaw-dropping stuff frankly.
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