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The youth the youth the youth (esp graduates and young professionals) - there's a piece in the next issue of British Journal of Political Science that shows the youth are now far to the right of thatchers children across all measures of traditionally understood social liberalism - and it was labours lack of challenge to this under blair that has effectively normalised this.

Thatcher’s Children and Blair’s Babies: A trickle-down theory of value change. (pdf)

To what extent are new generations ‘Thatcherite’? Using British Social Attitudes data for 1985-2012 and applying age-period-cohort (APC) analysis and generalized additive models (GAMs) this paper investigates whether Thatcher’s Children hold more right-authoritarian political values compared to other political generations. We further examine the extent to which the generation that came of age under New Labour – Blair’s Babies – share these
values. Our findings for generation effects indicate that this political generation is even more right-authoritarian, including with respect to attitudes to redistribution, welfare and crime. We support this view through evidence of cohort effects. Our results show the legacy of Thatcherism for left-right and libertarian-authoritarian values is to be found in its long-term shaping of public opinion through political socialisation.
The youth the youth the youth (esp graduates and young professionals) - there's a piece in the next issue of British Journal of Political Science that shows the youth are now far to the right of thatchers children across all measures of traditionally understood social liberalism - and it was labours lack of challenge to this under blair that has effectively normalised this.

Thatcher’s Children and Blair’s Babies: A trickle-down theory of value change. (pdf)
I don't know about the actual result but didn't Owen Smith poll better among younger member/supporters than Corbyn? or did I misremember?
You mean the exit poll from YouGov inva?

I don't know about the actual result but didn't Owen Smith poll better among younger member/supporters than Corbyn? or did I misremember?

it was some bollocksy sounding Yougov poll, endlessly quoted by Progress shills etc, not based on actual ( presumably available ) data
You mean the exit poll from YouGov inva?

actually I didn't, I'm sure I remember something earlier than that but can't find it googling - though I did come across that poll and was about to post myself.

YouGov do warn that the 18-24 category is one of their smallest sample sizes, so maybe not too reliable anyway.

cheers though
Which they have to make availible to all - yet it doesn't seem to be anywhere. I really think this is just a misrembering.
I'm sure I remember it being talked about on a thread here but there's nothing come up in the search results. I might have managed to imagine a poll and a conversation about it, probably all the excitement of the leadership election getting to me :D
The youth the youth the youth (esp graduates and young professionals) - there's a piece in the next issue of British Journal of Political Science that shows the youth are now far to the right of thatchers children across all measures of traditionally understood social liberalism - and it was labours lack of challenge to this under blair that has effectively normalised this.

Thatcher’s Children and Blair’s Babies: A trickle-down theory of value change. (pdf)
thanks for this - i felt it in my bones to be the case....capitalist realism is a big part of this though...the old "easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism"...still potentially an open door to push on rather than deeply held with conviction ideological beliefs I think
The future is generation is clearly a lost cause. Whiny remain-voting Smith supporters. The little shits need to have their ears twisted by their mums. Go and clean your rooms and think about what you fucking voted for. Don't come down for tea until you're ready to apologise. :mad:

Oh I dunno, seems to me if the consensus you grow up in is neoliberal, while you're still too young to realise how utterly fucked you are and how much of the talk of "you can succeed if only you believe/try hard enough" is garbage a right-wing trend will develop - but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll stick when reality, the first kid, the barren jobs market, the horrors of the welfare state etc come calling.

The narrative's up for grabs really, just depends on whose answers come through loudest. As a young liberal/leftie my generation (the 25-39 bracket) was pretty much entirely uninterested in socialism when I was 18, too few trade unionists to even measure on the charts, and now they're polling harder for the Labour left than the 40-59ers. We remain pretty shite as an age bracket mind you, big ideas about voting unconnected to thoughts about rebuilding solidarity unionism etc (God people in their 30s and picket lines, don't get me started), but still.
The youth the youth the youth (esp graduates and young professionals) - there's a piece in the next issue of British Journal of Political Science that shows the youth are now far to the right of thatchers children across all measures of traditionally understood social liberalism - and it was labours lack of challenge to this under blair that has effectively normalised this.

Thatcher’s Children and Blair’s Babies: A trickle-down theory of value change. (pdf)
thanks for this, it's a good read.
Hillary Clinton: why I'm with her

'I want Clinton to win in November. Not just because I’d rather not see the world’s only superpower topple over the edge of political unreason. Not just because she’s clearly a better candidate than Trump — an ageing golden retriever chasing the Democratic ribbon on its own tail would be a better candidate than Trump. I also want Clinton to win because she is a woman and a feminist, even if her feminism is unlike my own. I believe that all else being equal — and in this case it’s not even close — it’s time for a woman to lead the nominally free world.'
She fully supports Hilary the "soft-neoliberal", but is still a little bit anarchist though, all governments are her enemy , but she wants Hilary to be her enemy because she can respect her :confused: Also if you don't see something to celebrate in Hilary you are a misogynist :facepalm:
Well slap my bum and call me Sally.

Has she started red-baiting against Russia yet? That's next.
Have I missed something. Doesn't this just say: "well at least she's not as bad as Trump...froth, blah, I'm an anarchist"? Didn't everyone figure this months ago? What took her so long?

eta...sorry...'decades ago'

eta...clearly not 'everybody', I forgot about Trump supporters.
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