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Urban v's the Commentariat

1. none of them give a fuck about the scottish people. not glamourous enough, not far enough away or oppressed enough to be interesting like venezualans or black american people.
2. no points to be won with future employers - all the political parties are No, as are all the newspaper publishers, so only No-friendly columns would be acceptable...
2. but most of their audience will be Yes, leading to potentially confrontational tweets. bringing point 1. back into it, it's simply not worth their while doing either their cred or their prospects damage just to express an opinion on some boring issue that only affects dough-faced povvos from scotchland who propably aren't poly-sexual otherkin friendly and have never seen a genderqueer social centre in their lives.

not even a tweeted saltire :(
1. none of them give a fuck about the scottish people. not glamourous enough, not far enough away or oppressed enough to be interesting like venezualans or black american people.
2. no points to be won with future employers - all the political parties are No, as are all the newspaper publishers, so only No-friendly columns would be acceptable...
2. but most of their audience will be Yes, leading to potentially confrontational tweets. bringing point 1. back into it, it's simply not worth their while doing either their cred or their prospects damage just to express an opinion on some boring issue that only affects dough-faced povvos from scotchland who propably aren't poly-sexual otherkin friendly and have never seen a genderqueer social centre in their lives.
With the polling so close, it's time to call for PD to weigh in and declare that if anybody needs to step back and review their unexamined white privilege, it's the scotch.
"flaunting their democratic privilege by going it alone lacking solidarity with the working classes of london a smack in the face for the global revolution etc etc"
With the polling so close, it's time to call for PD to weigh in and declare that if anybody needs to step back and review their unexamined white privilege, it's the scotch.

I recall a passage from Irvine Welsh's 'Filth' where a particularly nobbish copper says when discussing racism 'The english had made slaves out of us before they even knew where africa was!' :hmm:
James Watt invented steam, which has powered the wheel of oppression ever since. Ban steam.

Well to be fair Newcomen invented steam, Watt invented the little chamber off to the side of the steam engine (condenser) which you squirted little squirts of cold water into, which collapsed the vacuum so you didn't have to pump little squirts of cold water into the main cylinder which cooled the cylinder down.

That increased efficiencies so you only needed (as I recall) 2/3 the amount of coal. Because of the patent laws at the time he got a fixed percentage of the savings which earned him a bob or two.
Well to be fair Newcomen invented steam, Watt invented the little chamber off to the side of the steam engine (condenser) which you squirted little squirts of cold water into, which collapsed the vacuum so you didn't have to pump little squirts of cold water into the main cylinder which cooled the cylinder down.

That increased efficiencies so you only needed (as I recall) 2/3 the amount of coal. Because of the patent laws at the time he got a fixed percentage of the savings which earned him a bob or two.

Neither of them actually invented steam - Newcomen invented a way of harnessing the potential power of steam, and Watt invented a way of making it more efficient.

Anyway, isn't the Wheel of Oppression powered by a combination of hot air and tweets? I don't think the Scots can claim any exclusive rights to either of those...
Well to be fair Newcomen invented steam, Watt invented the little chamber off to the side of the steam engine (condenser) which you squirted little squirts of cold water into, which collapsed the vacuum so you didn't have to pump little squirts of cold water into the main cylinder which cooled the cylinder down.

That increased efficiencies so you only needed (as I recall) 2/3 the amount of coal. Because of the patent laws at the time he got a fixed percentage of the savings which earned him a bob or two.
Sciencesplaining. Blocked.
Neither of them actually invented steam - Newcomen invented a way of harnessing the potential power of steam, and Watt invented a way of making it more efficient.

Anyway, isn't the Wheel of Oppression powered by a combination of hot air and tweets? I don't think the Scots can claim any exclusive rights to either of those...

Round and round went the great fuking wheel,

In and out went the great prick of steel,

Balls of brass all loaded with cream,

And the whole mechanism was driven by steam.
Is this for real? On another thread, toggle is giving a poster reams of abuse for not being a good enough 'ally' over a woman receiving misogynist abuse online, here she's doubting the sincerity of a the reactions of a woman receiving misogynist abuse online. Fucksake.

Nope, she's questioning the level of function available to someone suffering a panic attack. Having had them myself (in relation to agoraphobia that I've since managed to mostly suppress), I'm well-aware that the triggered "fight or flight" instinct allows for very little beyond that, and physiologically the flood of adrenaline and other hormones will massively affect fine motor control for at least five minutes after the "peak" of the panic attack.
So by your own admission your judgement has been coloured by your looking into material that you're quite clearly not mentally strong enough to be able to handle looking at. It's left its mark on you to the extent that you now view all men as potential sex offenders/rapists/perpetrators of violence against women. Which is a really unhealthy way of looking at the world. And it still doesn't justify saying of Lezard (or anyone else) " I bet he carries rohypnol around with him, he just looks the type". Judging someone by their appearance - Not cool, not cool at all - That black kid with his hood up, I bet he's a street robber - He just looks the type.

Get some help.

E2a - You're male aren't you? Looking at your own gender in such a warped way will really seriously damage your already fragile self esteem. You're doing yourself no favours.

Way to miss the point and show yourself up, Frances.
Owen Jones has been tweeting about it a lot and wrote this the other day


well, you can't really argue with that article. mostly because all he's doing is recognising that it's quite important really. it's an exercise in not saying anything whilst appearing to say something, in true politicians style. have his tweets been criticising the stream of lies and threats coming out of his own party?
Way to miss the point and show yourself up, Frances.

Way to be late to the party, fatboy. That was a week ago. I said my thing, el-rabbitchops exercised his right to reply and all's well that ends well, the thread moves on, the world keeps turning etc. Until cue the arrival of some beardy fat sac whose arrogance won't allow him to consider the possibility that the world could ever keep turning without first hearing his opinion on the issues that six days ago wrapped yesterdays chips. Well it's heard them now so move on, you're only a week late.
Being part of the commentariat bubble, Jones has no idea that the rest of us might want to use pseudonyms on the internet because we might be monitored by bosses. Either because we are posting at work, or because we might have views that they disagree with. Or even that we might want to have a moan about our work.
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Being part of the commentariat bubble, Jones has no idea that the rest of us might want to use pseudonyms on the internet because we might be monitored by bosses. Either because we are posting at work, or because we might have views that the disagree with. Or even that we might want to have a moan about our work.

Pretty much. Dude is delusional to expect people to simply reveal themselves online when he requests it.
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