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Owen is asking for good reviews on facebook this morning..

Ok everyone - this is an embarrassing plea for your help. When left-wing journalist Laurie Penny's book came out, right-wing trolls bombarded her Amazon review page with one star reviews. I knew they were going to do the same with me, and so they have (see the attached pic). I can't emphasise how much this crew are obsessed with me, and it's flattering that they're rattled. As I've said to people over and over, please do not buy the book from Amazon if you can. But the websit...e is a key reference point - before people buy books they check the review on the website. As you can see, no-one in these reviews has read the book - it's just an attempt by my obsessive hard right wing trolls to trash it. So as I say - as much as I hate to do it - this is a plea for readers' help! And for those who haven't got it - buy it from a local tax-paying bookshop!
Well i hope owen is insisting people read the book before getting involved in this good review campaign....

As you can see, no-one in these reviews has read the book

or is that the point? £££££££:hmm:
Ignore the 1 star reviews - this book has clearly rattled The Establishment

Please ignore the fake reviews by right-wing trolls, you can tell if they have not read the book, it's clear from anyone that Owen is a socialist, this book is full of very credible ideas, well researched and very entertaining. If you buy it though, please don't buy it here.

90 5 star reviews reading like that. 'ignore the fake reviews'.

too much time spent researching the attitudes and psychology of sex offenders, rapists, and MRAs 'undercover' for an Anti Violence Against Women Project last year, probably. once you see it, it cannot be unseen. becomes a kind of presumption of guilt for all men really.

So by your own admission your judgement has been coloured by your looking into material that you're quite clearly not mentally strong enough to be able to handle looking at. It's left its mark on you to the extent that you now view all men as potential sex offenders/rapists/perpetrators of violence against women. Which is a really unhealthy way of looking at the world. And it still doesn't justify saying of Lezard (or anyone else) " I bet he carries rohypnol around with him, he just looks the type". Judging someone by their appearance - Not cool, not cool at all - That black kid with his hood up, I bet he's a street robber - He just looks the type.

Get some help.

E2a - You're male aren't you? Looking at your own gender in such a warped way will really seriously damage your already fragile self esteem. You're doing yourself no favours.
I'm only reviewing this book in response to Owen's plea that I give him 5 stars for agreeing with him.

I'm sure it's great if you agree with what he says, terrible if you disagree and simple drudgery to complete if you're anyone else. Not that I'll ever find out. I've not read it and never will. The copy of whatever it is that he's also written about the underclass I received as a misguided present will remain unread on my shelf too.

A great gift for people who are a little bit communism and think Laurie Penny is 'left-wing'. I would like to give it a Schrodingers rating or 1 and 5 at the same time, but I'll have to settle with 3 stars.

2 of 20 people found the following review helpful :(
my personal favourite:
39 of 47 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Great.. 4 Sep 2014
By Ms J Walker
Great... a must read book - whatever your political persuasion it's impotent to have a balanced view and this, whatever you views, is a fascinating book
Journalist Laurie Penny and historian David Starkey go head-to-head at the Sunday Times Festival of Education on Saturday 23th June, 2012. Penny called Starkey a "racist" and a "bigot" after he claimed a child exploitation ring who groomed white girls for sex had values "that were entrenched in foothills of the Punjab." Starkey responded, glass of wine in hand, by aggressively accusing Penny of demanding a large fee for appearing at an event before poking his finger in her face and criticizing her public school education.

Unfortunately you could equally well argue that the values which allowed it to happen are entrenched in the foothills of the Peak District (or more widely, obviously, not suggesting it's confined to one small part of Britain).
Starkey responded, glass of wine in hand, by aggressively accusing Penny of demanding a large fee for appearing at an event before poking his finger in her face and criticizing her public school education
.. Which was reported by LP on twitter as (link edited in)
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So by your own admission your judgement has been coloured by your looking into material that you're quite clearly not mentally strong enough to be able to handle looking at. It's left its mark on you to the extent that you now view all men as potential sex offenders/rapists/perpetrators of violence against women. Which is a really unhealthy way of looking at the world. And it still doesn't justify saying of Lezard (or anyone else) " I bet he carries rohypnol around with him, he just looks the type". Judging someone by their appearance - Not cool, not cool at all - That black kid with his hood up, I bet he's a street robber - He just looks the type.

Get some help.

E2a - You're male aren't you? Looking at your own gender in such a warped way will really seriously damage your already fragile self esteem. You're doing yourself no favours.

oh do fuck off, freud.
oh do fuck off, freud.
1. none of them give a fuck about the scottish people. not glamourous enough, not far enough away or oppressed enough to be interesting like venezualans or black american people.
2. no points to be won with future employers - all the political parties are No, as are all the newspaper publishers, so only No-friendly columns would be acceptable...
2. but most of their audience will be Yes, leading to potentially confrontational tweets. bringing point 1. back into it, it's simply not worth their while doing either their cred or their prospects damage just to express an opinion on some boring issue that only affects dough-faced povvos from scotchland who propably aren't poly-sexual otherkin friendly and have never seen a genderqueer social centre in their lives.
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