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Urban v's the Commentariat

Actually, I bet she's surely tempted to do just that. I don't think her skin is particularly thick.

Nah, she is brimming with that individual manifest destiny that private school kids all seem to have in spades whether it's warranted or not.
<snip> Actually, I bet she's surely tempted to do just that. I don't think her skin is particularly thick.
"Sorely", surely, you're welcome.

Thick skin or thin, LP's got this far. Maybe even negative attention is welcome, as long as it's attention. She wouldn't be the first.
"Sorely", surely, you're welcome.

Thick skin or thin, LP's got this far. Maybe even negative attention is welcome, as long as it's attention. She wouldn't be the first.

No, she certainly wouldn't.

But compare her to someone like Julie Burchill--who obviously doesn't give a toss what anyone thinks of her (or at least gives a very convincing impression of feeling that way). I don't think LP relishes being denounced and berated in the way that Burchill does.

And you know where that difference comes from? Class, that's where.
Not so much the women ime.
You mean you're less good at seeing it. The autistic spectrum isn't expressed in the same way regardless of sex or gender, why would other characteristics be expressed identically?
<snip> compare her to someone like Julie Burchill--who obviously doesn't give a toss what anyone thinks of her (or at least gives a very convincing impression of feeling that way). I don't think LP relishes being denounced and berated in the way that Burchill does.

And you know where that difference comes from? Class, that's where.
Not necessarily - masochistic streaks and other psychological flaws and quirks are no respecters of class or other arbitrary dividing lines.
Not necessarily - masochistic streaks and other psychological flaws and quirks are no respecters of class or other arbitrary dividing lines.

Ooh yes they are. The English ruling class are completely different to everyone else. Why wouldn't they be? They live in their own world from cradle to grave, they never even meet outsiders.
I've no interest in a word-by-word dissection of the post I was replying to, but it was far from 'only in my head'. Enough people make breathless pronouncements about Farage / Johnson / Duncan Smith / etc etc being nazis for it to be necessary to challenge it when it comes up - they aren't, and to talk of them in the same breath as nazis is making those associations, whether it's meant or not. It isn't a defence of Johnson or Farage to challenge it - it's a demand for accuracy. Neo-liberal economics is the enemy, not Nazism.

Of those three, Duncan Smith gets accused of being a Nazi most often, from what I've seen.

Farage may get called it occasionally; he's more often dismissed, here and elsewhere, as a rascist.

I can't remember ever seeing Johnson seriously described as a Nazi, he doesn't even have the word rascist generally attached to him.

And whatever you say, Rural didn't describe or even hint at Farage and Johnson as Nazis, yet you feel the need to get your retaliation in first. Why is that, I wonder?...

But you're right that neo-liberalism is the enemy, so we can hopefully agree to attack/criticise Farage/Johnson/etc on that basis
wtf are you trying to say Andy? If think I have some kind of ulterior motive in misunderstanding rural's post, I'd appreciate if you were clear about what you think it is?
Ooh yes they are. The English ruling class are completely different to everyone else. Why wouldn't they be? They live in their own world from cradle to grave, they never even meet outsiders.
So you might think (does the Queen think state schools always have a faint smell of fresh paint?) and you've probably had more contact with them than I have, haven't got the time to debate this with you atm, bluetailed fly day.
"Sorely", surely, you're welcome.

Thick skin or thin, LP's got this far. Maybe even negative attention is welcome, as long as it's attention. She wouldn't be the first.

LP could be accused of monetarising her own sensitivity/vulnerability in some instances. her persona is quite delicate at times, she has public (well on twitter!) panic attacks, tweets how she is crying cos of what mean ppl r saying to her (and i dont mean the awful violent threats she gets, often it's just members of an oppressed group asking her to please reconsider what crass thing she is saying about them). this leads to a lot of attention directed her way from so-called "white knights", who she even wrote in praise of recently. in person she appears small, frail, well, vulnerable. i know u cant help aspects of ur appearance. but u can capitalise on them.
He isn't helped by the fact that he adopted "work makes you free" as a catchphrase when he first become secretary of state at the DWP, which was pretty much a gift to anyone remotely satirically-inclined.
that slogan, together with the spiteful "go home" one adopted by the immigration dept & their vans, is the sort of thing id have once thought was not possible these days. taken together, along with the actions that have accompanied them, i can see why the word fascism jumps to mind. it's impossible to avoid it.
that slogan, together with the spiteful "go home" one adopted by the immigration dept & their vans, is the sort of thing id have once thought was not possible these days. taken together, along with the actions that have accompanied them, i can see why the word fascism jumps to mind. it's impossible to avoid it.

I try to avoid it, and "Nazism", purely because to apply those labels to these deluded neoliberal cuntwipes cheapens the labels. They aren't "fascist" or "Nazi", they're authoritarian patricians - the worst possible kind of patrician. They'll shit all over you, while convincing themselves that they're doing "good works".
I try to avoid it, and "Nazism", purely because to apply those labels to these deluded neoliberal cuntwipes cheapens the labels. They aren't "fascist" or "Nazi", they're authoritarian patricians - the worst possible kind of patrician. They'll shit all over you, while convincing themselves that they're doing "good works".
yep, yep, i agree with u & i didnt call anyone a nazi earlier on. it's occurred to me since then that looking at those slogans, it is hard to avoid thinking "fascism" tho. i also do not want to use words like nazi etc to become a distraction, thats no help.
I try to avoid it, and "Nazism", purely because to apply those labels to these deluded neoliberal cuntwipes cheapens the labels. They aren't "fascist" or "Nazi", they're authoritarian patricians - the worst possible kind of patrician. They'll shit all over you, while convincing themselves that they're doing "good works".

I am not even sure they are that, to be honest. Carnegie was an authoritarian patrician but of course he opened libraries, rather than closed them.
I try to avoid it, and "Nazism", purely because to apply those labels to these deluded neoliberal cuntwipes cheapens the labels. They aren't "fascist" or "Nazi", they're authoritarian patricians - the worst possible kind of patrician. They'll shit all over you, while convincing themselves that they're doing "good works".
Don't think so. I think they're free market capitalists. There's nothing noble about this lot, even misguided nobility.
Amazing innit. Doesn't that guy know the SS would have put a bullet in his brain before he'd even staggered off the train?

Was ist das, ginger hair, beard, glasses, about 4ft 9 and with more than a little of the oriental about him? Turn right schweinhund...

Sorry Phil. Whilst. I'm in accord with the spirit of your post, and don't wish to criticise I feel I must comment.

I've stood on the platform at Auschwitz-Birkenau, at the very spot where Nazi officers made the decision to send people "left" or "right". And it's one of the few situations where I've completely broken down.

A place that overwhelmed me, utterly.


It's not a place I can joke about. Or can read jokes about.

And, I know your post was explicitly anti-nazi, and about bringing the realities home to the ironic "Nipsters". But...but, I still found it upsetting.

I will struggle with "flippant" references like this, to concrete places, I guess. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Worth bearing in mind?

...that said, I hope we are united in implacable opposition to pricks like him.
LP could be accused of monetarising her own sensitivity/vulnerability in some instances. her persona is quite delicate at times, she has public (well on twitter!) panic attacks, tweets how she is crying cos of what mean ppl r saying to her (and i dont mean the awful violent threats she gets, often it's just members of an oppressed group asking her to please reconsider what crass thing she is saying about them). this leads to a lot of attention directed her way from so-called "white knights", who she even wrote in praise of recently. in person she appears small, frail, well, vulnerable. i know u cant help aspects of ur appearance. but u can capitalise on them.

iif she's claiming to be trying on twitter while having a panic attack, then i don't know if she really knows what a full blown panic attack actaully is. cause she'd be too busy, at best, trying to remember how to breathe. at worst, wondering if she was having a heart attack.

i don't doubt she gets shit, but that shit is attention seeking and is insulting to those that are actually that distressed by abuse.
phildwyer post: 13376177 said:
I think that's the point really.

I mean, where do you draw the line? The gulag was quite upsetting too. I've been to Toul Sleng: very upsetting. So we can only discuss any such things in hushed, reverent tones? Nah, I don't buy it.
At certain times i feel very sensitive (maybe over?) To the endless horrors ppl have inflicted & continue to inflict on each other. Sometimes overwhelmed by it. I've been pretty ill for a couple weeks & feel done it by it all atm (oh god I sound like LP. I even had a temperature). When I feel stronger in myself I find I am more able to use humour as a defence against the horrors. I do try not to say anything that would hurt or cause upset to another cos of my own ignorance or bigotry & I'm sorry if I've ever seemed like I'm trivialising what r matters of life & death. Sometimes I do think if I didnt laugh id cry tho :/
Yer man's Linkedin - This is the kind of loon that Laurie and Crabapple gravitate towards? And they complain about being called fakes all the time?

Organizations I support:

Electronic Frontier Foundation
Feminist Software Foundation
Free Software Foundation
Front National
British National Party
Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands
حزب الله‎
حركة المقاومة الاسلامية
حزب البعث
American Freedom Party
Λαϊκός Σύνδεσμος – Χρυσή Αυγή
Schweizerische Volkspartei
Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs
Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie
Dansk Folkeparti
Всеукраїнське об’єднання
الحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي‎
Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
Yer man's Linkedin - This is the kind of loon that Laurie and Crabapple gravitate towards? And they complain about being called fakes all the time?
LinkedIn said:
Organizations I support:

...Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging...
Maybe they thought the Voortrekker baarde were a hipster thing?
I think that's the point really.

I mean, where do you draw the line? The gulag was quite upsetting too. I've been to Toul Sleng: very upsetting. So we can only discuss any such things in hushed, reverent tones? Nah, I don't buy it.

Nah. Course not.

I was just letting you know how that post made me feel. It's not a big deal, and I'm certainly not trying to tell you what to post, or how to post. But I do think it's sometimes worth letting people know if/when things they say resonate in unintended ways. That's all.
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iif she's claiming to be trying on twitter while having a panic attack, then i don't know if she really knows what a full blown panic attack actaully is. cause she'd be too busy, at best, trying to remember how to breathe. at worst, wondering if she was having a heart attack.

i don't doubt she gets shit, but that shit is attention seeking and is insulting to those that are actually that distressed by abuse.
I don't think you get to decide whether she's distressed enough or not.
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