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Urban v's the Commentariat

Cis is used as a slur though, all over the identity politics section of the internet. just because they say they don't, we can read context. using the language of sensible intersectional politics, it merely is an identifier, but where intersectionality has become identity politics it is clear that cis is a slur. that's why none of them bang on about being cis. they're all genderqueer even if they're straight people who dress to their birth gender. because to be cis is to lose oppression points. and they need lots of oppression points to make up for the fact they;'re all white middle class people with fuck all real oppression to be victims of. none of them use cis- as a neutral term of description, it's always loaded and used to imply privilege and to shut down voices of opposition.

no vietnamese ever called me cisgendered

Wait, are you implying white-middle-class trans folk won't suffer oppression? C'mon. They clearly do. https://www.health.ny.gov/diseases/aids/consumers/lgbt/transgender_health_concerns.htm
loads of tweets today asking why people don't identify themselves as cis or trans etc. surely most trans people face far more serious issues than this? and im getting really annoyed by this self indulgent wank when kids are dying in gaza
I got caught up in a Cis/Terf loop yesterday on twitter - it's a fucking minefield!
Wiki says that Criado-Perez was born in Brazil and her da escaped the Argentinian dictatorship. You'd think that this would amount to an impressive oppression point score with intersectionalistas but apparently not. Maybe if she had curly hair like Flavia Dzodan, she'd be allowed to identify as a WOC?

flavia dzodan hair.jpg
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Christ, 11 minutes into that NS podcast, Penny is already conflating disgusting misogyny with actual critique of her writing.

No change there, then. It's a handy means to avoid engaging with actual critics and to try scaring people into silence rather than force an issue. It's evasion, a cheap shot and a lie based on expediency rather than fact. Then again, her integrity (story involving a person threatening suicide that professionals advised her not to proceed with, she ignored them and wrote it up anyway), honesty (see the Ryan Gosling debacle and anybody not agreeing with her being a misogynist), professional ability (see lousy fact-checking where they're checked at all) and hypocrisy (fronting up to people and making libellous allegations when she thinks she can get away with it, then running away and whinging about being smeared when she's caught dead to rights) don't exactly inspire confidence.
I find it hard to think lp has a levels at times, let alone a degree from Oxford or Cambridge. Surely she's capable of a little critical thinking/fact checking? Or does she just say anything that sounds populist?

I suspect that she follows the standard idea of focusing on an issue, and then pulling in info about it. Thing is, I was taught that you draw info from a variety of sources, from other papers' stories and academia, and synthesise a relevant article from them. I'm not sure that LP bothers with anything as time-consuming as reading academic papers in order to cross-check her claims. I'm fairly sure that she thinks "oh well, if it was printed in another paper, and the journo didn't get pulled up, it must be right!".
It's journalism by blagging, and that's without critiquing how she inserts herself into every story!
If you've been abused then the "common sense" idea that you are likely to go on to become an abuser yourself really isn't going to help you come to terms with it.

No, and I've known people to actually be harmed (mostly through self-harm) because of their own belief in that "common sense" piece of nonsense after it was retailed to them. Sometimes, I wish Ms Penny would bother to engage her brain before submitting her copy, I really fucking do. :(
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Wiki says that Criado-Perez was born in Brazil and her da escaped the Argentinian dictatorship. You'd think that this would amount to an impressive oppression point score with intersectionalistas but apparently not. Maybe if she had curly hair like Flavia Dzodan, she'd be allowed to identify as a WOC?

View attachment 58759

how awful to be confused with a white person when your hair is clearly nothing like a white person's hair.


surely only a racist could possible look at this person and see a white woman? LOOK AT THAT HAIR PEOPLE LOOK AT IT.
how awful to be confused with a white person when your hair is clearly nothing like a white person's hair.


surely only a racist could possible look at this person and see a white woman? LOOK AT THAT HAIR PEOPLE LOOK AT IT.
you need to check your cis privilege matey :mad:
No, and I've known people to actually be harmed (mostly through self-harm) because of their own belief in that "common sense" piece of nonsense after it was retailed to them. Sometimes, I wish Ms Penny would bother to engage her brain before submitting her copy, I really fucking do. :(
Me too. It makes me rage with the unfairness & inaccuracy of it. Does a lot of damage. I wish ppl would stop repeating it uncritically.
how awful to be confused with a white person when your hair is clearly nothing like a white person's hair.


surely only a racist could possible look at this person and see a white woman? LOOK AT THAT HAIR PEOPLE LOOK AT IT.
I have literally seen tweeters (with no sense of irony) condemn ccp 4 having blonde hair while claiming to b South American, while saying how awful it is women like flavia r oppressed cos they r s American, ie in terms of hyper-sexualisation etc. The things they pity poor flavia for are used to degrade ccp. Like everything else, most of these ppl have no values, it's all who u like & who is in with the cool group.
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