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Urban v's the Commentariat

Again, she lumps all criticism or her and her friends as MRAs. She's only really interested in censoring those who critique their work. Not that any of us would defend rampant misogyny but she's deliberately conflating the two issues.

And completely failing to acknowledge that this is a universal problem, or deliberately avoiding the fact. Cynical, ignorant (possibly wilfully so) and thoroughly dishonest.
Which is ridiculous Bakunin you're no more a misogynist than I am. Online should be safe for everybody, it's not just about making it safe for women only. I've had some online abuse, not much fortunately, and I think that the semi-anonymous nature of it, even on Urban, makes certain people think they can say whatever they want with impunity and no consequences.
Which is ridiculous Bakunin you're no more a misogynist than I am. Online should be safe for everybody, it's not just about making it safe for women only. I've had some online abuse, not much fortunately, and I think that the semi-anonymous nature of it, even on Urban, makes certain people think they can say whatever they want with impunity and no consequences.

I had somebody harass me both online and in person and it's certainly not something I'd wish on anybody. It's debilitating, it affects your personal relationships with other people, it's upsetting and it can wear you down the longer it goes on for. The web, unfortunately, lends itself to people who want to do that because they can hit and run while hiding behind multiple identities and smear you before anybody with an internet connection just by typing bullshit and posting it up.
I asked her that in the comment section and she hasn't responded. I've asked others that on Twitter. The answers to raising the issue consisted of my being labelled a misogynist and told to fuck off.
This is the problem with so much*debate* on twitter, any dissent gets someone labelled as "evil", "the worst" "a whatever-phobe". Completely shuts down debate
I think I'd rather he went to somewhere like Sealand, so all of us were safe from his rampant bigotry.
Liddle's a prick.

What is most offensive about him is not what he writes - I doubt he believes a word of it - but that he thinks he can get away with pawning this shit off as what the "ordinary man in the street" believes. He wouldn't dream of talking like this amongst his social circle, yet merrily writes it for us.
In 1983 Rod Liddle was the music columnist for a local paper in South Wales, and he made a band I was in his "hot tip" for success that year. Catch them now, he wrote, before you can't afford them. They're going to be bigger than the Beatles.

Within a month we had broken up amid terrible acrimony and the bass player was in prison.

Make of that what you will.
Oh damn, I meant to post this yesterday - on the commentariat front, Owen "Oxbridge" Jones was one of the speakers at the Gaza solidarity demo on Saturday. As he started up, I was looking at the video screen, and noticed that he was reciting his speech from reading his mobile phone! Surely that's kinda cheating, right? At least the Gorgeous One's later tub-thumping bellowing was done w/out any sort of script (let alone a bloody mobile phone).
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