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Urban v's the Commentariat

It's from 2009 but amazingly lacking in self-awareness:

"Islamic culture is not mine to appropriate. I still enjoy wearing hijab, but out of respect to the many full-time veil-wearers in my area of London I only wear it around the house. Maybe that's weird - but it's no weirder than the many women who are happiest prancing around their living rooms in frilly underwear or, in the case of one particular friend of mine, eight-inch spike heels and a steel-bone corset."

  • Misrepresenting/misquoting woman during cycle of student protests & occupations (IIRC the person in question came back with a three-part blog takedown of LP)
  • Changing sexual self-identification to suit audience/garner sympathy
Sofie Buckland
"More Irish than English" but a little bit jewish as well.

The mutiny blather in her book while gushing simultaneously over pretend labour party water carrier Tom Watson.
laurie penny mutiny.jpg

Hatred of Americans.
laurie penny americans.jpg

Chasing Tommy and subsequent interview.

Hilarious graffiti attempt for German tv and doing a scabby interview for a paper that has a policy of boycotting and smearing the German left.

Bizarre self aggrandisment, illustrated by that portrait.
Why is it that in London, in New York, in California, in Egypt and across the world, it is young journalists who have come to be identified, in the absence of named leaders, as figureheads in these new movements? Why not orators, organisers, artists, musicians, singer-songwriters? Why journalists?
Don't want to get deported/arrested just for journalism and too warm to go to Gaza protest
Contrast with say, Naomi Klein who got arrested outside the white house in 2011.
“I wasn’t planning to get arrested,” Klein told the Star minutes after she was sprung. “It was a last-minute decision. I was sitting there with several indigenous leaders from Canada. And when it became clear they intended to stay where they were and expose themselves to arrest, well . . .” She did the same. For Klein, it was a first-ever arrest. “I write. And I’m an activist. But I’m not a chanter, not a marcher. I’ve never been arrested before.
“But that’s what’s been happened for two weeks. Climate scientists, landowners, a wide range of people who all feel this same sense of urgency. The feeling is that we can’t just talk about the stakes on Twitter and leave it at that. If we mean what we say then we have to act like it.” Klein is unsure yet whether the bust will come back haunt her in future cross-border travels.

I hope this doesn't clash too much with the Camila Vallejo vs Laurie priv off international thing I've nearly done. :(
Christ, how did I miss this Penny debacle from 2011?


"Yesterday, Laurie Penny published a piece about the sentencing of Charlie Gilmour on the New Statesman website (http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/laurie-penny/2011/07/charlie-gilmour-months-tabloid), which was chiefly a character assassination. Gilmour is accused by Penny (a journalist who considers herself not only part of the movement but the authentic voice of his generation) of being a “spoilt, selfish, drug-addled neo-aristocratic nihilist with daddy issues”, a “posh tosser”, a “massive prat”, and a “messed-up young idiot”, not to mention her implication that he has an alcohol problem."

She eventually agreed to edit it.

Editor's note: This post was updated by Laurie Penny at 5.05pm on Sunday, 17 July

Christ, how did I miss this Penny debacle from 2011?


"Yesterday, Laurie Penny published a piece about the sentencing of Charlie Gilmour on the New Statesman website (http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/laurie-penny/2011/07/charlie-gilmour-months-tabloid), which was chiefly a character assassination. Gilmour is accused by Penny (a journalist who considers herself not only part of the movement but the authentic voice of his generation) of being a “spoilt, selfish, drug-addled neo-aristocratic nihilist with daddy issues”, a “posh tosser”, a “massive prat”, and a “messed-up young idiot”, not to mention her implication that he has an alcohol problem."

She eventually agreed to edit it.

Editor's note: This post was updated by Laurie Penny at 5.05pm on Sunday, 17 July

this would be the same laurie penny who went to oxford, leaving herself open to charges of being 'a massive prat', 'posh tosser', 'messed up young idiot' and doubtless tippler etc etc ad nauseam?
Christ, how did I miss this Penny debacle from 2011?


"Yesterday, Laurie Penny published a piece about the sentencing of Charlie Gilmour on the New Statesman website (http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/laurie-penny/2011/07/charlie-gilmour-months-tabloid), which was chiefly a character assassination. Gilmour is accused by Penny (a journalist who considers herself not only part of the movement but the authentic voice of his generation) of being a “spoilt, selfish, drug-addled neo-aristocratic nihilist with daddy issues”, a “posh tosser”, a “massive prat”, and a “messed-up young idiot”, not to mention her implication that he has an alcohol problem."

She eventually agreed to edit it.

Editor's note: This post was updated by Laurie Penny at 5.05pm on Sunday, 17 July
She was right there. Which also means we can legitimately use similar characterisations back at her and most of the rest of the commentariat.
She was right there. Which also means we can legitimately use similar characterisations back at her and most of the rest of the commentariat.

I still think his nailing on that was unfairly harsh, but yes he shouldn't have been off his tree on acid swinging from a cenotaph. Its not just a bit off, it makes everyone around him look a cunt as well, allows the tarring with brush.
  • Sucking up to Helen Lewis (who commissions the articles), and then sucking up to the person currently beefing with Helen Lewis (invariably a someone who lends LP some intersectional cred)
  • ‘Did I mention that I'm Great Showbiz Pals with Warren Ellis?’/Savage Red Pen of Justice
  • Getting her Twitter followers to donate cash instead of putting her own hand in her pocket to help out that Greek journo who had his kit nicked whilst working as an unpaid stringer/translator for her 9 day excursion to Hellas
I wonder if the youngsters among us even know what a dial-up modem sounds like. Back in my day, it took a minute to connect and anyone posting a huge cat picture on a forum would have been crucified.

Kids today are all 'Why can't I stream this video to my fridge in full 1080p'.
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