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Urban, you are tasked to fix the Met Police force!

There is no fixing it, the faults are those of capitalism and an institution that is designed to keep us toeing the line.
The prejudices within it are those of the "divide and conquer" mindset of the ruling class, any attempt to reform the police is ultimately doomed and inquiries and reports are just paying lip service to some notion of justice and equity to cover up how rotten the entire thing is from the inside out.
The only remedy is to get rid of the foul system that it helps to underpin.
Firstly, disband the Met, obviously.

Eliminate poverty by giving a million pounds to everyone in the poorest third of society (thus extinguishing crime that is caused by poverty).

Then decriminalise all drugs to eliminate the crime caused that way.

Then get rid of the crimes caused by mental illness and other remaining misdemeanours by decriminalising all of the specific crimes involved.

Serial murderers and certain other extremely serious cases to be dissuaded from their suboptimal choices by a conditional programme where they can earn McDonalds vouchers for every murder not committed.

All Met property to be converted to correctional facilities for investigative journalists and/or any others who question the new regime or its results.
Decriminalise drugs and medicalise addiction prescribe drugs to those that need them with focus on reducing harm.

Any copper with any sort of disciplinary report on record gets the chop

Use the war on drugs money to focus training on and investigation of sexual offences and domestic violence

More coppers both frontline and administrative. Make the job less “stressful”

All New coppers to undergo rigorous psychological testing and back ground checked to weed out unsuitable candidates

De-politise the police. How fuxk knows

Look at promotions and managerial level posts. Filter monied, good school, good university establishment nodding dogs ending up on The top. What the fuck is it with Met bosses with A knighthood

review objectives and policies.
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Use the war on drugs money to focus training on and investigation of sexual offences and domestic violence

More social services to help get women and kids away from abusive men. Better social housing so they've got somewhere to go. Better benefits so they've got something to eat when they get there.

We need to stop creating generation after generation of boys who grow up to do shit things because of the shit things they endure at home. I teach some kids who are likely to end up in prison at some point, no matter what we do for them, because all they can ever do is act out the aggression, misogyny and racism of their fathers.
Actually do the whole vetting thing correctly and check peoples Social medias this time :facepalm: .
Add to the training anything you put on social media is evidence so for gods sake think how this will look in front of the Gov on Monday morning.

Cops are rubbish at dealing with mental health its not their Job they are neither trained or equipped to deal with it and well training would help people in uniform with weapons are never the ideal first responders.
The attitude you need to be a cop and the attitude you need to be a mental health worker are completely opposite.
Dismiss all officers, staff and volunteers. Replace them with either the Paris Préfecture de Police and the Police municipale de Paris. Or the LAPD or the Queensland Police.
More social services to help get women and kids away from abusive men. Better social housing so they've got somewhere to go. Better benefits so they've got something to eat when they get there.

We need to stop creating generation after generation of boys who grow up to do shit things because of the shit things they endure at home. I teach some kids who are likely to end up in prison at some point, no matter what we do for them, because all they can ever do is act out the aggression, misogyny and racism of their father
head honcho of the prison service reckoned they could predict who would be their customers from age 12 :eek: .
we know what fucking works its figuring out how to afford it or deciding we want to pay for it:mad:
The Police and the Prison service make terrible social workers and mental health workers they get around 20 weeks training and a two years apprenticeship
US its just 21 weeks and 2 weeks of that is firearms training.
UK basic pistol course is 2 weeks and that qualifies you to go onto further training
My granddad was a cop (yes, very funny) and pretty high up I think he got to chief superintendent before he retired. He died over 30 years ago and he was saying when he was still working that he wouldn’t trust the Met as they were corrupt as fuck. So fuck all has changed in fifty years I reckon.
Disband the MPS.

Bring the national parts of its portfolio under the command of the NPCC.

Divide the area into four forces. Swap existing officers from adjoining forces with existing Met officers. On the basis that only those with an impeccable complaints and discipline record can join one of the new London forces (with no transfers between the two for ten years).

A truly zero-tolerance approach to police wrongdoing, administered entirely by a properly resourced and wholly independent body.

Serious efforts to recruit/promote from communities that have been historically victimised.

Rigorous vetting, and regular training.

(Also, a belated 'welcome to Urban'.)

E2a: to add my opinion, I've said before (on another thread) that no reform within the Met can happen until the Met is fundamentally (ie broken up) and reformed as something else.
A truly zero-tolerance approach to police wrongdoing, administered entirely by a properly resourced and wholly independent body.

After the Carrick trial they announced that they were cleaning house and lots more coppers would be in the dock from now on. Funny how they already knew who those coppers were, but had done fuck all about them up until things got so bad that they faced a total collapse in public consent.
After the Carrick trial they announced that they were cleaning house and lots more coppers would be in the dock from now on. Funny how they already knew who those coppers were, but had done fuck all about them up until things got so bad that they faced a total collapse in public consent.
They won't take it seriously until they are forced to by overwhelming public opinion. And probably not even then. Something will need to be imposed on them.
Well in Scotland they 'solved' the issue with Strathclyde police being a bit shit with regards to investigating homicides etc by amalgamating all the Scottish forces in a single body called Police Scotland, so am not sure I am best placed to address the issue with the Met, but:

It needs to be broken up. Has the PaDP been broken up yet. Get all of them to apply for their own jobs and only those with no complaints of any kind get to keep their jobs.

The firearms trained officers represent a difficult problem. You need to be able to rely on the person next to you, yet that strong team cohesion has clearly gone way too far with their WhatsApp behaviour. More women and minorities to be recruited to this specialty. Smaller, less white cos male teams.

Random phone checks and restrictions on police WhatsApp groups. Mandatory suspension for those found with burner or second phones? Clearly there has to be some kind of regulation/governance in this area for serving officers.

Escalation of all domestic abuse complaints about serving police officers to a new specialist unit. No get out of jail free cards going forwards.

Automatic termination of position upon conviction. None of this waiting until a hearing is convened before the job is termination.

Smaller police divisions or forces to cover London. No transfers unless it's a serving officer leaving an abusive or coercive relationship.

More anti corruption branches.
A police used the police database to find a woman on Instagram. Definitely not gross misconduct or a misuse of police powers and so he's still working in the police force. It's what we all would have wanted.

I wsih I was making this up but ...

The officer denied the allegations and said he believed his actions "were within policing standards".

Actually, thinking about it, he's right.
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Only because he made up some bullshit story about the car being driven in a dangerous manner so he looked up the reg.

One could argue that part was within policing standards. However him then tracking down her social media profiles was not. I do not believe that part is within policing standards, because show me the bit in the manual that says bring criminals to justice by liking their Instagram posts.
Well in Scotland they 'solved' the issue with Strathclyde police being a bit shit with regards to investigating homicides etc by amalgamating all the Scottish forces in a single body called Police Scotland, so am not sure I am best placed to address the issue with the Met, but:

It needs to be broken up. Has the PaDP been broken up yet. Get all of them to apply for their own jobs and only those with no complaints of any kind get to keep their jobs.

The firearms trained officers represent a difficult problem. You need to be able to rely on the person next to you, yet that strong team cohesion has clearly gone way too far with their WhatsApp behaviour. More women and minorities to be recruited to this specialty. Smaller, less white cos male teams.

Random phone checks and restrictions on police WhatsApp groups. Mandatory suspension for those found with burner or second phones? Clearly there has to be some kind of regulation/governance in this area for serving officers.

Escalation of all domestic abuse complaints about serving police officers to a new specialist unit. No get out of jail free cards going forwards.

Automatic termination of position upon conviction. None of this waiting until a hearing is convened before the job is termination.

Smaller police divisions or forces to cover London. No transfers unless it's a serving officer leaving an abusive or coercive relationship.

More anti corruption branches.
Disband the met
Disband the CoLP
Reconstitute, with all cops living in London, with anyone who applies rejected and police selected by lot for a term of a year - not renewable - with salary of £40k.
Bobbies back on the beat not in vehicles
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