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Urban v's the Commentariat

In fairness, she spent the weekend emptying the shed of coal.

Right, Father.
The roof should be Ok now.
I hoovered the upstairs and I did the attic, top to bottom.
What else? Oh, yes, yes.
I washed your car.
Also, I built a greenhouse beside the garage.
Will that be all for today?
Oh, Mrs Doyle. Any chance of a cup of tea for your two favourite priests? (Whistling) God, Ted, it's only 11.

Not in Belgium then where hundreds of thousands marched because they knew this went much deeper than just Mark Dutroux.
Not strictly correct, the White March was for a better police and justice system, because there were some pretty horrendous mistakes in the police investigation which meant that 4 girls died when they likely could have been rescued.

The march was intended not only as a protest at what is becoming popularly perceived as an incompetent law and order system, but also as an expression of sympathy with the victims of a gang reportedly led by a convicted child rapist, Marc Dutroux, one of the 13 charged.

New OJ book out soon. The bowler hat on the cover is a bad start. Get out of the 60's man! Chavs had a burberry cap on the cover. Maybe it's a cleverclogs theme and his 3rd one will feature I dunno a beret, 'Resistance - on the front lines in the war on povs" or something.

Lovely as those reviews are, they may be the last - my chapter on the media probably won’t do go down a storm with some
It's going to be a slagging of guido, murdoch, and the daily mail isn't it.

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I found a really old copy of 'Dude wheres my country' by Michael Moore and took it to the bog for some shit -lit. Proper proper liberal garbage. I hope Jones doesn't go down this path, the way he's started to call anyone left of labour an anarchist or a swappie is not an encouraging sign.

Can we not do something with the bowler hat and the Clockwork Orange poster?


Being the adventures of a young man whose principle interests are being chuffed/gutted, recruiting people to the Labour party and...

sort of thing?
Speaking of Oxford, this is probably the appalling indictment of the class system ever.

A Theory of Justice: the Musical!

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In order to draw inspiration for his magnum opus, John Rawls travels back through time to converse (in song) with a selection of political philosophers, including Plato, Locke, Rousseau and Mill. But the journey is not as smooth as he hoped: for as he pursues his love interest, the beautiful student Fairness, through history, he must escape the evil designs of his libertarian arch-nemesis, Robert Nozick, and his objectivist lover, Ayn Rand.. Will he achieve his goal of defining Justice as Fairness?

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