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Urban v's the Commentariat

WTF is Penny on about? I was never taught this:

Men have largely grown up being told that if they do all the things men are meant to do and don’t get in too much trouble, they will be rewarded with a hot woman. If they are good guys, nice guys who mean well – and who isn’t a nice guy who means well? – they will eventually find the girl or girls of their dreams who will bear and raise their children and subtly overhaul their personal grooming routine, not in a gay way, just so they look a bit more grown-up and sexy.
Evidently, my crap gags transcend the puny cognitive abilities of this timeline's sheeple.

i'm very hungover and i can't even work out if i'm being insulted here, and if so, is it friendly or unfriendly.

I think i should get off the internet and come back when i have recovered from yesterday's cider festival :(
i'm very hungover and i can't even work out if i'm being insulted here, and if so, is it friendly or unfriendly.

I think i should get off the internet and come back when i have recovered from yesterday's cider festival :(
hangover #solidarity tbf
Well researched article about Ireland and its political landscape in Vice. Wake up sheeple! Riot for journos!

Our reaction to the economy's collapse reveals deep flaws in the Irish psyche. Firstly, there have been no protests of note, nor riots. The political awareness of what happened and what is continuing to happen is virtually zero. People have lost their jobs, houses and friends and family members to emigration, every budget in our social services is being slashed to ribbons, and future generations are being buried beneath mountains of debt from which they'll never escape. But the prescription here seems to be inaction, moaning about expenses and some vague tabloid waffle, blaming the Polish for fiddling the dole when most of them have long since gone home.
This one confirms that Mr.Nolan is a massive bell end.
In Ireland I had dreams of fulfilling the writer's myth. Drinking, drugging; I wanted to live in the day and unload it onto the page at night. Like Miller, like Kerouac. The only problem – besides confusing living with drinking and drugging – was that I didn't have the cash to do it. I existed in a cage, forever in doubt as to what this kind of life could bring me. Now, though, I can afford all the drink and drugs I want, except – between teaching and the book – I have no time to do them.
Well researched article about Ireland and its political landscape in Vice. Wake up sheeple! Riot for journos!

This one confirms that Mr.Nolan is a massive bell end.

Wanker. Half the fucking country boycotted the household tax and there were massive demonstrations. It took the revenue terrorising people to force through the property tax, and the combined powers of the whole trade union bureaucracy to demoralise people out of protesting. But for this clown, Irish people were just passively moaning about immigrants. No hint that demoralisation is created rather than some inherent sheep like flaw.

By the way, in the elections a couple of months ago, anti-immigrant parties and candidates got a few hundred votes. Meanwhile the combined Provo and Trot vote in Dublin was heading towards 40%.
This seems the most appropriate thread for this outbreak of peurile nonsense:


A sphinx made of sugar, that 'ironically' uses old racist representations of the 'mammy'. This is an actual exhibition you can visit in Brooklyn, apparently.


“You are recreating the very racism this art is supposed to critique,” I yelled. The visitors lowered their cameras. Just seconds ago, they had been aiming their lenses at the sculpture of a 40-foot tall, nude black female sphinx. Many posed under its ass; some laughed and pointed at its vulva. As I watched their joking, my thoughts spun and I walked into the crowd, turned to face them and began yelling. - See more at: http://indypendent.org/2014/06/30/why-i-yelled-kara-walker-exhibit#sthash.6n5zVu0d.dpuf
I hadn't seen it til Phil greaves posted it on Twitter a couple of days ago (@philgreaves01) but was aware of many incidents of ppl (some of whom I know personally & trust) accusing her of lying. I think there was one occupy meeting where she wrote a bunch of quotes attributable to a woman, who unfortunately for lp, saw her article & publicly denounced her for fabrication. Again it was lp romanticising, playing up to stereotypes that ppl have of students/activists. She seems to want to live her life like she's the leading character in a terrible novel :/
What aspect did you find puerile?

Having had a chance to sleep on it, I have revised my opinion. . . partly. What didn't occur to me initially is that the use of the Sphinx is a nod to Afrocentric notions common in the African-American community, and that the overall idea is sound enough. If art is "play with form" then it's not a bad idea to take the commodities produced on the slave plantation and use them to make representations of the people who actually did the work on those plantations.

So yeah, it wasn't a bad idea in principle, but. . .

The trouble is that it was so avant-garde that the wankers described in that piece (like the gobshites making gang signs in front some of the exhibits) were almost inevitably going to take the piss. Subtlety is really not a good idea if you want your political art to effectively make a political point.

Does that make sense?

not sure if anyone has seen this but seems informative as to lp & veracity/lack of. Also mentions her unique role in activism, comparing her to an uc cop. I don't think she is but her access to info in these circles is almost unprecedented for a journo.

A curious political development in which graduates of elite universities conduct textual analyses of the fictional character Laurie Penny.
It's tiresome to read her get so defensive when faced with genuine and constructive feedback and criticism.

On the other hand, as LP says herself, she's the only media commentator who'd bother to respond to a forum like this one.

100% of similarly-placed hacks would say (or at least think): "what an unbelievable bunch of bitter, envious losers. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on."

But she didn't. She actually felt the force of the critique that's being leveled at her here. Which is admittedly a cogent and important critique--but she deserves credit for acknowledging that fact.
On the other hand, as LP says herself, she's the only media commentator who'd bother to respond to a forum like this one.

100% of similarly-placed hacks would say (or at least think): "what an unbelievable bunch of bitter, envious losers. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on."

But she didn't. She actually felt the force of the critique that's being leveled at her here. Which is admittedly a cogent and important critique--but she deserves credit for acknowledging that fact.

I don't think she really acknowledged it though.
I don't think she really acknowledged it though.

Sure she did. She even put a bit in the Introduction to her book that was clearly a response to this thread--admitting how lucky and privileged she's been, how she really has no right to speak for the less fortunate etc.

Doesn't make the criticisms of her any less valid. Indeed they're obviously valid, to the point where she herself can't help but admit it.

But my point is that every other hack of similar standing would have ignored us completely.
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