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Urban v's the Commentariat

Sure she did. She even put a bit in the Introduction to her book that was clearly a response to this thread--admitting how lucky and privileged she's been, how she really has no right to speak for the less fortunate etc.

Doesn't make the criticisms of her any less valid. Indeed they're obviously valid, to the point where she herself can't help but admit it.

But my point is that every other hack of similar standing would have ignored us completely.

If she cant help admit it why can't she learn from it. She had an expensive education, she should b able to learn.
If she cant help admit it why can't she learn from it. She had an expensive education, she should b able to learn.

What exactly do you want her to do?

Give up her job in favor of a more deserving candidate?

Start writing a different kind of column?

Nobody would do the first, and she can't do the second. She is what she is. Nor is it a particularly bad thing to be. We all wish that a different kind of voice appeared in the media, but that's up to us, not her.
I said b4 the best I could say to her is "I hope u have a successful career". I just don't think her form of activism is helpful. In fact I think it has a negative effect, certainly when she is proved to be a liar. Imo she should b a journalist, cover whatever she wants (or is allowed by her bosses) but stop acting like the revolutionary voice of a generation. She's not an activist so stop pretending for her articles. Also I'd like her to actually listen when sheis, often politely, criticised for not listening to certain groups, rather than constantly say she's being bullied & don't we all know she checks her priv all the time.

not sure if anyone has seen this but seems informative as to lp & veracity/lack of. Also mentions her unique role in activism, comparing her to an uc cop. I don't think she is but her access to info in these circles is almost unprecedented for a journo.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing, not seen before. Although, I always thought the Gosling story was a total fantasy.

Hosted by Miranda Sawyer*, with Owen Jones*, Laurie Penny* and Celeste Houlker**

Britain’s 18-25 olds appear to be both a lost generation paying for the mistakes of their elders, and self-pitying malcontents with unrealistic expectations. Generation Y and the New Quarter Life Crisis ask which of these descriptions is right?
There is no doubt that that Generation Y faces serious challenges. Wages are low, and living costs spiralling; welfare state support has been reduced, and the internship treadmill can last for years. But, as Lena Dunham’s Girls records, they also have boom-period aspirations – home ownership, rich experiences, identities defined by exciting and fulfilling careers. Should they?
At a time when thousands of graduates are unable to move from family homes, and one in ten seek to work overseas, this debate asks if the quarter-life crisis is real, and considers what it could mean for the nation’s future
The debate is hosted by The Observer columnist Miranda Sawyer, with panellists Owen Jones (columnist for The Guardian, New Statesman and author of Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class,), Celeste Houlker, editor of Live! Magazine. Together they will examine whether Generation Y is a betrayed and exploited generation, or an over-privileged group that refuses to adjust to reality.

@HoStBarnabas**** @Bug_London #generationY

Tickets available here

Guests will be invited to stay and enjoy tunes played out by special guest DJ Tom Findlay***, Groove Armada


** does anyone know? it's almost impossible to find out where she went to school.
***Cambridge, shill for Bacardi.
****Private Members Club Charity. I have no idea either.

"Together they will examine whether Generation Y is a betrayed and exploited generation, or an over-privileged group that refuses to adjust to reality"

it's either/or, isn;t it. there couldn't be a class analysis needed on this question, could there?
i don't think anyone has even considered them. in the same way that none of this branch of the commentariat think that people over 35 are real*, they can't consider the existence of anyone who didn't go to university as anything other than an abstract concept.

*except as some imagined enemy, the face of The Man, the dull, vanilla, heterosexual monogamous missionary position normal haircut white privilege jackboots on the neck of youth.

So before you were coerced into writing obsessively about yourself and now it's by choice.


Also she manages to cite paedophile Allen Ginsberg as an inspiration.
Yeah, I wouldn't be citing a paedo as an inspiration if I were a writer. That won't end well.
I said b4 the best I could say to her is "I hope u have a successful career". I just don't think her form of activism is helpful. In fact I think it has a negative effect, certainly when she is proved to be a liar. Imo she should b a journalist, cover whatever she wants (or is allowed by her bosses) but stop acting like the revolutionary voice of a generation. She's not an activist so stop pretending for her articles. Also I'd like her to actually listen when sheis, often politely, criticised for not listening to certain groups, rather than constantly say she's being bullied & don't we all know she checks her priv all the time.

In ten years' time I think it's quite likely that Laurie will still be a journalist of the self-appointed culture commentator type, with every last vestige of politics long consigned to the scrapheap.

Also, loaded and utterly establishment.
its possible she didn't know and didn't check tbf. Although its usually the done thing to make a cursory glance at the character of who you are quoting lest you end up passing on the tainted words of a nonce
His wiki page makes reference to his membership of NAMBLA, so even if that was the only thing she looked at it would have given it away.
theres a way of doing writing where you have a quote you like and work backwards from there, rather than having an idea or theme, developing it and THEN finding nice quotes to garnish (and check who you are quoting)

I didn't go to oxford though so my opinion on how to write is presumably so much shit to these brilliant talkers-for-us
It's a good thing that Laurie Penny is differentiating herself from the way in which she was coercively typecast before...

Oh wait

Hosted by Miranda Sawyer, with Owen Jones, Laurie Penny and Celeste Houlker

Britain’s 18-25 olds appear to be both a lost generation paying for the mistakes of their elders, and self-pitying malcontents with unrealistic expectations. Generation Y and the New Quarter Life Crisis ask which of these descriptions is right?
There is no doubt that that Generation Y faces serious challenges. Wages are low, and living costs spiralling; welfare state support has been reduced, and the internship treadmill can last for years. But, as Lena Dunham’s Girls records, they also have boom-period aspirations – home ownership, rich experiences, identities defined by exciting and fulfilling careers. Should they?
At a time when thousands of graduates are unable to move from family homes, and one in ten seek to work overseas, this debate asks if the quarter-life crisis is real, and considers what it could mean for the nation’s future
The debate is hosted by The Observer columnist Miranda Sawyer, with panellists Owen Jones (columnist for The Guardian, New Statesman and author of Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class,), Celeste Houlker, editor of Live! Magazine. Together they will examine whether Generation Y is a betrayed and exploited generation, or an over-privileged group that refuses to adjust to reality.

Eleven quid a ticket too
In ten years' time I think it's quite likely that Laurie will still be a journalist of the self-appointed culture commentator type, with every last vestige of politics long consigned to the scrapheap.

Also, loaded and utterly establishment.

Sort of like a queer Katie Hopkins? ;)
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