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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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Fucking hell, must have been a constant clatter of chairs as these outraged fellers, mortally offended as they were, fled the venue:

David Walliams - 'I left immediately after I had finished my presenting on stage at 11.30pm
I doubt this, even if he was genuinely in the dark about the behaviour of some of the guests, I can't believe he would skip out on what was probably a chance for free food and booze, it' s not like he has a job where he has to get up early because he is on the early shift next morning.
I doubt this, even if he was genuinely in the dark about the behaviour of some of the guests, I can't believe he would skip out on what was probably a chance for free food and booze, it' s not like he has a job where he has to get up early because he is on the early shift next morning.
Oh I believe he left at half elevs. Can't believe he saw nothing
Inevitably the Guardian are loving all this - there's at least 6 stories on the front page about it.
Walliams creepy? Nah...

Fuck sake, that's a regular football boy stunt up here! I recorded a really crap spoken word/rock/electro tune about it a couple of years ago.

There's your bird. Hahahaha. Haha haha
There's your bird. Hahahaha. Haha haha
There's your bird. Hahahaha. Haha haha
There's my bum, my pants are down. Hahaha Hahaha.

Repeated over and over to emphasise the fucking predictable and stale nature of said bants. There were more punchy lyrics in there honest.

Well in case you'r in doubt I am a woman who has been sexually harrassed and assaulted and actually even raped while other men stood by and chose the easy option to do nothing. Mind their own business. Like bees describes.

It's a tricky one, Keithy. My dad (Eric the Red) was blacklisted throughout his working life for political activism...and my entire childhood was spent moving around the north of england, (often in foster homes) because once on the list, you were fucked) ...so I dunno, consequences... I have always been reluctant to expect individuals to try to take on a system since it is always strength in numbers and collective effort which offers workers any real protection. Nothing ever given away but has to be taken.

Sadly, I have tended to do the same...which is why every single job I have had has ended under a cloud...and I am now an impoverished member of the precariat.
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Just being invited to a "men-only" event for businesspeople would make me a bit suss tbh.

Yup, it's well suss from the off. Its a charity event, why is it men only? That would seem to be the obvious question. It basically just says 'legitimate excuse to leave your wife at home, wayhay lads'.
I wonder where all the cash will go now? GOSH have stated they want nothing to do with it now and have returned the donations. Its bound to have been a load of money.

Its an interesting question - is accepting the much-needed cash really an endorsement of the abhorrent behaviour on the night? Especially for a cause so worthy as GOSH.

I think they should have stated they are severing ties with the event (which i'm certain is dead in the water now), but accepted this money. What they use it for is too important not to.
It's a tricky one, Keithy. My dad (Eric the Red) was blacklisted throughout his working life for political activism...and my entire childhood was spent moving around the north of england, (often in foster homes) because once on the list, you were fucked) ...so I dunno, consequences... I have always been reluctant to expect individuals to try to take on a system since it is always strength in numbers and collective effort which offers workers any real protection. Nothing ever given away but has to be taken.
Yeah I was gonna say likely pressure on the men too. But we have the numbers now and they are being picked off one by one. About time.
Yup, it's well suss from the off. Its a charity event, why is it men only? That would seem to be the obvious question. It basically just says 'legitimate excuse to leave your wife at home, wayhay lads'.
They seem keen to recreate an environment where men are in charge and women are there only to look pretty and be servile. Like the good old days.
The BBC is reporting that the President's Club is closing down.

And those who participated in or knowingly facillitated sexual abuse and harassment can expect a knock at the door from the police any minute now I'm sure :hmm:
In some kind of mad Brass Eye meets reality thing, is there a possibility that trump might hear about the closure and tweet his support, esp. given the name? Somebody should feed him the story.
I'm sure (almost all of) the attendees will have have other exclusive clubs and "society" events where they can continue to indulge themselves in various forms of repugnant behaviour.

...but at least for the few for whom the President's Club was their main "thing" it'll be something of a blow.
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