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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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Can we have predictions for the time this afternoon when Walliams give's his fee to (another) charidee? He's a slimely, creepy cunt - and also doing his own version of the 'I was only there for 4 nanoseconds' line - but his PR vassals will be pushing him in that direction. Tax write off as well probably.
he's in a queue as there aren't enough pr consultants to go round right now
right. which is why you posted


which seems to me you othering them. in many cases - although, i grant you, it's unlikely to have been most - the curriculum these people will have followed will have been the national one people here did, and the schools they've attended will have been state.

Yes, undoubtedly I am "othering" them too. Distinction innit?

I'd be interested in seeing whether "many" of these people attended state schools. As I said, I'd be very surprised if it was more than a small minority, and thus able to change the dominant habitus of the attendees.

Note also, that I'm including the "hidden curriculum" when I talk about curriculum. Though tbh even the official curriculum of independent schools is often pretty explicit in it's production of cultural capital and *coughs* "character education".

This shit isn't just "bad men" (though it is that too) it's structural.
Yes, undoubtedly I am "othering" them too. Distinction innit?

I'd be interested in seeing whether "many" of these people attended state schools. As I said, I'd be very surprised if it was more than a small minority, and thus able to change the dominant habitus of the attendees.

Note also, that I'm including the "hidden curriculum" when I talk about curriculum. Though tbh even the official curriculum of independent schools is often pretty explicit in it's production of cultural capital and *coughs* "character education".

This shit isn't just "bad men" (though it is that too) it's structural.
i like the way you bring bourdieu out to claim the debate from those who've not struggled all the way through his turgid tomes.
This would be a nice (well, sort of, :() story for an investigative journalist to go further with: what happened to 'hostesses' at previous events? What was the wording of the invite to the corporate filth who attended this one? Has the recruitment agency got previous with regard to pimping women to rapey events? Have any of the companies who attended got previous with regard to behaviour at similar events? Do they themselves employ 'hostesses'?
Of the attenddes named on page 1

David Walliams - privately educated.

Phillip Green - privately educated.

Nadhim Zahawi - Privately educated

...I could go on through other names appearfing in the reports. I might tomorrow.
i think you should do: perhaps while you do you could group by school so we can see from which bastions of the ruling class they sprang.
Of the attenddes named on page 1

David Walliams - privately educated.

Phillip Green - privately educated.

Nadhim Zahawi - Privately educated

...I could go on through other names appearfing in the reports. I might tomorrow.
might have to see what a link analysis of these people looks like... how far do the tentacles of the rapeocracy spead?
This shit isn't just "bad men" (though it is that too) it's structural.
Yes it absolutely is. Let's not pretend this is only the privileged elite assaulting wc women. It goes all the way through society. A friend of mine has just told me about attending a members only dinner (so quite senior people) and her (more senior) colleague followed her into the loos, shut the door and suggested she might like to give him a blow job. This shit is endemic in a patriarchal society. These men do it because they can.
Fucking hell, must have been a constant clatter of chairs as these outraged fellers, mortally offended as they were, fled the venue:

David Walliams - 'I left immediately after I had finished my presenting on stage at 11.30pm
Nadhim Zahawi - 'I didn't stay long'
Lord Mendleshon - 'was only present for part of the dinner'
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Yes it absolutely is. Let's not pretend this is only the privileged elite assaulting wc women. It goes all the way through society. A friend of mine has just told me about attending a members only dinner (so quite senior people) and her (more senior) colleague followed her into the loos, shut the door and suggested she might like to give him a blow job. This shit is endemic in a patriarchal society. These men do it because they can.

There's a number of aspects that we could focus on in this particular incident. One is gender. Class is another.

My contributions will no doubt largely focus on the class aspect (and on the educational side of this as I'm sure readers have noticed).

Others no doubt will contribute on other aspects/from other perspectives.
I see that Walliams has decided he does have a comment now. Prick.

It would also be interesting to see who offered the prize of tea with BofE governor Mark Carney, given that the BBC is now saying:

"However, a Bank of England spokesman said: "The Bank of England did not approve any prize for auction on the occasion described nor would it have for that organisation under its guidelines for charitable giving."
The spokesman added that the Bank will not be permitting anyone who secured the "prize" to take it up."

Someone must have offered the prize.

These historical press articles run the risk of undermining a certain excuse about historical attendance...

Newsnight's political editor, Nicholas Watt, said he understood that new Education Minister Nadhim Zahawi was present, but that he left early because he felt "it was a bizarre and uncomfortable event".

Mr Watt added: "It's worth pointing out that he has been to the event before - that's before he was elected an MP in 2010 - but as I understand it, he felt that the event then was completely different to the event that he attended last week."
Reluctant but deserved kudos for this investigation. I'm glad they exposed these sleazeballs but I'm surprised as I imagine more than a few will be deep in the FT demographic.
a curious thing: this article
doesn't itself mention the presidents club. however, there's this at the end
suggesting the event is or has been widely known about in media circles, if they've sent photographers along.
There's a number of aspects that we could focus on in this particular incident. One is gender. Class is another.

My contributions will no doubt largely focus on the class aspect (and on the educational side of this as I'm sure readers have noticed).

Others no doubt will contribute on other aspects/from other perspectives.
Suppose if you wanted an example of the way class and gender exploitation interacts, this would be it.
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