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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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My ex used to work for an agency doing this kind of hospitality stuff. They stopped offering her work because she refused to take shit from pissed, leery punters. And of course, there's no recourse whatsoever for people fired from a temp agecny for a bullshit reason, because they were never 'employed' in the first place.
I can't tell you how common it is. I lost a job once because I refused to serve the coffee with my blouse undone an extra button. It was a holiday job and I was 17. My boss was 42
The thing I find most chilling is the policing of the women - them being nudged to interact if they weren't doing it enough, pulled out of the loos if they'd been in there too long (and some of them will have had a period to deal with), removal of their mobiles and advice to lie to their boyfriends.

That is really skin-crawly stuff, but nothing surprises me in the least, beyond the fact that this was a GOSH benefit.
My ex used to work for an agency doing this kind of hospitality stuff. They stopped offering her work because she refused to take shit from pissed, leery punters. And of course, there's no recourse whatsoever for people fired from a temp agecny for a bullshit reason, because they were never 'employed' in the first place.
I got sacked from my first job for exactly this. Not being 'friendly' enough to the creepy men who frequented the upstairs room of the central london pub.
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My ex used to work for an agency doing this kind of hospitality stuff. They stopped offering her work because she refused to take shit from pissed, leery punters. And of course, there's no recourse whatsoever for people fired from a temp agecny for a bullshit reason, because they were never 'employed' in the first place.

Let's hope someone goes after these agencies soon. Otherwise this is just an isolated case to be smoothed over.
tbh i bet all the people who are or have been invited have been approached by friends or colleagues and know full well what they're going to before they set foot in the place and therefore the people who might have blown the whistle have been excluded from the off.
They don’t need to exclude people at all, in certain circles and industries this is just an entirely normalised event and behaviour. They wouldn’t consider someone “blowing the lid” because for an awful lot of the men there there was nothing to expose, they don’t view what happens as anything wrong. They get their boozy night out surrounded by pretty girls, money gets raised for charity. Where’s the harm, just a bit of fun etc etc
They don’t need to exclude people at all, in certain circles and industries this is just an entirely normalised event and behaviour. They wouldn’t consider someone “blowing the lid” because for an awful lot of the men there there was nothing to expose, they don’t view what happens as anything wrong.

The agency person clearly knew something was wrong though, hence NDA's, removing phones etc.

Powerful abusers always have enablers to support them; whether by supplying fresh meat or by helping sustain a system where wealth and status are more important than human decency. I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers who would gladly sue one of these women for blowing the whistle on sick and illegal behaviour, in violation of an NDA they weren't allowed to read and were coerced into signing.
Is anyone surprised that the rich and powerful are morally degenerate? How do you think they get to be rich and powerful?

I doubt many are surprised. But no matter how obvious things like this are, those who are part of it still absolutely hate specifics coming out and individuals being scrutinised.
Powerful abusers always have enablers to support them; whether by supplying fresh meat or by helping sustain a system where wealth and status are more important than human decency.
I'm sure Harvey Weinstein's rape team will be looking for new opportunities to use their skill set.
I doubt many are surprised. But no matter how obvious things like this are, those who are part of it still absolutely hate specifics coming out and individuals being scrutinised.

Good. Blowing the lid on the whole slew of these semi-criminal industries is long overdue.
I think this indicative of our culture in general and I don't think it's exclusive to corporate bullshit events like this, although this is where the worst of it happens of course. A woman just called LBC and made the very valid point that the same sort of groping happens to men by women at charity events where waiting staff have to be male, well toned and wear the same sort of clothes. No one should take this sort of shit at work, or anywhere for that matter.
Is anyone surprised that the rich and powerful are morally degenerate? How do you think they get to be rich and powerful?

I'm not surprised at all, but there are still plenty who think that the people at the top of the pile got there by somehow being the best people. It's what we're taught to believe after all. It's the justification for an obviously fucked up system, the notion that these degenerates are actually the pinncales of human achievement and their ruthless exploitation of everyone else is just reward for that.
They don’t need to exclude people at all, in certain circles and industries this is just an entirely normalised event and behaviour. They wouldn’t consider someone “blowing the lid” because for an awful lot of the men there there was nothing to expose, they don’t view what happens as anything wrong. They get their boozy night out surrounded by pretty girls, money gets raised for charity. Where’s the harm, just a bit of fun etc etc
yeh. which is basically what i said, only these certain circles would have been approached: thus anyone who might have considered blowing the whistle would never have been on the list - excluded - from the off. but if they didn't think they were doing anything wrong then there'd be none of this dodgy disclaimer stuff, none of this men only business etc. people know when they're doing wrong and this lot knew very well what they were about, and that it was wrong.
I'm not surprised at all, but there are still plenty who think that the people at the top of the pile got there by somehow being the best people. It's what we're taught to believe after all. It's the justification for an obviously fucked up system, the notion that these degenerates are actually the pinncales of human achievement and their ruthless exploitation of everyone else is just reward for that.

Although to be fair we are also taught things that contradict that, such as the idea that shit floats.

And we are certainly taught plenty about hypocrisy, double-standards, power and maintaining the status quote, via practical demonstration at school and in the playground.
Although to be fair we are also taught things that contradict that, such as the idea that shit floats.

And we are certainly taught plenty about hypocrisy, double-standards and maintaining the status quote, via practical demonstration at school and in the playground.

Well school is a great place to earn that you should be obedient above all, even if the person doing the telling is a nonce or a sadist.
I'm starting to think I'm morally superior to the rest of the male population based solely on the fact I don't masturbate in front of women or grab their tits at any opportuntiy. The only thing stopping me being elevated to sainthood is I buy coffee from Costa.

Haha, quite. What always gets me whenever this sort of thing is reported is the amount of people who scream about how they don't understand the rules anymore and that men are being demonised or put upon. It's as if they think not being a creepy sex pest is a really difficult thing to achieve.
Well school is a great place to earn that you should be obedient above all, even if the person doing the telling is a nonce or a sadist.

Well, that covers most of the curriculum until about age 15.
With related clauses eg.

Do what you're told.
Stand in line.
Don't ask the wrong questions.
Don't stand out.
Tolerate boredom until the bell goes.
Demonstrate mandated gender, age and situation-specific behaviours accurately.
Haha, quite. What always gets me whenever this sort of thing is reported is the amount of people who scream about how they don't understand the rules anymore and that men are being demonised or put upon. It's as if they think not being a creepy sex pest is a really difficult thing to achieve.

This is covered by what bees said.
They don't see what they're doing as under the 'creepy sex pest' umbrella.

So if they are told not to be one they're bound to be confused.
Haha, quite. What always gets me whenever this sort of thing is reported is the amount of people who scream about how they don't understand the rules anymore and that men are being demonised or put upon. It's as if they think not being a creepy sex pest is a really difficult thing to achieve.
And then we get the barrage of stuff on Twitter explaining the rules as if it is an education they need. THEY FUCKING KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING!
I'm starting to think I'm morally superior to the rest of the male population based solely on the fact I don't masturbate in front of women or grab their tits at any opportuntiy. The only thing stopping me being elevated to sainthood is I buy coffee from Costa.
Do you remember, albeit vaguely, when in school the teacher would teach all about (and I'm paraphrasing) "Don't be a cunt"?
It would appear that vast swathes of the make population were off sick that day...
Well school is a great place to earn that you should be obedient above all, even if the person doing the telling is a nonce or a sadist.

Even when avoiding noncery and overt sadism, I'm pretty sure I was a fully qualified cynic by the age of 10, or 12 tops. The next phase more of a multi-decade challenge, learning to balance the cynicism and not let it lead to defeatism, indifference, hopelessness or lazy contrarianism.
Just because it's normal doesn't mean it's OK.

And not being funny but how often do you get groped or propositioned at work?
I didn’t say it was OK :confused:

My point is just that an agency being told any event personnel they sent had to sign an NDA wouldn’t raise any suspicions at all.

As for the second question - more than you’d think. People away from work at a hotel + someone else picking up the bar bill = all sorts of behaviour.
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