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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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I think if you wanted to waste a day watching people zoom around a field the tightness of some of the models pants wouldn't be something that put you off. They are obviously pre-empting a perceived problem they may face because darts decided to do it first. I love how it was darts that did this first, who would have thunk it.
So depressingly short-sighted in how you view motivation and action.

The being put off happens years before the point that somebody decides today is the day to buy a ticket. It happens when a person tests something against the model in their head for whether that thing is the kind of thing people like them do and decides it is not.

This kind of thinking is all of a one with the idea that people should just decide to be rich or just decide to change their life. Human motivation is way richer than that.
Above the thunders of the lower floors,
Far, far above on the abysmal board,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The CEO sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides; above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages, and will lie
Battening upon huge big macs in his snoring,
Until the latter fire shall heat the boardroom;
Then once by man and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.

Interesting piece, who wrote it?
Maybe that's a good point to start talking about men's choices here?

Men - if you were offered a job which included employing women as eye candy, would you take it?

I wouldn't (unless for completely ridiculous reasons I had to for mere survival, which sounds like the plot of a particularly bad Russ Meyer film).

I am very boring though.
It would depend on the job and the pay. I don't care enough about it to take a huge stance and I think it's something that I could be bought on, for the right price!
What about being groped and fondled by self-important men? Are you up for that bit too?
I'd smack them around the head. Which is what I wish the poor bloody women, who were assaulted at the OP venue had done. They should also have summoned the police.

I think I've made my view on touching without consent quite clear. Don't!
Violence solves everything don't y'know :thumbs:

Perhaps if you put your thinking head on, instead of the one you have on, and consider this. If the first woman who was groped had slapped the groper's face, and declared loudly 'Do no put your hand on my...', it may well have changed the behaviour of the evening. By remaining silent they did neither themselves, or women in general, any good.

I spent 14 years in the army, and attended many alcohol fueled events where women, both as guests and waitresses were present, and the sort of behaviour as in the OP did not happen. It would not have been tolerated for a second. Anyone behaving like that would have been ejected, and been answering for it on the next working morning. Funny that, those neanderthal squaddies completely understood what was acceptable, yet their so called betters do not.
Perhaps if you put your thinking head on, instead of the one you have on, and consider this. If the first woman who was groped had slapped the groper's face, and declared loudly 'Do no put your hand on my...', it may well have changed the behaviour of the evening. By remaining silent they did neither themselves, or women in general, any good.
I give up. I can’t out-satire this. There’s nowhere left for the parody to go.
Perhaps if you put your thinking head on, instead of the one you have on, and consider this. If the first woman who was groped had slapped the groper's face, and declared loudly 'Do no put your hand on my...', it may well have changed the behaviour of the evening. By remaining silent they did neither themselves, or women in general, any good.

I spent 14 years in the army, and attended many alcohol fueled events where women, both as guests and waitresses were present, and the sort of behaviour as in the OP did not happen. It would not have been tolerated for a second. Anyone behaving like that would have been ejected, and been answering for it on the next working morning. Funny that, those neanderthal squaddies completely understood what was acceptable, yet their so called betters do not.

So what you seem to be saying is that if civvy street were more like the army then social problems we have wouldn't exist? Well, you may be right about that, but reflecting on what other things would also change thereby I have to confess I'm not sure the entire outcome would necessarily be preferable to what we have.

Also, are you really claiming ''neanderthal squaddies'' do or don't do things because they understand why or why not? Or are they following orders? My guess (fuck me sideways really) is the latter. The army doesn't ask its men and women to understand, it commands so they obey.
Perhaps if you put your thinking head on, instead of the one you have on, and consider this. If the first woman who was groped had slapped the groper's face, and declared loudly 'Do no put your hand on my...', it may well have changed the behaviour of the evening. By remaining silent they did neither themselves, or women in general, any good.

Women, letting the side down again.
By remaining silent they did neither themselves, or women in general, any good.
You just have no clue Sasaferrato, which must be quite nice for you. By the same token, when some random man starts talking to me in the street when i'm walking alone late at night I should just be brave and tell him to fuck right off. That is just not how how things work, sadly.
The issue I have with this is, what essentially is the difference between someone exhibiting themselves naked so as to intimidate strangers (a flasher) and someone exhibiting themselves naked to sell a product or service? It makes them happy? What about the poor old flasher then, is he not made happy by people seeing his knob?

I am aware it's not a straight-up comparison but if we're onto the slippery slope / thin end of the wedge argument then let's have another.

The difference is consent
yeh. if you picked the ones which were well designed then your company would almost certainly have a higher rep with the publick

Nope they are all just holes in the ground as far as we're concerned. The public likely even know know the problems that are products resolve so we don't really have a public reputation.
Whose consent? how is consent gained from people to make sure they want to see scantily-clad / half-naked models on magazine covers and in advertising and at sports events?

prudishness again. If I want to walk down the road in my pants I can. If someone wants to pay me to do it while holding a billboard I can do that too.

Other peoples feelings shouldn't be relevant. Some people don't want to see any leg or they might be offended by cleavage or a mans bum crease, others still want women completely covered.
prudishness again. If I want to walk down the road in my pants I can. If someone wants to pay me to do it while holding a billboard I can do that too.

Other peoples feelings shouldn't be relevant. Some people don't want to see any leg or they might be offended by cleavage or a mans bum crease, others still want women completely covered.
It’s not prudishness. It’s got nothing to do with taking offence at the sight of flesh. It’s to do with taking offence at the use of women as objects.
There is some truth in it though, the ultra-feminists don't tend to be Miss World (even without the swimsuit round) contestants. :D

I need to be elsewhere, and apologise unreservedly for this post, I just couldn't resist it. Put it down to 'Within every grown man is a small boy desperately trying to get out'.
And with that bit of hideous sexism, you're off the thread for good.
So then consent is not an issue?

Make your fucking mind up.

misunderstood you...thought you were comparing prostitution to flashers
the difference between a flasher and scantily clad models? The models are clad, the flasher isn't.

We keep hardcore porn on the top shelf and covered because of the public consent issue.
You mean it's so high up nobody can see it? Or is that to do with the length of kids' arms?

You seem very confused about all this. Maybe have a smoke and a think, come back later.
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