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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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...and all of that coupledwith a section of society a that (taking the misogyny and sexism away for a second) think they can stick their cocks into animal carcasses as an initiation, black up or dress as Nazis at parties, burn money in front of homeless people, organise "Chav hunts/safaris" for the "bantz", turn pest control into some weird fancy dress supremacist ritual, trash restaurant s on nights out and generally swagger around with the sense of entitlement that comes with knowing their place...

Chuck in the alibi of "Charidee" and you've got a very potent mix....
Working class men are sexist pests too. This is a man thing, not a class thing.
Anyway, suppose Toby Young is at a loose end if they need a bit of PR advice.

Actually, who is the first journo going to be to come out with a 'storm in a teacup/they knew what they were doing/the charity sector will the be all the poorer for this' piece? Which shit slice will it be? Katie Hopkins must be leading the field.
Brendan O’Neill got in there yesterday with “outrage brigade/it’s sexist to criticise this”.
Yes, they can can be.

But this is both a man thing and a class thing.
It's far safer to stay with the men thing than the class thing here though. Without seeing the guest list it's impossible to say for certain but I'd bet money that half of those tables were bought by traders and brokers and anyone with any experience of either will tell you that they are absolutely not the preserve of posh boys and far more likely to be occupied by wide boys from Kent and Essex! :D
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Am I reading too much into some of the statements by detecting a note of "well, if you don't want our money..."?
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I wasn't playing much attention, but there was someone on the news this, I guess from the Charity Commission, saying they would ensure the club is correctly wound-up and all the funds be given to children charities, so it's nuts for them not to take it.
Especially with the Caring donation as that was for something very specific in the future, so it's extremely unlikely (almost unthinkable) that his 400 grand is going to be distributed elsewhere. He'll just keep it. So it's lost.
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"The trustees have decided that the Presidents Club will not host any further fundraising events. Remaining funds will be distributed in an efficient manner to children's charities and it will then be closed."

"We won't support the charity in future, which is regrettable because it is a charity that supports numerous children's charities and has done a lot of good work."

For example.
I'm a little surprised that none of the many, many wealthy tax-dodging corporations out there hasn't bought itself some relatively cheap publicity and goodwill by promising to replace the donations - maybe it's because about 99% of them are run by men who have probably been to many similar events themselves.
Absolutely. Truly fucking stupid to put their own PR and image before the good they could have done with that money. Mad.
Sarcasm, clearly, but I think an element of pragmatism is required here. After the dust has settled on this, few people will remember (or care) that the children's high dependency unit donation was facilitated by The Presidents Club. It'll be seen as a donation from Richard Caring who, as with every other public figure who has been named so far, has not been specifically accused of inappropriate behaviour at the event. The reports have gone out of their way to point that out. If there was a suggestion that Caring had been gropey, I'd agree with you, but there isn't. And it's £400,000.
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I'm a little surprised that none of the many, many wealthy tax-dodging corporations out there hasn't bought itself some relatively cheap publicity and goodwill by promising to replace the donations - maybe it's because about 99% of them are run by men who have probably been to many similar events themselves.
Yeah, I was wondering that too. It's not like the President's Club is the only way to make a donation. They could just make a donation.
Out of idle curiosity I had a look at the Mail on line to see how it was reporting the story. Most seems to be a rehashing of other reports. The most interesting read was the comments. The general attitude seemed to be "what did the girls expect? And it was their fault anyway because they knew what would happen." Perhaps this attitude too closely mirrors that of the attendees.

I'm not surprised about Botham's involvement. He was regularly involved in those I attended many, many years ago.
Yeah, I was wondering that too. It's not like the President's Club is the only way to make a donation. They could just make a donation.
Many of them do, but if that were sufficient there'd be no need for any charity events ever. Let's face it, a lot of these people make donations at these things to brush-up their egos and give it the Billy Big Bollocks.
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