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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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Another truly offensive thing about this affair is the rep from Artista, the agency 'providing' the 'hostesses' saying: 'I am not aware of any reports of sexual harassment and with the calibre of guest, I would be astonished.'

Like rich and powerful men would never do that sort of thing - which planet is she on?
And if your rapey business nonce clients want 'hostesses' who know how to hold a fork, Artista have got that covered as well.

Artista Refined
Artista's newest service, Artista Refined was launched both in response to our clients evolving requirements and for hosts and hostesses to upskill themselves in the art of etiquette. When hosting it is vital to put your best foot and face forward as a first impression is everything in the world of hosting, particularly when you are representing some of the world's leading companies.

Understanding how the smallest details in posture, vocabulary, table manners and self-presentation have a key impact on a social sitation is the art of etiquette. At Artista we are raising the bar and running exclusive courses for our hosts and hostesses to enable them to truly thrive in any situation.

Contact us for details of the next course.
What I’m saying is that I recall feeling a bit weird about it while most other people were just laughing.
I remember back in the day a mate wandering into one of the pubs on lower clapton road - the fountain if memory serves - and was shocked finding himself face to face with a stripper, he was very taken aback,made his excuses and left. For every person who went to see a stripper there were a load who'd avoid the experience. There's always been sleazes and doubtless always will be but imo they're almost always a minority
Pitch your startup at this lingerie networking event and oh god tech industry really?
That's not a brilliant article but I've read about similar events. Women as accessories and eye candy.

from the article said:
For many women who describe it, however, it’s a new immaturity—sexist behavior dressed up with a lot of highfalutin talk—that reinforces traditional power structures, demeans women, and boosts some of the biggest male egos in history: just another manifestation of Brotopia.
Anyway, suppose Toby Young is at a loose end if they need a bit of PR advice.

Actually, who is the first journo going to be to come out with a 'storm in a teacup/they knew what they were doing/the charity sector will the be all the poorer for this' piece? Which shit slice will it be? Katie Hopkins must be leading the field.
Actually, who is the first journo going to be to come out with a 'storm in a teacup/they knew what they were doing/the charity sector will the be all the poorer for this' piece?

Preaching to the (probably) converted and stating the obvious I know...but if these fuckers were taxed at an appropriate rate (like they were in the 60s) the need for charity would presumably be less...
Preaching to the (probably) converted and stating the obvious I know...but if these fuckers were taxed at an appropriate rate (like they were in the 60s) the need for charity would presumably be less...
Yes, plenty of free market gurus have argued that if you cut taxes it will free up the rich to support charities and get rid of the need for welfare. Well, Milton Friedman, that went well you stupid fucktrumpet. :mad:

Mid-90s, a female friend started working in IT in a bank. Their team Christmas do was in a strip club. My friend suggested they did something else instead which wasn't received very well. She then refused to go, being a torn-faced, frigid manhater with no sense of humour and all. She didn't last in that job very long afterwards.

(Think it was the bank rather than the IT bit that was the problem as I knew/know lots of women who work in IT and they were all horrified too.)
Anyway, suppose Toby Young is at a loose end if they need a bit of PR advice.

Actually, who is the first journo going to be to come out with a 'storm in a teacup/they knew what they were doing/the charity sector will the be all the poorer for this' piece? Which shit slice will it be? Katie Hopkins must be leading the field.
Sarah Vine nosing ahead possibly
One of my cousins was both a stripper and burlesque dancer. She did it because she loved it. It certainly made me think again about my attitude towards the girls, and how I perceived the girls themselves. It brought home how the girls/women were somebody's daughter/sister/wife.

If, as she did, the girl/woman does it because they want to, then why shouldn't she? My cousin had a business creating costumes, and teaching burlesque. I don't believe that there's any justification for groping and abuse. She danced and took her clothes off. She never offered anything else explicitly or otherwise.

If, as I said earlier here, the dancer is dancing because she wants to, and isn't being unduly coerced, do we have the right to insist she doesn't do it? Having said that she is still entitled to respect though.
Apparently Boris claims he knew fuck all about the lunch with him offered as an auction item :hmm:

The story goes that he had agreed to attend a lunch hosted by Sir Ian Botham, which was for another charity. Someone had a ticket to that lunch, but couldn't stomach it (see what I did there), so that person gave the place up for auction by the President's Club.

TBF, this I can believe, especially as another lot was for a tour of the Bank of England & tea with the governor...

The Bank told the FT it “did not approve any prize for auction on the occasion described”. It has launched an investigation into how the prize came to be offered and and has cancelled the invitation.
Men-only gala auction prizes included meals with stars and MPs

I've won unwanted things, not on this scale, which in turn I've given to another fund raising event to raffle, so, yeah, I think both of these stories are likely.
The story goes that he had agreed to attend a lunch hosted by Sir Ian Botham, which was for another charity. Someone had a ticket to that lunch, but couldn't stomach it (see what I did there), so that person gave the place up for auction by the President's Club.

TBF, this I can believe, especially as another lot was for a tour of the Bank of England & tea with the governor...

I've won unwanted things, not on this scale, which in turn I've given to another fund raising event to raffle, so, yeah, I think both of these stories are likely.
Despite how much people may dislike the characters involved I think it would be unfair to lay blame at the doors of the “prizes” like Carney and Johnson if they weren’t at the event. Even if they knew their time was being auctioned as prizes (denied by Johnson) they’re unlikely to have known how sleazy the event was going to be. They’d have contributed on the basis that it was raising money for sick kids and on the basis that just one prize was capable of generating a donation of £400,000 pounds, which is a fuck of a lot of money.
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It makes me wonder how many other things like this have been left off the radar, but may now be exposed because the times they are a changing. Albeit multiple decades after it was claimed this stuff had already been consigned to the dustbins of history.
It's *everywhere*- it's not off the radar, just ask any woman that works what workplace sexism is like and someone will have a story to tell you. This is part of a culture where all male clubs are still seen as OK- there are four or five I can think of in London- where women are paid less than men as a matter of course, where the structure of the very working day is designed for an old school nuclear family. Very, very few women are surprised by this. It may be a particularly jaw-dropping story, with the location and money and the *details*, but basically at the core it's same old same old. If you regard women as second class, this happens.
...and all of that coupledwith a section of society a that (taking the misogyny and sexism away for a second) think they can stick their cocks into animal carcasses as an initiation, black up or dress as Nazis at parties, burn money in front of homeless people, organise "Chav hunts/safaris" for the "bantz", turn pest control into some weird fancy dress supremacist ritual, trash restaurant s on nights out and generally swagger around with the sense of entitlement that comes with knowing their place...

Chuck in the alibi of "Charidee" and you've got a very potent mix....
Despite how much people may dislike the characters involved I think it would be unfair to lay blame at the doors of the “prizes” like Carney and Johnson if they weren’t at the event. Even if they knew their time was being auctioned as prizes (denied by Johnson) they’re unlikely to have known how sleazy the event was going to be. They’d have contributed on the basis that it was raising money for sick kids and on the basis that just one prize was capable of generating a charity donation of £400,000 pounds, which is a fuck of a lot of money.
Yeh but Johnson has something of a sleazy history and a well-known habit of lying so you'll pardon me if I don't believe him
I don't know how much difference it's going to make it the long run but it's good to see these Presidents' Club pricks being called out on their behaviour - I bet more than one of them made cracks during the evening about how refreshing it was to be out of the office and in a place where they could still grope women and get away with it.
Yeh but Johnson has something of a sleazy history and a well-known habit of lying so you'll pardon me if I don't believe him

True & understandable.

But, this wasn't lunch with Bojo as such, as widely reported, but a lunch hosted by Sir Ian Botham, that Bojo was just attending. Would Bojo even have tickets to give away? Surely the ticket allocation would be in the hands of the lunch organisers and/or Botham?
Yeh but Johnson has something of a sleazy history and a well-known habit of lying so you'll pardon me if I don't believe him
Boris's explanation, that it was a Botham lunch that he was attending, is perfectly plausible and easily verifiable. I expect there are a couple of dozen journos checking it out as we type.

Mark Carney's involvement is marginally more questionable as the BofE have come straight out on record as having no knowledge. That said, Carney is not denying knowledge at the moment and he is the Governor of the Bank of England so one would assume that he has the authority to show someone around the office and give them a posh lunch without getting permission from someone else. More likely here that he's been asked by the organisers to donate a lunch and tour to GOSH and has taken it upon himself to say yes.
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Anyway, suppose Toby Young is at a loose end if they need a bit of PR advice.

Actually, who is the first journo going to be to come out with a 'storm in a teacup/they knew what they were doing/the charity sector will the be all the poorer for this' piece? Which shit slice will it be? Katie Hopkins must be leading the field.
Tweet from yesterday:

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