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Transphobes gunning hard for 'paedophilia' angle all of a sudden

Don’t play on the train tracks or motorways etc?
For sure there’s abusive parents but I’d like to think most do have the best interests of their child at heart.
Trans issues make an interesting and difficult pathway for parents to walk.

My other half was quite alarmed when our (non-binary) child announced they'd like to wear a binder and also when they casually dropped that they're happy to use they or he as pronouns a few weeks later, and even my ears pricked up a bit then. As my husband said he feels the pressure between the parent he is and the parent he wants to be at times like this and I understand that. As it is, Robin has been very clear they don't want the binder because of dysphoria issues, they just would like to be able to control more how they are perceived (or not perceived) gender wise sometimes, and it's not something they'd wear every day. They (or he) also joked that they were on the 'she/they - they/them - they/him - he/him' pathway but then said they don't reckon they'll go for 'he/him' and I think both gsv and I admit we worry a bit about that although at the same time we would support them in what they want as frankly they are doing really well at school and in music performance and have lovely friends, so clearly this gender stuff is not doing them harm, quite the opposite, they are delighting in being who they want to be.

I think the media puts about this myth that the parents of trans children either decide/are brainwashed into going 'Yay, my child is trans, I am such a cool parent, I'm going to get him a double mastectomy and male hormones right now!' Whereas I expect even the parents of the child or young person for whom medical intervention seems pretty clearly a positive and who are totally supportive I am sure still worry a lot about whether this is the right thing and have they helped them come to the right decision. I am sure many caring parents of deeply unhappy trans teens worry is this dysphoria or could it be the reflection of some other unhappinesss that is projected through the lens of gender and intervention offering their child a way to be someone else? Or could it be 'ordinary' teenage body ick that might yet be grown out of.... I honestly am not sure how one tells. The one thing I do know is that actually trans teens and their parents, of whom I know a few, are in the vast, vast majority just wanting social transition at this stage and the media-led image of kids all being rushed to fucking surgery is just a total moral panic.
I’d support my child through whatever.

That's great to hear. Shame the same can't be said for the families of 43% of trans and non-binary people.

But I’d hate to think that teachers felt they were better placed to have these conversations. Unlikely as I’m very close to my kid, but still…

Since you said yourself that you'd be supportive in such circumstances, what exactly would you be concerned about?

Almost like a Christian conviction that the Lord knows what’s best. Which I doubt you’d agree with but your beliefs reflect.

This is bollocks and you know it.

Which parents did Frank mean then and what did he mean about not looking after their kids?

Why don't you ask him, instead of spouting bollocks about knocking on doors?
I’d support my child through whatever. But I’d hate to think that teachers felt they were better placed to have these conversations. Unlikely as I’m very close to my kid, but still…

We're talking about situations where the child feels able to identify as trans or non-binary at school, but not at home. That's where Badenoch wants to stick her oar in. Situations where kids can't trust their parents.
We're talking about situations where the child feels able to identify as trans or non-binary at school, but not at home. That's where Badenoch wants to stick her oar in. Situations where kids can't trust their parents.
Why did you make such a blanket statement then? And why is the ideology you support the winning one for children?
Trans issues make an interesting and difficult pathway for parents to walk.

My other half was quite alarmed when our (non-binary) child announced they'd like to wear a binder and also when they casually dropped that they're happy to use they or he as pronouns a few weeks later, and even my ears pricked up a bit then. As my husband said he feels the pressure between the parent he is and the parent he wants to be at times like this and I understand that. As it is, Robin has been very clear they don't want the binder because of dysphoria issues, they just would like to be able to control more how they are perceived (or not perceived) gender wise sometimes, and it's not something they'd wear every day. They (or he) also joked that they were on the 'she/they - they/them - they/him - he/him' pathway but then said they don't reckon they'll go for 'he/him' and I think both gsv and I admit we worry a bit about that although at the same time we would support them in what they want as frankly they are doing really well at school and in music performance and have lovely friends, so clearly this gender stuff is not doing them harm, quite the opposite, they are delighting in being who they want to be.

I think the media puts about this myth that the parents of trans children either decide/are brainwashed into going 'Yay, my child is trans, I am such a cool parent, I'm going to get him a double mastectomy and male hormones right now!' Whereas I expect even the parents of the child or young person for whom medical intervention seems pretty clearly a positive and who are totally supportive I am sure still worry a lot about whether this is the right thing and have they helped them come to the right decision. I am sure many caring parents of deeply unhappy trans teens worry is this dysphoria or could it be the reflection of some other unhappinesss that is projected through the lens of gender and intervention offering their child a way to be someone else? Or could it be 'ordinary' teenage body ick that might yet be grown out of.... I honestly am not sure how one tells. The one thing I do know is that actually trans teens and their parents, of whom I know a few, are in the vast, vast majority just wanting social transition at this stage and the media-led image of kids all being rushed to fucking surgery is just a total moral panic.
We did used to have a system in our healthcare service that assessed kids and made a diagnosis, suggested treatments, etc. until the TERFs destroyed it. It wasn't perfect as it only provided care to a tiny minority of kids, but with funding it could have been expanded out to provide a decent nationwide service. But instead the media and transphobes got together and sabotaged it.
The whole 'we must tell the parents' things seems to rely on this fear that all these kids are running off for gender affirming surgery - when even if they wanted it, they can't have any such intervention without parental approval pre-18 anyway, IIRC.
The whole 'we must tell the parents' things seems to rely on this fear that all these kids are running off for gender affirming surgery - when even if they wanted it, they can't have any such intervention without parental approval pre-18 anyway, IIRC.
That's just an excuse and a useful lever to rope in the transphobic masses. The real aim is the same one its always been - to eliminate LGBT+ from society.
We did used to have a system in our healthcare service that assessed kids and made a diagnosis, suggested treatments, etc. until the TERFs destroyed it. It wasn't perfect as it only provided care to a tiny minority of kids, but with funding it could have been expanded out to provide a decent nationwide service. But instead the media and transphobes got together and sabotaged it.
Was it that TERFs destroyed it? I thought GIDS/Tavistock was stopped because an independent review found it was not fit for purpose.
I worked on a research project looking to co-produce material for Primary Schools about LGBTQIA stuff with parents and teachers. Key finding was that neither parents nor teachers knew where to turn and were pretty scared.
The woke ideology?

The ideology where us teachers are all trying to turn kids into cats and toasters and holograms to further our ultimate aim of...well I forget why we do it.

TBH I dread having conversations about gender with kids. Not least because some of them will have mad ideas from planet tiktok and others will have bad ideas from their bigoted arsehole parents. But mostly because it's not my place to decide, or even influence these decisions. I enforce mutual respect and encourage rational thought. That's the closest thing I have to an 'ideology' in my work.

But there is an ideology. The ideology of everyone needs to stay in their box because my box is better than yours and I don't want that to change. A lot of fake concerns for children's welfare are being created to serve that ideology. A lot of people are working for it even though they have nothing to gain from it and everything to lose.
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FWIW it's very unlikely a school would decide not to discuss something like this with parents unless there were known, documented safeguarding issues relating to that parent.

With anything safeguarding related the first thing we have to say to kids is that we can't and won't keep secrets for them.
God, I've just come across yet another example online of a parent talking (supportively) about a child's vaguely gender-nonconforming presentation and a bunch of people coming out with 'BUT ARE THEY BEING INDOCTRINATED IN SCHOOL?!'

As though kids are having daily gender identity lessons and not, as I'd assume, maybe - and it is a maybe - one session in a year of PSHE or whatever, that addresses gender issues. Where do people think teachers would be finding fucking time for 'gender indoctrination'? I'm sure most would rather be indoctrinating kids with 'turn up and take some interest in your lessons'
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