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Daily mail gunning for boris johnson - what's going on there?

He might choose to. He's broke, as a result of his inability to keep it in his trousers. He has done the proper thing financially, so he is skint.

I predict he exits no 10 within three months, and possibly the commons as well, to get on the money boat.
He can get on the money train on the back benches, it never stopped him before.
What you mean? :confused:

Lots on this thread are very sceptical that Johnson will go any time soon.

Those thinking he might, are just indulging in wishful thinking IMO, not being tinfoil hat conspiracists .... :hmm:

Wishful thinking is one thing IMO - I understand people wanting Johnson gone and why they wanted Trump gone, I feel the same - but a feature of discussions around both of these figures seems to be that there is constant feverish speculation about how any moment now there will be some hugely damaging secrets about them revealed that will bring about their downfall and that to me is crossing that line. Its the difference between hoping that something comes out that will damage Johnson and actively attempting to convince yourself and others that Dominic Cummings is just waiting for the perfect moment to unleash some devastating secret that will end Johnson political career. You can see the hallmarks of conspiracy theory thinking here IMO - there's a fascination with a secret 'truth' that will be revealed.

Despite what a lot of people claimed about Trump, he wasn't gone until he lost an election and its quite likely Johnson won't go either until there is a leadership challenge.
I've got a tentative theory that certain Tories in the know are worried about a covid inquiry and that there's more "let the bodies pile high" stuff to come out and so they want rid of Johnson. Let Johnson and Hancock take the blame and move on with their man Gove or Hunt.

Exhibit A: Theories, people in 'the know', more will be revealed.

Sorry to pick on you Knotted you were just directly after William of Walworth post
I tend to take no notice of the fail and am constantly encouraging people to ignore it on line ( I know they don't buy it).

Wouldn't surprise me if Patel becomes leader one day tbh.
This would be a dream wouldn't it. If there is one person who could stop people voting tory. I suspect no one
could handle the PM job worse than her. Bring her on.
Part of me suspects the smartest part of the British establishment wants a competently managerial Starmer government, as they recognise that Tory sliding into a one party state is in the long term a threat to the stability of the UK, and that perpetual Tory rule will inevitably lead to Scottish and perhaps even Welsh independence, leaving the UK with a greatly diminished role in the world.

Starmer is performing poorly in the polls but the oligarch owned newspapers are giving him an astonishingly easy ride.
Part of me suspects the smartest part of the British establishment wants a competently managerial Starmer government, as they recognise that Tory sliding into a one party state is in the long term a threat to the stability of the UK, and that perpetual Tory rule will inevitably lead to Scottish and perhaps even Welsh independence, leaving the UK with a greatly diminished role in the world.

Starmer is performing poorly in the polls but the oligarch owned newspapers are giving him an astonishingly easy ride.

It would be a risky act for the Brexit loving Establishment to axe Johnson. He is their winner and every other candidate on his side of the party is an absolute chump. Putting Gollum like Gove up would seriously risk the Tories losing next time. The Remain side of the Establishment is too weak to pull off a coup.

So yes, maybe they are less concerned about Labour right now. I mean they’ve had everything their own way and if it looks dodgy approaching the next election they can carpet bomb Labour or event some other bullshit to floor it with.
Part of me suspects the smartest part of the British establishment wants a competently managerial Starmer government, as they recognise that Tory sliding into a one party state is in the long term a threat to the stability of the UK, and that perpetual Tory rule will inevitably lead to Scottish and perhaps even Welsh independence, leaving the UK with a greatly diminished role in the world.

Starmer is performing poorly in the polls but the oligarch owned newspapers are giving him an astonishingly easy ride.
I don't think we are anywhere near a Blair moment, where they did end up supporting Labour (or non-Labour if you like). Even the cannier 'elites' will still see the post-Corbyn party as something imprinted with the ghost of a thing they detest. At the moment Labour are just a mess and they haven't even developed a niche for themselves in British politics, never mind a 'project'. They'd take Starmer at the head of some kind of government over Johnson, for all the reasons of not being a buffoonish lazy wildcard, but they wouldn't want Labour. Blair's acceptance by the press and the neoliberals was on the back of a long period of schmoozing, particularly by Gordon Brown. Sur Kieth's just a forlorn figure with a slightly soiled flag.
He was three years above Johnson at Eton and six years above Cameron. I'd be interested if his dislike of the former started back then.
" While the Mail’s circulation has not dropped quite as much as that of several rivals, it is still down from a daily average of about 2m 10 years ago, to 910,000 last month, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations."
... some good news there

The website of course does massive numbers but theres a lot less politics on the website at present,
He was three years above Johnson at Eton and six years above Cameron. I'd be interested if his dislike of the former started back then.
Only if he'd been lumbered with Johnson as his fag. As to Cameron, presumably, Grieg would have left for Oxford by the time he arrived, as you don't start at public schools till your 13.

Anyway, doesn't everyone who's actually met Johnson get to dislike him fairly quickly? Most in the circles I mix in manage without any personal encounter. You don't need to have gone to public school to realise what a cunt he is.
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