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Daily mail gunning for boris johnson - what's going on there?

My gut feeling is the Tories will position one of their BAME or female “big hitters” as leader in waiting when the time comes, partly to present a radical change from Boris, and partly to offer an obvious point of difference from Starmer should be still be in - should that be the case also they will want to profit from the political capital of having a non-white or female leader whereas Labour don’t (and never have - which the message will surely be)

I don’t think that moment comes now. I imagine Boris wants to get through G7 down in Cornwall in June, and to complete the UK vaccinations. That will be his VE Day moment. Then he will scarper before Rishi Sunak opens the final reminder bill for the cost of Covid.
I wondered that the other day, he looks and behaves like somebody who films every conversation he's ever had from a camera in the glass eye nobody knows he has yet. You wouldn't rob a bank or start a Russian airline with him if you had any sense.
I reckon Cummings is also pretty clever in terms of not having left incriminating evidence everywhere, so he'll be reasonably confident about any forthcoming investigations.

"Clever" is a relative term, obvs.
In the year 2043 we'll all be fighting over the last few rats and someone is going to lean over to me and tell me they're convinced Dominic Cummings is secretly responsible for the rat shortages because he's doing medical experiments on them.
He didn't spend £58k 'of his own money' on golden wallpaper and Faberge toilet seats for someone else to move in. He's planning on outstaying Brenda, or at least keeping the residence, much like he did the Foreign Secretary's official pad when Maybot sacked him.
I’ve worked in the newsroom at several of these papers.
This is an old tactic they use to try to gauge the political mood by floating a semi-controversial topic (decorating “scandal”) to figure out where to aim their editorial swipes. Nothing will come of it because no-one really gives a shit about Boris’s Axminster upgrade, but it creates a profitable furore for a few days.
Daily Mail front page tomorrow is a non-story about something extremely technical and non-momentous happening to do with autonomous driving. Smells a lot of "Find me something else, anything at all".
I reckon Cummings is also pretty clever in terms of not having left incriminating evidence everywhere, so he'll be reasonably confident about any forthcoming investigations.

"Clever" is a relative term, obvs.

Wasn’t so clever when he edited his old blog to make it look like he was some kind of sage that predicted the pandemic or whatever it was. Not half as clever as he thinks he is, he’ll trip up.

He’s already pretty discredited for Barnard Castle so the public won’t lend a lot of credence to anything he says. If he starts doing any serious damage there will be those in government who know the truth about the second/third trip up north and can drag that one out.
Wasn’t so clever when he edited his old blog to make it look like he was some kind of sage that predicted the pandemic or whatever it was. Not half as clever as he thinks he is, he’ll trip up.

He’s already pretty discredited for Barnard Castle so the public won’t lend a lot of credence to anything he says. If he starts doing any serious damage there will be those in government who know the truth about the second/third trip up north and can drag that one out.

I dunno, there's talk of an amnesty for all lockdown misdeeds. If I wanted to fuck up Cummings I'd take another look at Brexit campaign funding, CA etc but I doubt any Tories will want to pull that particular thread.
Oh my god not patel :(
The way the Tories seem to do their leadership stuff is to get a "stalking horse" in - someone expendable, useless, and popular with the Party - who gets the challenge underway, and who is then replaced before the final choice with the candidate they actually want.

Given the broad scope of expendability and uselessness that exists within the present Tory cabinet, there's plenty of stalking horse candidates, but I suspect that even Patel is too much of a liability - and she's far more help to them as a general-purpose useful idiot. Someone to do the shit jobs, who doesn't care about looking like a witless, evil, robot Tory. Someone like that isn't going to be particularly well endorsed as a candidate, not when there are so many better options.

Yep, I reckon Patel is too shit even to act as the throwaway catalyst to getting the incumbent out.
My gut feeling is the Tories will position one of their BAME or female “big hitters” as leader in waiting when the time comes, partly to present a radical change from Boris, and partly to offer an obvious point of difference from Starmer should be still be in - should that be the case also they will want to profit from the political capital of having a non-white or female leader whereas Labour don’t (and never have - which the message will surely be)

I don’t think that moment comes now. I imagine Boris wants to get through G7 down in Cornwall in June, and to complete the UK vaccinations. That will be his VE Day moment. Then he will scarper before Rishi Sunak opens the final reminder bill for the cost of Covid.
Wouldn't surprise me if Patel becomes leader one day tbh.
Johnson's going nowhere, certainly this side of the next election. He'll win that election and maybe resign a couple of years in (or not). There are just about no standards in public life anymore and the judgements of inquiries into his handling of Covid won't surface for another 3 years or so. Electoral Commission comes up with a fine or adverse report? They dispute it and shrug it off. In a context where they are ahead in the polls and about to win another seat in Hartlepool, why would there be any serious moves against him in the Tory Party? EVen more so with the fucking state of Labour. It's not just the lack of an opposition in terms of ripping him apart at PMQs and all the formal shite of politics, it's the lack of an alternative view of society. I was massively critical of the Corbyn project, but they did at least lose with some kind of alternative. Johnson is under very little pressure because he's up against a non-thing in starmer. We've gone from piers morgan being leader of the opposition to dominic cummings. My word.
I suspect cummings will have info that could damage johnson and a few others, but whether he has more and better info than the average slithering courtier who has been in his position, I doubt it. Fwiw, I believe johnson said every word that's been mentioned about the bodies piling up and the rest. But even if that gets established, I don't see how it pushes johnson anywhere near the brink given the state of the parties.
You can just imagine Johnson making the 'Piles of bodies' comment and Cummings thinking 'Right, I'm keeping that in reserve....'
My guess is Cummings laughed like a brown nosed bastard at the time, but found out it was government policy to record all the Zoom calls and decided to stir the shit after he got the sack
Great that all the tin foil hat brigade can get together and have a party on this thread :thumbs:

What you mean? :confused:

Lots on this thread are very sceptical that Johnson will go any time soon.

Those thinking he might, are just indulging in wishful thinking IMO, not being tinfoil hat conspiracists .... :hmm:
I've got a tentative theory that certain Tories in the know are worried about a covid inquiry and that there's more "let the bodies pile high" stuff to come out and so they want rid of Johnson. Let Johnson and Hancock take the blame and move on with their man Gove or Hunt.
Yeah it's the turn of the press that is the surprising bit, imo.
The Daily Mail turns on the Tory leadership sooner or later. The belief that the right in British politics is in anyway United has always been a myth. The Tory Party is always on the verge of civil war and the right-wing media is always happy to put the boot in. Look at that shit Andrew Neil and his attitude to Johnson.
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