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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

And a very quick google regarding Moore shows he was 39 when killed in 2023. The Spectator article says he was convicted in 1999 when he would have been 15/16 by my maths, so the event would have happened before that. The very biased Spectator article (which I feel soiled by just reading :() gives no age for the other person involved but I have a feeling if it really was a child rather than a slightly younger adolescent, then they would have delighted in providing the age. It’s not possible to establish consent but that works from both directions here, and a lot of slightly older gay teens have been punished by the law in similar, consensual circumstances.

@ Tones
I've been a mod for a thousand years and it still surprises me that when people say "just ban me" they imagine I won't just say "ok". Like it's some reverse psychology thing and actually I'll say "no! I refuse to ban you!"

I think they just want you to ban them.
He's very very wrong. Does that mean he should be banned? I don't think so. And in this particular instance, someone appears to have taken offence on my behalf. Don't need or want it thanks.
Yes, considering what they’ve been saying and what they’ve been saying about people who support DQST and other drag events
Maybe but seems a bit unlikely given he would also have been equally a victim in the case of consensual sex because he was also under age.

my understanding of the rules around gay male sex before AoC was equalised in the UK was that both (or all) parties were committing an offence if it was consensual, even if one or both was under 21 (or later 18)
Maybe but seems a bit unlikely given he would also have been equally a victim in the case of consensual sex because he was also under age.
Fuck me there is some hateful shit out there about him, but this gives a little more information. He was sentenced to three years in a young offenders institution and banned from contact with children for life.

More than a decade later, he breached the order but there is no suggestion that he did anything with the children other than teach them how to dance.

Man arrested after shock death of drag queen is released on bail

Bit more information here. Again, no suggestion that he did anything other than teach the kids.

Gym coach had rape conviction

Going to stop looking now. Some really disgusting stuff out there.
And a very quick google regarding Moore shows he was 39 when killed in 2023. The Spectator article says he was convicted in 1999 when he would have been 15/16 by my maths, so the event would have happened before that. The very biased Spectator article (which I feel soiled by just reading :() gives no age for the other person involved but I have a feeling if it really was a child rather than a slightly younger adolescent, then they would have delighted in providing the age. It’s not possible to establish consent but that works from both directions here, and a lot of slightly older gay teens have been punished by the law in similar, consensual circumstances.

@ Tones
CPS deciding it was in the public interest to prosecute, a jury convicting of rape, a judge sentencing to three years and banning from contact with kids for more than a decade, and a breach of the ban prosecuted. All for someone who is themself under age having consensual sex with someone just one year younger. I guess it's not impossible. But I will wait until I know a bit more before defending or condemning him on the strength of the conviction. Not that it makes the Spectator any better or has any relevance to the question of drag queens reading books to kids!
my understanding of the rules around gay male sex before AoC was equalised in the UK was that both (or all) parties were committing an offence if it was consensual, even if one or both was under 21 (or later 18)
Except that if the boy was under 16, he wouldn't be committing an offence. I think that is how it worked - hence in this case the conviction was for raping a boy under 16. And if the boy is under 16, the crime was considered much more severe.

Yep, looking at the original 1967 act, which was amended but not abolished in 1994, while 21 was the age of consent (later lowered to 18), age 16 was also considered a crucial age. If you had sex with a boy aged under 16, you were in for a much stiffer penalty.

All for someone who is themself under age having consensual sex with someone just one year younger. I guess it's not impossible. But I will wait until I know a bit more before defending or condemning him on the strength of the conviction.
Sounds an awful like you are condemning him in all honesty…
CPS deciding it was in the public interest to prosecute, a jury convicting of rape, a judge sentencing to three years and banning from contact with kids for more than a decade, and a breach of the ban prosecuted. All for someone who is themself under age having consensual sex with someone just one year younger. I guess it's not impossible. But I will wait until I know a bit more before defending or condemning him on the strength of the conviction. Not that it makes the Spectator any better or has any relevance to the question of drag queens reading books to kids!
Not only is it not impossible, it was allowed and encouraged by the law of the time. My guess is that he was 16, the other boy 14. And for that he was officially branded a paedophile for the rest of his life.
tbh Tones, I don't want to sound rude, but you appear to be very naive about just how viciously homophobic UK law was right up to 2001.

If you don't believe me, have a little look at the original law decriminalising some gay sex.
I struggled with the fight at Hyde Park tbh. Which is what kicked off a pretty bad thread on here. Elderly women being battered for holding views which were being designated as fascist. Wrong on so many levels. Thankfully it's calmed down somewhat since then.
But this thing of drag in front of babies. To me it's harmless but you're attracting fascists to this event who in turn will attract anti-fascists that will oppose the fascists whilst nailing their colours to the mast of the idea. I bet those running the event have never been on any anti-fascist mobilisation ever.
I struggled with the fight at Hyde Park tbh. Which is what kicked off a pretty bad thread on here. Elderly women being battered for holding views which were being designated as fascist. Wrong on so many levels. Thankfully it's calmed down somewhat since then.
But this thing of drag in front of babies. To me it's harmless but you're attracting fascists to this event who in turn will attract anti-fascists that will oppose the fascists whilst nailing their colours to the mast of the idea. I bet those running the event have never been on any anti-fascist mobilisation ever.
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