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Drag Queen Story Times picketed by protestors who claim that it grooms children and promotes paedophilia

No, I don't know that. Not at all. I have zero problem with either kind of event. I see no safeguarding issue, and beyond that I don't see that it is any of my damn business.

Well that's because your're being a naive liberal acting as a useful idiot for the NAMBLA/PIE contingent. You're being used and you don't even know it.
Leader of the Welsh conservatives loving the culture war

If this tweet from the resulting Twitter thread is true…

The facts, I understand, are that Darren had sex with a 14 y/o when he himself was 15. That is statutory rape. Not violent, non-consensual, pedophilic rape as this article would have you believe. He was targeted his entire life b/c of this conviction. This is dog whistle politics
Well that’s not even statutory rape, at least it wouldn’t be in the case of a 15 year old boy and 14 year old girl if it was consensual. This is what the grey area of 13-15 essentially is for - to not criminalise teenagers of a similar age for being teenagers.

Tbf I can’t remember when the laws changed to bring age of consent for men with men as the same as men with women, it probably was still 18 in 1999. But to judge his 15 year old self more harshly for having sex with a young man rather than a young woman is really clear cut homophobia.
They're part of the same movement. One is just tailored to seem more innocuous. The other, however, does the job of shifting the window of acceptability. The separation of the two is deliberate to introduce a bit of plausible deniability.
Ah, a conspiracy.
That's a big 'if'. Would he have got the years inside for that, and still have been banned from any contact with kids more than a decade later?
Tbf it was the only tweet with any context in the entire thread, and automatically holding weight with the “he’s a wrong un, even though I have no details whatsoever! :mad:” responses would seem to be cognitive bias.
That's a big 'if'. Would he have got the years inside for that, and still have been banned from any contact with kids more than a decade later?
he might, yes. The law used to be very homophobic, you know. 1999 was before the equalisation of the age of consent.
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