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all these “So and so’s time is up” threads.

Russia invaded Ukraine, a country of which it was occupying chunks of since 2014. There's only one imperialist side in that conflict.
The invaded country is being used as a stooge and proxy by western imperialism.
What are you on about?

What the fuck are you on about? Things always become conveniently incomprehensible to you when it comes to the subject of the Russian invasion.

Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine has sought help from other nations in its defence against an invasion mounted by a larger aggressor. Apparently this makes them stooges and proxies according to you. For defending themselves and seeking military aid to bolster said defence. I think you're full of shit.

Clear enough?
What the fuck are you on about? Things always become conveniently incomprehensible to you when it comes to the subject of the Russian invasion.

Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine has sought help from other nations in its defence against an invasion mounted by a larger aggressor. Apparently this makes them stooges and proxies according to you. For defending themselves and seeking military aid to bolster said defence. I think you're full of shit.

Clear enough?
It all began a lot longer ago than the actual invasion, and the West, seeking to weaken Russia, openly backed the anti-Russian side. A cynical move when they must have known the likely Russian reaction.

But this has been done to death in the Ukraine threads. Plenty of room over there for people who want to quash assertions nobody has made.
The invaded country is being used as a stooge and proxy by western imperialism.
Whilst western imperialist interests coincide with a war of degradation against Russia, I think you're a bit blind to the Ukrainian peoples agency in all this. There still appears to be vast popular support for continuing to wage the war inside Ukraine and had been since day one. This might change over time, but I've not seen anything that hints at it yet.
Whilst western imperialist interests coincide with a war of degradation against Russia, I think your a bit blind to the Ukrainian peoples agency in all this. There still appears to be vast popular support for continuing to wage the war inside Ukraine and had been since day one. This might change over time, but I've not seen anything that hints at it yet.
I'm not blind to it. I wouldn't expect anything else under the circumstances.

Still think it would be better if so many of 'em weren't now dead, however, through a war that could have been averted.
I'm not blind to it. I wouldn't expect anything else under the circumstances.

Still think it would be better if so many of 'em weren't now dead, however, through a war that could have been averted.
Well, looking back 35 years and saying how different it all could be if only they'd listened is something I'm painfully aware of.

If only I'm made some effort back then to do the slightest bit of studying for my A levels, my life may have been different. But I didn't and NATO didn't either, so here we are and we're dealing with it now.

Fucks sake. Even my Mum stopped going on and on and on about it after the first 10 years
Well, looking back 35 years and saying how different it all could be if only they'd listened is something I'm painfully aware of.

If only I'm made some effort back then to do the slightest bit of studying for my A levels, my life may have been different. But I didn't and NATO didn't either, so here we are and we're dealing with it now.

Fucks sake. Even my Mum stopped going on and on and on about it after the first 10 years
You've got the war. Can't you be content?
Russian imperialism was only allowed to begin 35 years ago, by the West. Anyone who sees it as otherwise (a liberal, obvs) should be "content" with "their" war (since Ukrainians, as many a Russian knows, have no agency, whilst being the bad guys at the same time).
But not as batshit as anarchists and revolutionary socialists enthusiastically extolling the virtues of an inter-imperialist war. Backing one camp in a conflict in which both sides would either kill or politically neuter them if they got the chance. And actually treating war as if it's a mere TV show or football match while they're at it.

One if our pundits-in-chief slagging of the pundits.
If only I could work out how to go back a page and discover who started talikng about NATO and Russia on this thread.
It was a passing quip, in response to somebody else saying the culture of the boards had got weird. I should have remembered how fanatical and tenacious the pro-war camp is.
It was a passing quip, in response to somebody else saying the culture of the boards had got weird. I should have remembered how fanatical and tenacious the pro-war camp is.

You bring it up at every conceivable opportunity, even in situations which are nothing to do with it. Some might even say with a fanatical tenacity, as this thread aptly demonstrates.
Unless they're Ukrainian.
If we must Ukrainianise the thread again, despite complaints from the viewers, then I've always said the Ukrainians were bound to fight back, and that the invasion was a mistake. But it was stupid of the Ukrainian government to serve their population up as fodder for western geo-political aims, and make their country a testing ground for western arms.

A neutral Ukraine would undoubtedly be better than tens of thousands of corpses-or maybe hundreds of thousands by the time it's played out.
If we must Ukrainianise the thread again, despite complaints from the viewers, then I've always said the Ukrainians were bound to fight back, and that the invasion was a mistake. But it was stupid of the Ukrainian government to serve their population up as fodder for western geo-political aims, and make their country a testing ground for western arms.

A neutral Ukraine would undoubtedly be better than tens of thousands of corpses-or maybe hundreds of thousands by the time it's played out.

A country cannot afford to be "neutral" while it is being actively invaded by an army of rapists and murderers. Neutrality was definitely off the table at least as far back as 2014, when the Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory began. Considering how the Russian state has consistently behaved towards Ukraine, I don't think the leadership of Putin and those who think like him would ever allow Ukraine to be truly neutral.

If the UK was invaded by some other country sending units of brutalised thugs, whose propaganda painted us as a bunch of Nazi Satanists, I too would want our leadership to seek military aid and find allies elsewhere in the world if we did not already have them. Because I would no confidence that any submission to and subsequent occupation by such forces would be the better option.
A country cannot afford to be "neutral" while it is being actively invaded by an army of rapists and murderers. Neutrality was definitely off the table at least as far back as 2014, when the Russian occupation of Ukrainian territory began. Considering how the Russian state has consistently behaved towards Ukraine, I don't think the leadership of Putin and those who think like him would ever allow Ukraine to be truly neutral.

If the UK was invaded by some other country sending units of brutalised thugs, whose propaganda painted us as a bunch of Nazi Satanists, I too would want our leadership to seek military aid and find allies elsewhere in the world if we did not already have them. Because I would no confidence that any submission to and subsequent occupation by such forces would be the better option.
Public opinion keeps telling us that Ukraine is not welcome on this thread, but still some of you persist. I hope it is noted that I am now replying to others who bring the subject up, and not re-introducing the subject myself.

I've already noted that all this began before 2014. Western meddling in Ukraine, aimed at putting the anti-Russian wing of the Ukrainian ruling class in power, began long before then. And this despite knowing full well the likely Russian reaction. As I said, cynical and self-serving, and treating the Ukrainian population as mere fodder.

'Truly' neutral isn't a term that applies in the real world.

What some imaginary, idealised 'you' would do in some hypothetical situation is neither here nor there.
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