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all these “So and so’s time is up” threads.

I think we need a generic "Time is up" thread where posters can insert a subject/person of their choice with every post . Sort of a catch all, so that no one feels left out :thumbs: :D
One of the Goodies, who lives in a riverside Home Counties town brought some herbs and Australian chocolate biscuits as he was meeting the UK’s most recent astronaut, who had just been on a beach holiday. but the lid came off the herbs ruining the biscuits in the container he had put them both in meaning he had to get rid of said container.

Thame Tim’s thyme and Tim Tam tin for tanned Tim time is up.
invade such a stronge word have you tried to stop a panzer it got a lot of forward momentum

invasion it was bad breaking ok so Warsaw is a little broken but let's not digress
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