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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

farage has said he'd welcome a Gove led party, as would a large number of UKIP members. he'd fucking jump at the chance of a cabinet seat. Of course he'd need to actually be elected to something first.

After the referendum, the 'kippers (should) know they've only really got one election left in them, before they drift away on a sea of pointlessness. If he could find a way, Farage would be right in there.
i dunno. if remain wins i think it will fuel them.
When has Farage said he'd welcome a Gove led Tory Party, I only recall him giving vague support to Boris recently? And why would Boris/Gove want or need him for that matter, he's toxic with the centre ground they need and half the Tory Party despises him.
An electoral pact to get what he wanted. You don't think he'd do it again? It's almost as if you think he has some principles
I'm less worried about the far right here (stuff beyond Farage) because over the last few decades they've been fairly feeble, more concerned about the wind this will put in the sails of Europe's far right. Bigger issue I reckon.
The two things (UK and European far right) arent separate enough for me .. .a growing far right in other corners of europe can influence the far right in the UK - and for me particularly so when Farage's thin end of the wedge has been knocking at walls for as long as it has... it worries me a lot.

im also genuinely scared about phase two of the deferred economic collapse, and that coupled with a growing far-right in europe makes me feel very cautious.

Staying in the EU doesnt negate that of course, but it feels a dangerous time to do anything that gives more traction to racist and separatist narratives, both in the UK and beyond
The two things (UK and European far right) arent separate enough for me .. .a growing far right in other corners of europe can influence the far right in the UK - and for me particularly so when Farage's thin end of the wedge has been knocking at walls for as long as it has... it worries me a lot.

im also genuinely scared about phase two of the deferred economic collapse, and that coupled with a growing far-right in europe makes me feel very cautious.

Staying in the EU doesnt negate that of course, but it feels a dangerous time to do anything that gives more traction to racist and separatist narratives, both in the UK and beyond
What's the eu's role in this?
How does Farage have any power if leave win? He's not an MP.
He seems to have a lot of power to me right now. He's possibly the single most politically influential person in the country, in terms of setting an agenda.
As I said upthread, if the vote goes to Leave that just triggers the beginning of a long power struggle over what happens next. I can see no chance that UKIP are going to shut up shop and leave it in the hands of others to deal with. Farage will have power as the country will have just voted in his favour in a referendum that was effectively his doing. UKIP are on an electoral roll at the moment too - polling 18% and recently winning seat in Wales.

No really knows what will happen next - so many variables, and as a gambling man I dont like the look of the majority of the outcomes.

Heres one possibility from the Indy:
"Although Farage dismisses post-referendum speculation as “irrelevant” and “Westminster tittle-tattle", Ukip insiders believe he plans to rebrand and relaunch the party, modelling it on Italy’s populist Five Star Movement led by Beppe Grillo, a comedian."

The idea that voting Leave kills UKIP is really wishfull thinking IMO. In fact the opposite is more likely I think, that they will get even more momentum and credibility.
Probably nothing here that we didn't already know...but FWIW here is YG's latest (& last) map of EUref support. (Blue = Leave, Red = Remain).

If Scotland gets independence the next referendum would be more decisive.

Not sure why people think there'll be another IndyRef. Hasn't the government shown enough disgust at people voting on issues to make it clear they won't make a habit of it?
The idea that voting Leave kills UKIP is really wishfull thinking IMO. In fact the opposite is more likely I think, that they will get even more momentum and credibility.
i never saw it as ukip being led to the guillotine on 24 june, more as a lingering death lasting years if not months.
Something just occurred to me; apart from the polling card I haven't received any referendum-related bumf in the post at all. I wonder why that is?
Something just occurred to me; apart from the polling card I haven't received any referendum-related bumf in the post at all. I wonder why that is?

I received a bit about a month ago then nothing since then. Not complaining.
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