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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

...if either side had booked whoever it is delivering the endless torrent of takeaway menus round our way they'd probably have the whole thing sewn up by now...
drives me insane. I've lived here ten years, I know which are the decent takeaways and if I want to try a new one I'll ask another long term resident for reccs on new places.
Mrs Leadsom got her tongue in a tangle. "We've got child-free tax care!" she cried. No doubt an essential service for childless millionaires.

Michael Deacon's Telegraph sketch


The circle of utter cunts is complete
A bit off topic but I was talking about TTIP earlier and that Greece and others have said they'd reject it. Is it likely or possible that acceptance of TTIP could be part of a future bailout package?
Brexit is a fake revolt – working-class culture is being hijacked to help the elite | Paul Mason
Grauniad said:
Ask the leave camp to put targets on these things – not for the longterm, but within 12-18 months. They can’t.

What can is a left-led Labour party, combined with the progressive nationalist parties and the Greens, which will institute real change. There will be no dilemmas in the newsrooms of the Times and Telegraph if that happens: they will unite to crush it.

That’s how you know the difference between a real revolt and a fake one: by its enemies.

Oh my sides. Does Mason really believe this these days?
I'm looking forward to Farage resigning tomorrow then re appointing himself as ukip leader Monday like what he dun last time.
I'm looking forward to Farage resigning tomorrow then re appointing himself as ukip leader Monday like what he dun last time.
I liked that - but it is too early to say - the votes will be in shortly and then we will know, Farage could be celebrating come the morning.
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