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The Trump presidency

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In Politico Trump’s faux-pas diplomacy
While the Hollande call on Jan. 28 did touch on pressing matters between the two countries — namely the fight against the Islamic State — Trump also used the exchange to vent about his personal fixations, including his belief that the United States is being taken advantage of by China and by international bodies like NATO, the official said.

At one point, Trump declared that the French can continue protecting NATO, but that the U.S. “wants our money back,” the official said, adding that Trump seemed to be “obsessing over money."

“It was a difficult conversation, because he talks like he’s speaking publicly,” the official said. “It's not the usual way heads of state speak to each other. He speaks with slogans and the conversation was not completely organized.”
My bold, who knew?
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Yes it's:

1. Renting space will be a huge cost to the taxpayer.
2. Money will go straight to Trump's pocket.
3. Massive conflict of interest.
4. Creates increased security risk due to a.) Trump family in permanent residence b.) military presence
5. Threatens other businesses in area due to increased security

Yes, in the past, security had to be beefed up for other other presidential residences, but these tended not to be much cheaper to secure (e.g. full security only required when occupied, only taking up rooms in the property or portacabins elsewhere on the grounds, etc.)

If it's not happening yet, I'm expecting Uncle Sam will also foot the bill for beefing up security on all Trump branded properties around the world, saving Trump an absolute fortune.

Cyber expert's arrest silences Russian contacts of some Western crime fighters

Despite acrimonious relations between Russia and the United States in recent years, experts on cyber security in both countries say their law enforcement agencies and private firms had been working together more closely behind the scenes to fight financial fraud and other crimes committed online.

But at least some of that cooperation appears to have come to a sudden halt since Ruslan Stoyanov, head of the computer incidents investigation team at Russian cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab, was arrested in December on suspicion of treason.
This polling data is very interesting...all kinds of stats from the first weeks of the Trump presidency, including these gems:

"The attitudes of Trump voters on the issue of the order being a Muslim ban are telling. 71% claim they don't think the intent of the executive order was to ban Muslims from entering the country, to 23% who say that was the intent. But then when you ask Trump voters what their feelings on banning Muslims from the country are, they support it. 48% of Trump voters support banning Muslims from entering the country, to 40% who are opposed. So they say it's not a Muslim ban, but they want a Muslim ban, and 94% of them support the order."

"Obamacare continues to become more popular the more talk there is about repealing it. 46% of voters now say they support it to just 41% who are opposed. And only 33% of voters think the best course of action is for Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act and start over, to 62% who think it would be better to keep it and fix the parts that need fixing."

"Less than 2 weeks into Donald Trump's tenure as President, 40% of voters already want to impeach him. That's up from 35% of voters who wanted to impeach him a week ago. Only 48% of voters say that they would be opposed to Trump's impeachment"

"Trump voters also continue to refuse to believe in the sincerity of those protesting him. 48% think the folks who protested at airports across the country last weekend were paid to do so by George Soros, to only 31% who think the protesters weren't paid. Trump voters thought the women's marchers were all paid by Mr. Soros as well so clearly the Trump administration is going to be very expensive for him. "

This is fascinating stuff! I urge everyone to read or skim the pdf, it's got lots of interesting charts and breakdowns of information


  • PPP_Release_National_2217.pdf
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christ the old lines. Paid agitators, proffesional protestors etc
oldest one in the book 'protesters given 10 pounds drink money and a packed lunch' looooool never happened
most of who?

I've had diatribes from people living in coastal America saying similar about the Brexit debate/result, though they've been less polite. tmm we have to accept that what is entirely incomprehensible from one perspective makes perfect sense from another. And as the recent detailed breakdown of the ref results confirms, educational background, geographic location and age are all massively important in determining our views.

So youngish, well educated Brits saying that Trumps behaviour on Twitter is awful cuts no ice. When I start hearing the same things on the phoneins on rightwing talk radio in Arkensaw or Texas I'll start to wonder if he's losing his touch.

Where is "Arkensaw?" :hmm:

You do realise that the vote for Trump was spread across the socio-economic classes in the US, right? The main predictor of support for Trump was and is race, along with views on abortion. Whether white folks think his tweets and speeches are adorable or embarrassing, as long as he gets abortion banned, they can deal.
christ the old lines. Paid agitators, proffesional protestors etc
oldest one in the book 'protesters given 10 pounds drink money and a packed lunch' looooool never happened

But 48% of Americans not only believe it but also know who's writing the cheques. 48%! Voting in America's Got Talent is more responsibility than they should be allowed, I tell ya.
Where is "Arkensaw?" :hmm:

You do realise that the vote for Trump was spread across the socio-economic classes in the US, right? The main predictor of support for Trump was and is race, along with views on abortion. Whether white folks think his tweets and speeches are adorable or embarrassing, as long as he gets abortion banned, they can deal.
The main predictor for trump was having voted republican before, in fact. The main difference this time was fewer voters of colour thought it worthwhile to vote for Clinton.
The main predictor for trump was having voted republican before, in fact. The main difference this time was fewer voters of colour thought it worthwhile to vote for Clinton.
Uh, voter supression?

80 odd percent of African Americans voted for Clinton, across the socio-economic classes. Similar proportions of white folks voted Trump. He still lost the popular vote though, by a long stretch.
Uh, voter supression?

80 odd percent of African Americans voted for Clinton, across the socio-economic classes. Similar proportions of white folks voted Trump. He still lost the popular vote though, by a long stretch.
No, it wasn't (overwhelmingly) voter suppression, it was an unappealing candidate.

And as for 80 odd percent of 'white folks' voting for Trump, that's an alternative fact all of your own, as big as any of The Donald's.
No, it wasn't (overwhelmingly) voter suppression, it was an unappealing candidate.

And as for 80 odd percent of 'white folks' voting for Trump, that's an alternative fact all of your own, as big as any of The Donald's.
Indeed and I'm pretty sure that "80 odd percent of African Americans voted for Clinton" is also bollocks. Even if you make it 80 odd percent of the African Americans electorate voted for Clinton, I think it's on dodgy ground as you'd need a near 100% turnout of that group.
No, it wasn't (overwhelmingly) voter suppression, it was an unappealing candidate.

And as for 80 odd percent of 'white folks' voting for Trump, that's an alternative fact all of your own, as big as any of The Donald's.

I apologise that in my haste, I understated the proportion of African Americans who went Clinton and overstated the proportion of white folks who went Trump.

- 63% of white men and 52% of white women voted Trump.

- 13 % of African American men and 4% of African American women voted Trump.

- 31% of white men and 43% of white women voted Clinton.

- 82% of African American men and 94% of African American women voted Clinton.

A higher proportion of white voters went for a third party than black voters. If black voters thought Clinton was such a crap candidate, you'd expect more to vote third party.

Do you have some evidence for your claim that African Americans stayed away from the polls because Clinton was "unappealing?"
Remember yesterday Trump wanted to know the name of the Senator so he could destroy his career? well, this is him:

Leach is a senator in the Pennsylvania General Assembly. Agree with his sentiments, but he wasn't the target, as the meeting with Sheriffs was in Texas.

It's most likely Texas State Senator Juan Hinojosa the Sheriff had in mind.
No, you're still wrong. Do you actually know what an exit poll is?

From your own link
exit polls are surveys of a small percentage of voters taken after they leave their voting place. pollsters use this data to project how all voters or segments of voters side on a particular race or ballot measure.
Ah, OK. I assumed it was him because of the phrasing
No worries. I like Leach's attitude. I hope the tide is turning, but still wish there were more Democrat politicians cottoning on to the fact that the situation is way beyond the bounds of normal and they need to get their shit together and oppose the administration by all means necessary.
most of who?

I've had diatribes from people living in coastal America saying similar about the Brexit debate/result, though they've been less polite. tmm we have to accept that what is entirely incomprehensible from one perspective makes perfect sense from another. And as the recent detailed breakdown of the ref results confirms, educational background, geographic location and age are all massively important in determining our views.

So youngish, well educated Brits saying that Trumps behaviour on Twitter is awful cuts no ice. When I start hearing the same things on the phoneins on rightwing talk radio in Arkensaw or Texas I'll start to wonder if he's losing his touch.
Aye, like said talk shows would entertain people phoning in to renounce their belief in Trump:D
I can fully understand how some people would have voted for Trump esp given the reassurances that his wilder intentions would be 'curtailed'
Anybody still proclaiming support for him, now has no defence against being described as a racist nutter.
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