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The Trump presidency

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On Politico Heavy Are the Shoulders That Wear the Bathrobe

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The Gipper looks like a patient in a nursing home.

"EASY D?" What the fuck is he talking about now? Is it possible for a court to order him to have a physical carried out by a doctor that isn't on his private payroll?
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I apologise that in my haste, I understated the proportion of African Americans who went Clinton and overstated the proportion of white folks who went Trump.

- 63% of white men and 52% of white women voted Trump.

- 13 % of African American men and 4% of African American women voted Trump.

- 31% of white men and 43% of white women voted Clinton.

- 82% of African American men and 94% of African American women voted Clinton.
So, massively different to the figures you made up. Even further from the truth than your average Trump comment.

A higher proportion of white voters went for a third party than black voters. If black voters thought Clinton was such a crap candidate, you'd expect more to vote third party.
No you wouldn't. There is no necessary connection between those things at all. All that says is that no candidate was particularly appealing to voters of colour.

Do you have some evidence for your claim that African Americans stayed away from the polls because Clinton was "unappealing?"
A basic look at the demographics.

Hillary Clinton failed to win over black, Hispanic and female voters - the charts that show why she lost the presidential election
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A couple of observations worth discussing now:

(i) the US status quo mindset is still its own worst enemy confronting WTA in power;
(ii) Americans outside the WTA clique/Republican revanchist base generally lack a political philosophy to answer WTA in power;
(iii) racial tribalism replacing conventional ideologies is more than ‘populism’;
(iv) the WTA/GOP rejection of US post-1945 liberal democratic international order is potentially the greatest strategic disaster in world history — yet US foreign policy stakeholders have decayed to the point of political impotence; and
(v) American society is unable to self-organize beyond sub groups in an era of demotic, non-rational communications, leaving the political advantage to activated minorities.

An evolving conversation to come on these specific points will be actually useful to an effective resistance to Trump, WTA and GOP revanchism. That’s not to deny the satisfaction derived from the eloquence of Canadian former speech writers or the like. AgitProp was always a Neocon forte. But the time has come for practical work.
That's white tribal authoritarianism (“WTA”).

Embracing "doing stupid shit" with a giddy sort of joy. The odd combination of Chicken Little fear mongering, nihilistic Thantos fondling and just pure toddler running with scissors recklessness is unprecedented.

Quite a lot of the people who voted for Trump did so with little enthusiasm. "Populism" does seem to be a bit of a misnomer for the creeping barrage of bullshit that is Trumpismo. It's only a couple of weeks in and is actually proving pretty unpopular. The "activated minority" really is a minority.
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