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The Trump presidency

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can you imagine that clown in a 'when the levees break' situation. He'd handle it worse than dubya and he fucked the dog well and truly there

Trump might have taken more decisive action than Dubya, as long as the disaster was covered on Fox News - though any lives saved from flooding would have been more than cancelled out by the number of suspected looters killed by helicopter gunships - and by the nuking of the Superdome.
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Biggest Scandal in Washington
Whatever happened to the Trump-Russia story?

The biggest election-related scandal since Watergate occurred last year, and it has largely disappeared from the political-media landscape of Washington.

According to the consensus assessment of US intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence, under the orders of Vladimir Putin, mounted an extensive operation to influence the 2016 campaign to benefit Donald Trump. This was a widespread covert campaign that included hacking Democratic targets and publishing swiped emails via WikiLeaks. And it achieved its objectives. But the nation's capital remains under-outraged by this subversion. The congressional intelligence committees announced last month that they will investigate the Russian hacking and also examine whether there were any improper contacts between the Trump camp and Russia during the campaign. (A series of memos attributed to a former British counterintelligence officer included allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.) Yet these behind-closed-doors inquiries have generated minimum media notice, and, overall, there has not been much outcry.

In call with Putin, Trump denounced Obama-era nuclear arms treaty - sources

In his first call as president with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump denounced a treaty that caps U.S. and Russian deployment of nuclear warheads as a bad deal for the United States, according to two U.S. officials and one former U.S. official with knowledge of the call.

When Putin raised the possibility of extending the 2010 treaty, known as New START, Trump paused to ask his aides in an aside what the treaty was, these sources said. :facepalm:
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Biggest Scandal in Washington
Whatever happened to the Trump-Russia story?

The biggest election-related scandal since Watergate occurred last year, and it has largely disappeared from the political-media landscape of Washington.

According to the consensus assessment of US intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence, under the orders of Vladimir Putin, mounted an extensive operation to influence the 2016 campaign to benefit Donald Trump. This was a widespread covert campaign that included hacking Democratic targets and publishing swiped emails via WikiLeaks. And it achieved its objectives. But the nation's capital remains under-outraged by this subversion. The congressional intelligence committees announced last month that they will investigate the Russian hacking and also examine whether there were any improper contacts between the Trump camp and Russia during the campaign. (A series of memos attributed to a former British counterintelligence officer included allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.) Yet these behind-closed-doors inquiries have generated minimum media notice, and, overall, there has not been much outcry.

Well the American public has historically been largely fine with their own government inserting tame lunatics as government leaders in any number of other places, they've scarcely got a leg to stand on if those chickens have indeed come home to roost.
The Mysterious Disappearance of the Biggest Scandal in Washington
Whatever happened to the Trump-Russia story?

The biggest election-related scandal since Watergate occurred last year, and it has largely disappeared from the political-media landscape of Washington.

According to the consensus assessment of US intelligence agencies, Russian intelligence, under the orders of Vladimir Putin, mounted an extensive operation to influence the 2016 campaign to benefit Donald Trump. This was a widespread covert campaign that included hacking Democratic targets and publishing swiped emails via WikiLeaks. And it achieved its objectives. But the nation's capital remains under-outraged by this subversion. The congressional intelligence committees announced last month that they will investigate the Russian hacking and also examine whether there were any improper contacts between the Trump camp and Russia during the campaign. (A series of memos attributed to a former British counterintelligence officer included allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.) Yet these behind-closed-doors inquiries have generated minimum media notice, and, overall, there has not been much outcry.

Could it just be that it was all bullshit as you and others were told repeatedly for months?
Conway again :facepalm:

Trump aide Kellyanne Conway 'wrong' over Ivanka plug - BBC News

The Republican standards tsar of the US Congress says a senior Trump aide was "wrong, wrong, wrong" to promote Ivanka Trump products on live television.

"It needs to be dealt with," he told the Associated Press. "There's no ifs, ands or buts about it."

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said Ms Conway had been given advice after her remarks on Fox News, which she made in an interview from the White House briefing room.

"Go buy Ivanka's stuff," Ms Conway said. "I'm going to go get some myself today. I'm going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody."
I know this is the trump thread but whilst KellyAnne was trying to sell Ivanka's jewellery on tv, the Uk government announced that this country would not take any more unaccompanied child refugees. I haven't seen anyone mention this on U75 (maybe i missed it). How easy it is to be captivated though by the gaudy pantomime / horror show over there, which is so gross its compelling, and miss what's going on at home.
I know this is the trump thread but whilst KellyAnne was trying to sell Ivanka's jewellery on tv, the Uk government announced that this country would not take any more unaccompanied child refugees. I haven't seen anyone mention this on U75 (maybe i missed it). How easy it is to be captivated though by the gaudy pantomime / horror show over there, which is so gross its compelling, and miss what's going on at home.
It does at first sight seem shameful that they have cancelled this program. On the other hand I believe it had only taken in some 300 people which is much less than was anticipated. I don't know why that has happened and, while I am not defending them, I understand Britain will still continue to take unaccompanied minors from the theatre. Though I don't know how many we have already taken from there.
I know this is the trump thread but whilst KellyAnne was trying to sell Ivanka's jewellery on tv, the Uk government announced that this country would not take any more unaccompanied child refugees. I haven't seen anyone mention this on U75 (maybe i missed it). How easy it is to be captivated though by the gaudy pantomime / horror show over there, which is so gross its compelling, and miss what's going on at home.
A friend has been training foster parents who are set to take in the unaccompanied migrant children. She heard the news literally in the middle of a training day and was gutted. 3000 is a drop in the ocean, and there were charities and foster families already lined up to help them, with very little cost to the state. Many already had family settled in the UK. This move just before knocking off for holibobs was especially sinister.
So, massively different to the figures you made up. Even further from the truth than your average Trump comment.

No you wouldn't. There is no necessary connection between those things at all. All that says is that no candidate was particularly appealing to voters of colour.

A basic look at the demographics.

Hillary Clinton failed to win over black, Hispanic and female voters - the charts that show why she lost the presidential election
weren't you meant to re[ly tp this, CRI
Well Obama basically tweaked Bush's GWOT policy and continued. It's arguable in places like Yemen he made things much worse.

I'd predict Trump will radically loosen GWOT Rules of Engagement and there'll be a return to capture and torture. Trump's will be a bigger clumsier GWOT ignoring all legal restrictions and regularly treading on Muslim allies toes. As this article points out the GWOT is an area where the President has the sort of Kingly powers Trump probably expected of the Oval Office. It'll be a form of venting and yes that probably will make the terrorism situation worse.

Drones and the Buffoon, a dicey combination? should worry US satirist comedians more than Iran though:D

Imagine what he's going to be like when then have a really big cockup on their hands.

Massive opportunity for McCain to roast the Buffoons nuts, given the disparate military records of the two and most Americans loyalty to those who have actually served.
fuck you sir

on the travel ban

The government contends that the district court lacked authority to enjoin enforcement of the executive order because the president has ‘unreviewable authority to suspend the admission of any class of aliens’ …

The government has taken the position that the president’s decisions about immigration policy, particularly when motivated by national security concerns, are unreviewable, even if those actions potentially contravene constitutional rights and protections …

There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy.

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The US has been supporting Kurdish militias in Iraq since the 90s. The Iranians supported some of them even before that.

Obama provided a shit load of Close Air Support to the mostly Kurdish PKK in Syria for the last couple of years since they happened to be getting hammered by IS and conveniently were not fighting Assad instead. IS storming across the Euphrates valley rather took the shine off the clever wheeze to encourage the fall of Assad. This US tilt has rather miffed a lot of the rebels we supportet who mostly regard the PKK as Assad allied pond slime. One problem here is the PKK have been fighting a war with the Turks on and off for decades which went hot again in 2015. Last year the Turks made a deal with the Russians and invaded Syria to head off PKK plans for a unified statelet. That threw a spanner in the plan to take Raqqa from IS as the PKK in Syria now had a Turkish Armoured Brigade sniffing at their rear. Trump inherits this mess but there's been no real innovation that wasn't planned by Obama as yet.

Trump's much touted secret plan to defeat IS turned out to be a very cunning one. In an Executive Order he just asked the Pentagon how they'd do that and to get back to him with the details in a month or two.

It never really looked like the US had a strategy in Syria. It's more a series of errors followed by damage control.

"Trump's much touted secret plan to defeat IS turned out to be a very cunning one. In an Executive Order he just asked the Pentagon how they'd do that and to get back to him with the details in a month or two"

Waddaya mean Steve!! I told the pentagon to deploy the Death Star, you told me they had a secret Death Star.
weren't you meant to re[ly tp this, CRI

You do realise nearly 3 million more people went into polling booths and ticked the box by Clinton's name than the one by Trump's name, right? :rolleyes:

Of the African Americans who did vote, 82% of men and 94% of women went for Clinton. If you're looking at a group to "blame," how about the 53% of white women who voted Trump (as opposed to 43% for Clinton), despite ample awareness of his anti-women views, misogyny and history of sexual assaults.

I find it curious that so many outspoken liberal / left / Bernie-or-Bust / 3rd party supporter white men are so quick to blame Trump's win on Clinton being a "poor" candidate and on Black people for not turning up to vote. But those same white men seem really, really reluctant to apportion blame with the majority of white women where you don't have to speculate because they actively voted for Trump.

Here's a few pieces that unpick the "whys" behind the 53% of white women voting Trump, and

White women voted for Trump in 2016 because they still believe white men are their saviors
Why Did White Women Vote For Trump? Look At Kellyanne Conway’s Sexual Harassment Story.

Why White Women Voted for Donald Trump
Why white women voted for Trump, in their own words
The quiet racism behind the white female Trump voter
Comedian Nikki Glaser Blames Oprah for White Women Voting Trump Into Office

And for those so quick to dismiss voter suppression as a factor in fewer African Americans casting votes, I think that's pretty telling, too.

North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right
Early-voting data confirms that blacks in the swing state aren’t voting as much as in 2012—not for a lack of enthusiasm or effort, but because of rules designed to stop them.

We Can’t Talk About the Black Vote in the 2016 Election Without Discussing Voter Suppression

Wisconsin, the state in which Gov. Scott Walker signed a voter ID law that disproportionately affects poor blacks, was won by Donald Trump by 30,000 votes — while as many as 300,000 people were prevented from voting. And 60,000 fewer people voted in Milwaukee, the city with 70% of Wisconsin's black population.

When a discriminatory piece of legislation was passed in North Carolina, then subsequently struck down by the federal courts, Republican-controlled county elections boards found other methods to suppress minority voters, such as cutting the number of locations available to vote at, and restricting the hours, both contributing to huge lines, designed to dissuade voters from participating in the election press. And it worked: Black voters were down 9% statewide in this election, and Trump won by fewer than 200,000 votes.

The real reason black voters didn’t turn out for Hillary Clinton — and how to fix it
GOP voter suppression efforts are the key to combatting a changing demographic that trends blue

The low turnout for Clinton had little to do with her black support and everything to do with the effective campaign of voter suppression run by Republicans, one that has decimated accessible options for people of color.

Harvard researcher Stephen Pettigrew found that African-Americans were six times more likely than members of demographic groups to spend more than an hour in line in order to vote.

Part of the problem is the resources allotted to polling places in predominantly black communities. Those districts have fewer poll workers to assist voters and guide them through the process and have fewer voting machines on hand to process voters in a timely manner.

Rather than making voting easier for minorities and low-income people, Republicans have engaged in a “Don’t Get Out the Vote” campaign designed to keep these populations from the voting booth.

This action was enabled by the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision to nullify Section 5, related to preclearance, in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. That portion of the law, passed under the President Lyndon Johnson administration to prevent voter suppression on the basis of race, requires that states with a history of such practices gain approval from U.S. Department of Justice before making any changes to voting regulations. The absence of that federal oversight has allowed numerous states to restrict early voting hours, which is aimed at targeting voting among people of color.

If Republicans hope to keep winning elections, it’s likely that they will continue to attempt to keep people from voting. If Democrats hope to combat that strategy, they should advocate that voters have more ways to cast ballots.
You do realise nearly 3 million more people went into polling booths and ticked the box by Clinton's name than the one by Trump's name, right? :rolleyes:

Of the African Americans who did vote, 82% of men and 94% of women went for Clinton. If you're looking at a group to "blame," how about the 53% of white women who voted Trump (as opposed to 43% for Clinton), despite ample awareness of his anti-women views, misogyny and history of sexual assaults.

I find it curious that so many outspoken liberal / left / Bernie-or-Bust / 3rd party supporter white men are so quick to blame Trump's win on Clinton being a "poor" candidate and on Black people for not turning up to vote. But those same white men seem really, really reluctant to apportion blame with the majority of white women where you don't have to speculate because they actively voted for Trump.

Here's a few pieces that unpick the "whys" behind the 53% of white women voting Trump, and

White women voted for Trump in 2016 because they still believe white men are their saviors
Why Did White Women Vote For Trump? Look At Kellyanne Conway’s Sexual Harassment Story.

Why White Women Voted for Donald Trump
Why white women voted for Trump, in their own words
The quiet racism behind the white female Trump voter
Comedian Nikki Glaser Blames Oprah for White Women Voting Trump Into Office

And for those so quick to dismiss voter suppression as a factor in fewer African Americans casting votes, I think that's pretty telling, too.

North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right
Early-voting data confirms that blacks in the swing state aren’t voting as much as in 2012—not for a lack of enthusiasm or effort, but because of rules designed to stop them.

We Can’t Talk About the Black Vote in the 2016 Election Without Discussing Voter Suppression

Wisconsin, the state in which Gov. Scott Walker signed a voter ID law that disproportionately affects poor blacks, was won by Donald Trump by 30,000 votes — while as many as 300,000 people were prevented from voting. And 60,000 fewer people voted in Milwaukee, the city with 70% of Wisconsin's black population.

When a discriminatory piece of legislation was passed in North Carolina, then subsequently struck down by the federal courts, Republican-controlled county elections boards found other methods to suppress minority voters, such as cutting the number of locations available to vote at, and restricting the hours, both contributing to huge lines, designed to dissuade voters from participating in the election press. And it worked: Black voters were down 9% statewide in this election, and Trump won by fewer than 200,000 votes.

The real reason black voters didn’t turn out for Hillary Clinton — and how to fix it
GOP voter suppression efforts are the key to combatting a changing demographic that trends blue

The low turnout for Clinton had little to do with her black support and everything to do with the effective campaign of voter suppression run by Republicans, one that has decimated accessible options for people of color.

Harvard researcher Stephen Pettigrew found that African-Americans were six times more likely than members of demographic groups to spend more than an hour in line in order to vote.

Part of the problem is the resources allotted to polling places in predominantly black communities. Those districts have fewer poll workers to assist voters and guide them through the process and have fewer voting machines on hand to process voters in a timely manner.

Rather than making voting easier for minorities and low-income people, Republicans have engaged in a “Don’t Get Out the Vote” campaign designed to keep these populations from the voting booth.

This action was enabled by the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision to nullify Section 5, related to preclearance, in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. That portion of the law, passed under the President Lyndon Johnson administration to prevent voter suppression on the basis of race, requires that states with a history of such practices gain approval from U.S. Department of Justice before making any changes to voting regulations. The absence of that federal oversight has allowed numerous states to restrict early voting hours, which is aimed at targeting voting among people of color.

If Republicans hope to keep winning elections, it’s likely that they will continue to attempt to keep people from voting. If Democrats hope to combat that strategy, they should advocate that voters have more ways to cast ballots.
And before someone asks, I fucking don't know why the fonts are all different in that post :)

Right, so we now have a kleptocratic administration in the US, Hell-bent on destroying the country and probably the world, so can we stop bitching about Clinton for five minutes?
I know this is the trump thread but whilst KellyAnne was trying to sell Ivanka's jewellery on tv, the Uk government announced that this country would not take any more unaccompanied child refugees. I haven't seen anyone mention this on U75 (maybe i missed it). How easy it is to be captivated though by the gaudy pantomime / horror show over there, which is so gross its compelling, and miss what's going on at home.
I'm all in favour of this country taking in refugee children, as long as said 'children' don't look considerably older than my 19 YO gtrandson, just saying, yer knaa
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