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The Trump presidency

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I'm all in favour of this country taking in refugee children, as long as said 'children' don't look considerably older than my 19 YO gtrandson, just saying, yer knaa

Appearance isn't a reliable indicator of age you know.

And, many of the young people fled their countries of origin when they were perhaps 10 or 12 years old, but it took another couple years to get to France, and some have been stuck there trying to get to the UK to join relatives already settled here for maybe another 2 or 3 years. Their plight hasn't magically disappeared because they've aged during their flight. I'm half wondering if that wasn't part of the Tory government's strategy - leave these traumatised kids stewing in their own shit and piss in Calais until they aged enough they'd no longer get sympathy, making it easier to shut them out. :mad:
More enemies of the people.

Now it's not only possible to shoot black people without let or hindrance, you will now be able to kill peaceful protestors of any colour or ethnicity, that is, if you haven't managed to jail them first.
Wounded knee, the Tulsa riots? Kent state......no wonder the Buffoon is so in awe of Uncle Vlad, makes you wonder which US city is going to be Grozinad?
New Orleans? Just a test run:hmm:
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Now it's not only possible to shoot black people without let or hindrance, you will now be able to kill peaceful protestors of any colour or ethnicity, that is, if you haven't managed to jail them first.
Wounded knee, the Tulsa riots? Kent state......no wonder the Buffoon is so in awe of Uncle Vlad, makes you wonder which US city is going to be Grozinad?
New Orleans? Just a test run:hmm:
Yup - I genuinely think he's itching for some kind of confrontation to justify even further crackdowns - martial law, perhaps. You can see this coming a mile away. Every morning, I wake up hoping like Hell it hasn't happened, but I know one morning I'll wake up and there will be a body count. :(

Edit: He's already got Chicago in his sites ("Chicago" is dog whistle for "Black" btw.)
Trump responding to the latest court defeat - "we have a situation where the security of our country is at stake" . Only there is no such situation - its utterly hysterical to say so and the media and the dems should call him out on that.
I think this is the real danger.
He keeps banging this particular drum. He is yearning and praying for an attack - he will leap on any incident which he can pin on islamic terrorism and whip up fear and hysteria in order to incite a hate campaign against liberals, the media, the judiciary and anyone who trys to stand in his way.

ETA - Kellyanne Conway now picking up the bullshit baton - "The nation’s safety is at risk. That’s what this has always been about from the beginning … keeping the country safe."
Trump responding to the latest court defeat - "we have a situation where the security of our country is at stake" . Only there is no such situation - its utterly hysterical to say so and the media and the dems should call him out on that.
I think this is the real danger.
He keeps banging this particular drum. He is yearning and praying for an attack - he will leap on any incident which he can pin on islamic terrorism and whip up fear and hysteria in order to incite a hate campaign against liberals, the media, the judiciary and anyone who trys to stand in his way.

ETA - Kellyanne Conway now picking up the bullshit baton - "The nation’s safety is at risk. That’s what this has always been about from the beginning … keeping the country safe."
I don't know if he's just deluded or whether something more sinister is going on (under the auspices of Bannon) but his behaviour since taking office has been exactly the sort of thing that winds up fanatics to attack.
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Appearance isn't a reliable indicator of age you know.

And, many of the young people fled their countries of origin when they were perhaps 10 or 12 years old, but it took another couple years to get to France, and some have been stuck there trying to get to the UK to join relatives already settled here for maybe another 2 or 3 years. Their plight hasn't magically disappeared because they've aged during their flight. I'm half wondering if that wasn't part of the Tory government's strategy - leave these traumatised kids stewing in their own shit and piss in Calais until they aged enough they'd no longer get sympathy, making it easier to shut them out. :mad:
I understand you points and probably agree with most of what you say, but in short, bring the children in without restriction, those who's age area is obviously in doubt will have to accept normal screening and vetting restrictions.
I don't know if he's just deluded or whether something more sinister is going on (under the auspices of Bannon) but his behaviour since taking office has been exactly the sort of thing that winds up fanatics to attack.

And Bannon et al have the means at their disposal to facilitate such an attack, as I've said before I'm no conspiracy affeciado but the means, the political temperature and the collection of loons in high office!? Anything is just so possible:eek:
Trump responding to the latest court defeat - "we have a situation where the security of our country is at stake" . Only there is no such situation - its utterly hysterical to say so and the media and the dems should call him out on that.
I think this is the real danger.
He keeps banging this particular drum. He is yearning and praying for an attack - he will leap on any incident which he can pin on islamic terrorism and whip up fear and hysteria in order to incite a hate campaign against liberals, the media, the judiciary and anyone who trys to stand in his way.

ETA - Kellyanne Conway now picking up the bullshit baton - "The nation’s safety is at risk. That’s what this has always been about from the beginning … keeping the country safe."

Mebbes the liberals need to point out the US has never been safer, then it has been under the Obama administration?
Trouble is the Buffoons base can't digest figures and facts, mebbes if the Dems could sort of put it over in a series of cartoons?
And Bannon et al have the means at their disposal to facilitate such an attack, as I've said before I'm no conspiracy affeciado but the means, the political temperature and the collection of loons in high office!? Anything is just so possible:eek:
I don't think that will happen (hope I'm right!) but this sort of thing could very easily occur of its own accord. Too many people too pissed off big time.
I don't think that will happen (hope I'm right!) but this sort of thing could very easily occur of its own accord. Too many people too pissed off big time.
Hope I'm being paranoid, but the Buffoons EXO taking white supremacists off the HLS watch list? Too many straws in the wind at the moment.
Mebbes the liberals need to point out the US has never been safer, then it has been under the Obama administration?
Trouble is the Buffoons base can't digest figures and facts, mebbes if the Dems could sort of put it over in a series of cartoons?
Liked for the first sentence. As for the second, well, everyone's entrenched in their own world view. The left can be as bad. Don't confuse me with facts, my mind is made up. The appeal to GOP supporters has to be as much emotional as anything. Appeal to their patriotism, flatter their sense of justice and the American Dream. Stay away from anything to do with fear.
I don't know if he's just deluded or whether something more sinister is going on (under the auspices of Bannon) but his behaviour since taking office has been exactly the sort of thing that winds up fanatics to attack.

Wouldn't be a new thing, it was tried a few years ago with that film a few years back taking the piss out of Mohammed. The likes of Pam Gellar and John Bolton were in on trying to bring it to fanatics attention to wind them up. It didn't work at first, but they persisted and eventually they struck gold. Enough loons were riled and their were quite a lot of protests, including the one that led to the Benghazi incident and the death of a US ambassador (an event which Clinton suffered hugely for, but in which the CIA may well have played a larger part than is generally thought)
Mebbes the liberals need to point out the US has never been safer, then it has been under the Obama administration?
Trouble is the Buffoons base can't digest figures and facts, mebbes if the Dems could sort of put it over in a series of cartoons?
This is the problem - for Trump's core supporters, "facts" mean nothing unless they jive with their already-established beliefs. No statistics will convince them the US is safer than ever if they "feel" unsafe.
I'm all in favour of this country taking in refugee children, as long as said 'children' don't look considerably older than my 19 YO gtrandson, just saying, yer knaa
well lets say your 19 yo grandson is due spend a very brief and fatal involuntary career in the syrian arab army or lifelong indenture in the eritrean army. What would you do to spare him virtual slavery or death?

Thats before we get to the fact that taking peoples children out of some big-heartedness is fucking gross. Have we learned nothing from the wars and displaced population movements of times still in living memory?
Wouldn't be a new thing, it was tried a few years ago with that film a few years back taking the piss out of Mohammed. The likes of Pam Gellar and John Bolton were in on trying to bring it to fanatics attention to wind them up. It didn't work at first, but they persisted and eventually they struck gold. Enough loons were riled and their were quite a lot of protests, including the one that led to the Benghazi incident and the death of a US ambassador (an event which Clinton suffered hugely for, but in which the CIA may well have played a larger part than is generally thought)
That way of thinking is tempting, in the way it's human nature to be drawn to watch a devastating fire. I'm under no illusions about the CIA and what role they may have played in Benghazi and elsewhere. But we don't need such a gloss here. The truth is simpler. Trump is out of his depth. He is the living epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect. Bad shit will happen because he's incompetent.
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That way of thinking is tempting, in the way it's human nature to be drawn to watch a devastating fire. I'm under no illusions about the CIA and what role they may have played in Benghazi and elsewhere. But we don't need such a gloss here. The truth is simpler. Trump is out of his depth. He is the living epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect. Bad shit will happen because he's incompetent.

I can easily buy that Trump is incompetent. It doesnt mean those around him neccessarily are. look at the systemic output of "alternative facts"...very redolant of Vladisav Surkov approach in Russia.

There is also a problem with many "incompetence theories" of government because they somehow never seem so incompetent at enrichening their friends and donors.
I can easily buy that Trump is incompetent. It doesnt mean those around him neccessarily are. look at the systemic output of "alternative facts"...very redolant of Vladisav Surkov approach in Russia.

There is also a problem with many "incompetence theories" of government because they somehow never seem so incompetent at enrichening their friends and donors.
True, that. He can be great at awarding contracts and relieving burdensome legislation from donors but not so smart when it comes to actually being the grown-up in the White House. I'm sure he could be played, but it would be like playing with fire.
And before someone asks, I fucking don't know why the fonts are all different in that post :)

Right, so we now have a kleptocratic administration in the US, Hell-bent on destroying the country and probably the world, so can we stop bitching about Clinton for five minutes?
The rubber (in top right hand corner of text box) will undo any formatting to the default.
This is the problem - for Trump's core supporters, "facts" mean nothing unless they jive with their already-established beliefs. No statistics will convince them the US is safer than ever if they "feel" unsafe.
I suspect for a fair few the US feels a shade or two more White-Christian and that's what really matters. Even if it gets less safe under Trump, as is likely, that'll be a price worth paying.
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