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The Trump presidency

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Neoliberalism is the accepted ideology of US politics at the moment in both parties,.

Trump sold himself, at least in part, on being anathema to the two parties, talking about draining the swamp.

Both party establishments rejected Trump - at least, until he won, at which point the Republicans began sucking up.

The Republicans owe their current position of power to Trump; while they may or may not have neoliberal tendencies, they may be more willing to go along with a non-neoliberal agenda, in order to curry favor from Trump, and to maintain their grasp on power.

One thing that seems painfully clear in this election, is that the Republican politicians are fully capable of reversing themselves 180 degrees on almost any topic, if the result will mean more power for themselves.
Trump sold himself, at least in part, on being anathema to the two parties, talking about draining the swamp.

Both party establishments rejected Trump - at least, until he won, at which point the Republicans began sucking up.

The Republicans owe their current position of power to Trump; while they may or may not have neoliberal tendencies, they may be more willing to go along with a non-neoliberal agenda, in order to curry favor from Trump, and to maintain their grasp on power.

One thing that seems painfully clear in this election, is that the Republican politicians are fully capable of reversing themselves 180 degrees on almost any topic, if the result will mean more power for themselves.
They did start sucking up, but that I think was on the basis that they thought he'd end up toeing the line just like everyone else does, because you can't do otherwise in the system. Based on his actions so far I think they were right in that. His administration has fucked about poking at existing power structures to prove that he's a big man, but it's done nothing to "drain the swamp" - if anything quite the opposite. While neoliberalism is not based specifically on racism it's certainly really fine with racism (despite what its proponents say) and that aspect isn't a problem.
A Michigan man whose drug-related prison sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama was shot dead this week at a federal halfway house, according to local media reports.

Demarlon Thomas, 31, was shot and killed on Monday night by a man with an assault-style rifle in Saginaw, Michigan, around 100 miles (160 km) northwest of Detroit, according to local CBS affiliate WNEM.

A spokesman for the Michigan State Police did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

Two masked men with assault-style rifles entered the facility where around two dozen people were staying, Michigan State Police Lt. David Kaiser told local news website MLive.com.

"One person watched over a group of them while another subject located the victim and executed him," Kaiser said, according to the website. "They were looking for this person."

Michigan man whose sentence was commuted by Obama killed: media

People exacting revenge for a personal vendetta; or a posse of overzealous Trump Deplorables?
President Obama was widely criticized for excessive deference to our foes (e.g., Iran) and unnecessary hostility toward allies (e.g., Israel, Sunni Arab states). He was chided for small, symbolic acts (incorrectly accused of shipping a bust of Winston Churchill back to the British) and serious, consequential ones (openly disparaging our Gulf allies). But you can say this: He never got into a nasty spat with Australia, nor suggested sending troops into Mexico. In less than two weeks, President Trump reportedly did both of these things, and let’s not forget, also threatened a trade war with Mexico and stabbed Iraq, our partner in the war against the Islamic State, in the back by putting it on his travel-ban list.

Opinion | Trump’s phone calls are worse than his tweets
They did start sucking up, but that I think was on the basis that they thought he'd end up toeing the line just like everyone else does, because you can't do otherwise in the system. Based on his actions so far I think they were right in that. His administration has fucked about poking at existing power structures to prove that he's a big man, but it's done nothing to "drain the swamp" - if anything quite the opposite. While neoliberalism is not based specifically on racism it's certainly really fine with racism (despite what its proponents say) and that aspect isn't a problem.
Trump is undeniably a shock and threat to those elements of the political establishment that thought they were doing a fine enough job of wealth defence on behalf of the oligarchs. Now that an actual Oligarch has attempted to cut out the sub-contracted political class, and taken on the work of the neoliberal project himself, they naturally feel threatened. But perhaps not as threatened as those fellow oligarchs, and their corps, that desperately pretend to be otherwise.
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Everyone would have been fried; a handy local ground zero would have been a bonus.

Incorrect. In 1984 it was adjusted from 4 to 3 minutes largely in response to Pershing II, Cruise deployment in Europe. In late 1987 it was wound back to 6 minutes in response to Gorbachev and Reagan signing the INF treaty.
How come it didn't go to seconds off midnight during the CMC?
Much as I loathe and despise capitalism some bunch on lunatics were pretty much bound to build a bomb once the theory was there to make it possible.
My own recollection of the 60s and 70s is of a very unstable period far scarier than the 21st century were nuclear threats alway loomed over all others. Having read up on the Cold War period I now realise I was a bit deluded. It was far more frightening than I thought at the time.

The smug liberal folks working the clock had no real handle on the threat levels at the time as it was all highly classified. Even some of the high up officials involved were not in full possession of the facts.

JFK himself was for some time unaware of prior US nuke deployments in Turkey that provoked the Cuban Missile crisis. We do know that was a near thing as most of what happened has been disclosed. It's just one of several incidents of near nuclear war; probably the worst.

Full on Mutually Assured Destruction really becomes fully formed under the sane Pentagon leadership of JFK protégé Bob McNamara. A brainy business man from Ford. Bob was rather frightened to learn twenty years later that US basic assumptions during the crisis had been faulty. He did spend the last years of his life campaigning for an end to the nuclear hair trigger; unsuccessfully.

In 1980 peaceful old former nuclear engineer Jimmy Carter modified MAD doctrine to start with a decapitation strike against the Soviet Leadership. Essentially anticipating a winnable nuclear war. An awful lot that gets blamed on Reagan started with the pious liberal peanut farmer. Reagan certainly pushed SDI further undermining MAD. Thatcher was actually rather critical of SDI. The worst moment of that period was probably in 83. It's still not fully declassified so we don't know how close that came.

The Soviet response to the fading of MAD was to created Perimeter. A semi-automatic Doomsday Device that would launch the entire ICBM arsenal at pre-assigned targets in the event of a decapitation strike. This was only revealed to be in place in the Yeltsin era. The crazy Soviets never told the Americans they'd built it cancelling out it's strategic value as a deterrent. It was more to be a last revolutionary act from the grave.

In 2011 a Russian official implied Perimeter is still in place. You might see that as the dawn of Cold War II. The beginning of the end of what will probably be looked back on as a very safe couple of decades of relative economic comfort.

We'll just have to see if the belligerently anti-Kremlin JFK was actually less dangerous than the capricious, so far Putin appeasing Trump. Trump's cack handed diplomacy and Camelot of hand picked crazies certainly does not bode well.

Stanislav Petrov, if ever a bloke deserved a Nobel prize, it's got to be this bloke, balls of steel,doesn't even begin to do him justice!
Chap in the middle here, with the quiff and the pointy fingered salute, he looks like he's ready to have a go I grant you.
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Seen this photo 'going the rounds' on a few sites, just surprised someone hasn't photo shopped SS runes on his lapels-;)
On Lawfare What Does Putin Want from a Bargain with Trump?
Putin probably wants more than discussed here.

First safety: recognition of Russia's primacy in its near abroad. The strategic depth that is necessary to subdue old Russian fears of invasion. A restoration of the old Westphalian order. Never to wake up in fear again of being chased into culvert by NATO JDAMS and be dragged out to be butchered by a mob of angry serfs. A world were a Greater Russia is allowed to exist as a substantial bully if not currently the biggest one. A looming threat being out there is not a bad thing for an authoritarian regime out on the rob with a nuclear insurance policy. After all no one really likes the empty purposeless feeling of enemy deficit and that can't be filled with puny terrorists. Russians are many things but finally are not effete and that easily scared. In its way that would not be an unreasonable vision.

What the very transactional and treacherous Trump might want from Putin is harder to discern. They seem to have a joint interest in weakening European institutions so these countries can easily be picked off for a fleecing. In reality US influence substantially collapsed without the USSR to scare US allies. Perhaps it's Putin's part to play a tame villain in a global protection racket. What's clear is Mattis at DoD and Trump seem to have very different views on Russia as mentioned in this article.

"Hard bargaining over Ukraine, clarifying Russia’s goals in Syria, and protecting our allies in Europe are all required before a deal can be cut. Staged sanctions relief could be part of a “reset,” but President Trump should be in no rush to lift sanctions without clarity and movement on these and other issues. “Getting along” is not a foreign policy and should not be a goal in and of itself"

Christ on a Crutch, looking at it from a cynical perspective any "hard bargaining" would involve letting the Buffoon have 'preferential status' in building more trump towers in Russia.
That's what they want people to think, notice, get angry about and protest...whilst they get on with agenda of accelerating advanced neoliberalism. The political programme to destroy the last vestiges of the 'social contract' that resulted from capital's fear during the post-war era of system competition.
But hey, don't let me stop you saying they're homophobes, misogynists and supremacists.

They are, but at the same time they are busying themselves promoting the courses of action you mention, using high profile issues, generating mass protests and media coverage while they slip in legislation to benefit the Neo liberal takeover.
The elimination of Dodd-frank, the intended emasculation of the DEA.
Once they have the Supreme Court in their pocket, watch them use a re-run of Roe V Wade to cover up more shenanigans.
We ain't seen nothing yet-:)

Fucking deranged. People pouring in apparently. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Aye, and let's be honest, wouldnt it be very 'convenient' if a 'terrorist outrage' involving a refugee from one of the countries mentioned in his ban, was to happen?
Not usually a conspiracy loon, but these days? All bets are off
Having gone hysterical over Obamas use of executive orders(when stymied by Congress),Republicans are silent on Trump using the same tactics despite ,in theory,having the votes in the house and the senate.

Do they reckon he will run out of steam soon -they might be wrong on that.
He's said before that he doesn't read, he's always had lawyers to do that for him.
I reckon Trump's had enough already, all these pesky judges and protestors and journalists. Wouldn't be surprised if he pulls a sickie today and just stays in his dressing gown watching tv and sulking.
He's said before that he doesn't read, he's always had lawyers to do that for him.
I reckon Trump's had enough already, all these pesky judges and protestors and journalists. Wouldn't be surprised if he pulls a sickie today and just stays in his dressing gown watching tv and sulking.
No (competent) lawyer seems to have read some of these EOs either. The "Muslim Ban" looks like it was written by an intern.

Scared of Trump fooling with their cheap supply of Asian brains.

A while back some Silicon Valley tech giants were caught running a cartel trying to suppress the talent's wages.

On good, that's just what US patients need, Food & Drug Administration going all "alternative" on Safety & Efficacy.
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