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The Trump presidency

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I suspect Dan Adamini already has form for murdering songs!

History about to repeat itself.?

Not only was Nixon taken to Camp David for two days for his own protection, but Charles Colson (Counsel to President Nixon from 1969 to 1973) stated that the military was called up to protect the administration from the angry students; he recalled that "The 82nd Airborne was in the basement of the executive office building, so I went down just to talk to some of the guys and walk among them, and they're lying on the floor leaning on their packs and their helmets and their cartridge belts and their rifles cocked and you're thinking, 'This can't be the United States of America. This is not the greatest free democracy in the world. This is a nation at war with itself.'"
When the president-elect’s son Eric Trump jetted to Uruguay in early January for a Trump Organization promotional trip, U.S. taxpayers were left footing a bill of nearly $100,000 in hotel rooms for Secret Service and embassy staff.

The Uruguayan trip shows how the government is unavoidably entangled with the Trump company as a result of the president’s refusal to divest his ownership stake. In this case, government agencies are forced to pay to support business operations that ultimately help to enrich the president himself. Though the Trumps have pledged a division of business and government, they will nevertheless depend on the publicly funded protection granted to the first family as they travel the globe promoting their brand.

Eric Trump’s business trip to Uruguay cost taxpayers $97,830 in hotel bills
from fb

I got on the subway in Manhattan tonight and found a Swastika on every advertisement and every window. The train was silent as everyone stared at each other, uncomfortable and unsure what to do.

One guy got up and said, "Hand sanitizer gets rid of Sharpie. We need alcohol." He found some tissues and got to work.

I've never seen so many people simultaneously reach into their bags and pockets looking for tissues and Purel. Within about two minutes, all the Nazi symbolism was gone.

Nazi symbolism. On a public train. In New York City. In 2017.

"I guess this is Trump's America," said one passenger. No sir, it's not. Not tonight and not ever. Not as long as stubborn New Yorkers have anything to say about it.




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Saw the Anti-Trump London march today; didn't see one poster, banner or flyer refer to any economic/fiscal crime that he is/will be guilty of. As Siobhan Kennedy said on tonight's C4 News, when introducing the item about Trump's ordering of a review of Dodd-Frank, "amongst all this protest, the news about this policy has gone virtually un-noticed...".
So Trump appoints former Goldman's partner Mnuchin to oversee the removal of any regulatory restraint on..er...Goldmans etc. Drain that swamp!

Meanwhile thousands of (well-meaning) folk in Whitehall wanted to tell me the racist, misogynist, homophobic sex-offender was just that.


I think you're being a little unfair tbh, internal US economic concerns aren't ever priorities over here, why would they get anyone out onto the streets?

Was the whole crowd as young as in your photos? That wasn't the case the other evening, although many were. Shoutout to the splendid group from LSE who spent monday evening chanting Refugees Are Welcome Here incredibly enthusiastically over and over. A much more appropriate response in the second term of their first year than some considered musings about fiscal policy, whatever the longterm consequences.
I think you're being a little unfair tbh, internal US economic concerns aren't ever priorities over here, why would they get anyone out onto the streets?

Was the whole crowd as young as in your photos? That wasn't the case the other evening, although many were. Shoutout to the splendid group from LSE who spent monday evening chanting Refugees Are Welcome Here incredibly enthusiastically over and over. A much more appropriate response in the second term of their first year than some considered musings about fiscal policy, whatever the longterm consequences.
Yes, I realise that I may have sounded a little unfair.
The whole crowd, though on average quite young, was fairly mixed tbh; there were quite a few folks who appeared as "not the usual demo types".
wrt to the substantive point; I just don't regard Trump's acceleration of advanced neoliberalism as an internal US economic matter...that's all.
There was an easier way than wiping it off a window - add S in front and slightly alter J into t => "Stews belong in the oven"...

But there is hope for us yet: look at Romania, they did it - AGAIN!!! Romanian politicians really do belong to a Sing-Sing, Romanian style... We'll see if they pull that one off or if the sociopaths have pulled back in time... Now, who's more Modern and democracy minded: US or Romania? The Romanian challenge stands... Except that in the US many politicians and their advisors need to be locked up in a different kind of "caring institution"...
Yes, I realise that I may have sounded a little unfair.
The whole crowd, though on average quite young, was fairly mixed tbh; there were quite a few folks who appeared as "not the usual demo types".
wrt to the substantive point; I just don't regard Trump's acceleration of advanced neoliberalism as an internal US economic matter...that's all.
nor do I, and I'm inclined to bet that a substantial number of those on the demos don't either- people aren't as one dimensional as their placards might suggest. It's hard to get a mouthful like 'acceleration of advanced neoliberalism' onto a bit of cardboard and expect it to resonate on TV screens & postings around the world.

When it comes to it, as well as bonding the participants, these demos have been an immediate response for the thousands stranded by Trumps policy announcement, to say they've not been wholly rejected. That's a fairly simple message to get across, and an immediate need.
it a problem with nutty Americans...

they only shoot the good guys,

come on they only just managed to winged Reagan
Both martyred Kennedys were rather dangerous bastards perhaps more so than hammy old Ronnie. JFK basically stole Nixon's fake news about the Missile Gap foreign policy.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” - JFK's inaugural address.

At the height of the Cold War what "price" did he mean? I'm reminded of Pakistani statements that the people would "eat grass" if necessary to become a nuclear power. He came pretty close to getting a lot of Americans fried over Cuba.

Robert worked rather eagerly for McCarthy and was often a down right sinister player. Both men pursued a blood feud with Castro more typical of Sicilian doings. The sons of rapey old depression profiteer Joe who bought the family firm the Whitehouse by a gnats cock. Sort of people who'd leave a girlfriend to drown and still shamelessly continue in politics as a Lion of The Senate. I doubt even Trump would try to walk away from that.

Bannon comes from a family of Kennedy clan idolators. The air of messianic corruption he brings to the House of Trump may not be unconnected.
Motives to Lie

This is not normal. This kind of story-telling does not fit with what scholarly, peer-reviewed studies have concluded are the motives and methods of lying. “To be told, a lie must be certain to achieve some valuable end,’’ Dr. Dale Hample, an associate professor at the University of Maryland wrote in a 1980 study on liars. “The liar knows that lies should not be told at all and so lies only when rewards are both assured and large.”

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Dwight Eisenhower and probably every politician ever has used spin or told some whoppers to achieve a specific goal. But the benefit from the stories Trump has spun recently was not only zero, it harmed him. No rational person could possibly have cared how many people attended Trump’s inauguration; anyone could see the same photographs and read the same data about television viewership and Washington’s mass transit usage as everyone else. None could have reasonably believed that the most incredible voter fraud campaign in American history had just taken place, with millions of illegal votes cast for Democrats, particularly when Republicans won most of the key Senate races in that election and maintained control of the House. He could have said nothing about those two topics and no one would have thought the worse of him. But if he knows he is lying, he not only accomplishes nothing, he harms himself by showing he will lie over irrelevant trivialities. And that raises the question of whether he knows when he is lying.

“Although deception is in almost everyone’s social repertoire, it is generally employed as a tactical or strategic option of last resort,’’ said Dr. Timothy R. Levine, a communications professor at Michigan State University who co-authored a 2010 report on experiments about lying. ”Absent psychopathology, people do not deceive when the truth works just fine.”
Lying Donald Trump's tendency to lie not tactically but compulsively especially when the facts on the ground in any way challenge his self esteem. It may well simply be pathological. It does not quite have the thought out look of brazen Russian misinformation campaigns he just says what comes into his big sprayed orange head and his team run with it. Well that's what spending decades flipping real estate will do to you.
On MEE Trump considers executive order to ban Muslim Brotherhood
Donald Trump is considering an executive order to ban the Muslim Brotherhood, bypassing legislation currently being prepared in Congress.

According to administration sources cited by the New York Times, the White House is currently discussing the legislation as a follow-up to the executive order which saw Muslims from seven countries banned from the US.

Republican senators Ted Cruz and Mario Diaz-Balart tabled a bill in Congress in January to brand the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation, claiming they supported a "grand jihad" to destroy Western civilisation.

"This potent threat to our civilisation has intensified under the Obama administration due to the wilful blindness of politically correct policies that hamper our safety and security," Cruz said in statement accompanying the bill.

However, it now seems that the White House might move to designate the group without approval from Congress.

A number of figures in the Trump administration have been known for holding anti-Muslim views. Frank Gaffney, Trump's acting assistant secretary of defence for international security affairs, has been accused by the Anti-Defamation League of having "promulgated a number of anti-Muslim conspiracy theories over the years" while his National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn has previously described fear of Muslims as "rational".
Trump trying to steal a march with the crazy on Ted Cruz now.
Both martyred Kennedys were rather dangerous bastards perhaps more so than hammy old Ronnie. JFK basically stole Nixon's fake news about the Missile Gap foreign policy.
that's not the view of the keepers of the Doomsday clock. During the Bay of Pigs it "stood at 7 minutes to midnight and the following year, in 1963, the clock's hands moved to 12 minutes to midnight, when the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty went into effect". During the Reagan era it got to 3 minutes, closer than any time since the H bomb tests of the early 50s, when it was 2 minutes. Of course, the stationing of nuclear tipped cruise missiles at Greenham Common, designed to melt into the countryside, meant it would have been us that got fried.

Reagan and his mate la thatch took it closer than any time since, until Obama/Putin pushed it back to 3 minutes.

In 2017 it's been moved to 2.5 minutes.
On MEE Trump considers executive order to ban Muslim Brotherhood
Trump trying to steal a march with the crazy on Ted Cruz now.

This hasn't mentioned exactly what those conspiracy theories about the Muslim Brotherhood are. Gaffney has put forward the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated senior levels of the US government, not unlike the far-right anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about 'Zionist Occupied' governments.
the stationing of nuclear tipped cruise missiles at Greenham Common, designed to melt into the countryside, meant it would have been us that got fried.
Everyone would have been fried; a handy local ground zero would have been a bonus.
Reagan and his mate la thatch took it closer than any time since, until Obama/Putin pushed it back to 3 minutes.
Incorrect. In 1984 it was adjusted from 4 to 3 minutes largely in response to Pershing II, Cruise deployment in Europe. In late 1987 it was wound back to 6 minutes in response to Gorbachev and Reagan signing the INF treaty.
Everyone would have been fried; a handy local ground zero would have been a bonus.

Incorrect. In 1984 it was adjusted from 4 to 3 minutes largely in response to Pershing II, Cruise deployment in Europe. In late 1987 it was wound back to 6 minutes in response to Gorbachev and Reagan signing the INF treaty.
sorry, what's incorrect? Reagan and Thatcher were responsible for Cruise deployment.
sorry, what's incorrect? Reagan and Thatcher were responsible for Cruise deployment.
They were indeed heavily involved in that.
During the Reagan era it got to 3 minutes, closer than any time since the H bomb tests of the early 50s, when it was 2 minutes.
Reagan and his mate la thatch took it closer than any time since, until Obama/Putin pushed it back to 3 minutes.
It got to within 2 minutes 1953-1960 at which point (largely due to scientific co-operation) it fell back to 7 minutes.

Reagan pushed it forward to 3 minutes in 1984. It's never been any closer since then, until Trump. (START/end of the Cold War drove it back to 17 minutes in 1991.)

(Your statement is badly worded).
that's not the view of the keepers of the Doomsday clock. During the Bay of Pigs it "stood at 7 minutes to midnight and the following year, in 1963, the clock's hands moved to 12 minutes to midnight, when the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty went into effect". During the Reagan era it got to 3 minutes, closer than any time since the H bomb tests of the early 50s, when it was 2 minutes. Of course, the stationing of nuclear tipped cruise missiles at Greenham Common, designed to melt into the countryside, meant it would have been us that got fried.

Reagan and his mate la thatch took it closer than any time since, until Obama/Putin pushed it back to 3 minutes.

In 2017 it's been moved to 2.5 minutes.
My own recollection of the 60s and 70s is of a very unstable period far scarier than the 21st century were nuclear threats alway loomed over all others. Having read up on the Cold War period I now realise I was a bit deluded. It was far more frightening than I thought at the time.

The smug liberal folks working the clock had no real handle on the threat levels at the time as it was all highly classified. Even some of the high up officials involved were not in full possession of the facts.

JFK himself was for some time unaware of prior US nuke deployments in Turkey that provoked the Cuban Missile crisis. We do know that was a near thing as most of what happened has been disclosed. It's just one of several incidents of near nuclear war; probably the worst.

Full on Mutually Assured Destruction really becomes fully formed under the sane Pentagon leadership of JFK protégé Bob McNamara. A brainy business man from Ford. Bob was rather frightened to learn twenty years later that US basic assumptions during the crisis had been faulty. He did spend the last years of his life campaigning for an end to the nuclear hair trigger; unsuccessfully.

In 1980 peaceful old former nuclear engineer Jimmy Carter modified MAD doctrine to start with a decapitation strike against the Soviet Leadership. Essentially anticipating a winnable nuclear war. An awful lot that gets blamed on Reagan started with the pious liberal peanut farmer. Reagan certainly pushed SDI further undermining MAD. Thatcher was actually rather critical of SDI. The worst moment of that period was probably in 83. It's still not fully declassified so we don't know how close that came.

The Soviet response to the fading of MAD was to created Perimeter. A semi-automatic Doomsday Device that would launch the entire ICBM arsenal at pre-assigned targets in the event of a decapitation strike. This was only revealed to be in place in the Yeltsin era. The crazy Soviets never told the Americans they'd built it cancelling out it's strategic value as a deterrent. It was more to be a last revolutionary act from the grave.

In 2011 a Russian official implied Perimeter is still in place. You might see that as the dawn of Cold War II. The beginning of the end of what will probably be looked back on as a very safe couple of decades of relative economic comfort.

We'll just have to see if the belligerently anti-Kremlin JFK was actually less dangerous than the capricious, so far Putin appeasing Trump. Trump's cack handed diplomacy and Camelot of hand picked crazies certainly does not bode well.
This hasn't mentioned exactly what those conspiracy theories about the Muslim Brotherhood are. Gaffney has put forward the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated senior levels of the US government, not unlike the far-right anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about 'Zionist Occupied' governments.
I recall Gaffney accused GOP stalwart and tax hater in chief Grover Norquist of being part of a vast MB conspiracy.
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