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The Trump presidency

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Re the KKK & Daily stormer celebrating story:
Has this actually happened or not ? Has the definition really been altered so that white supremacits are no longer going to be under surveillance? Looks like not yet anyway.
Yes, they do appear very happy. These KKK types think Trump may make good on campaign rhetoric which it seems they took to be him just parroting their memes with great political success.

However no Executive Order has been issued as far as I know. That this is going to happen has been leaked to Reuters by people "briefed" to that intent. I'd assume by high up civil servants not happy about it as it's a very an unhelpful idea. The Countering Violent Extremism language is still on the DHS site for instance it's not been changed to Combating Islamic Extremism.

By definition the President has limited powers here. State agencies don't answer to him. Most US law enforcement is local. It's very unlikely that even powerful federal agencies like the FBI would actually ignore the US far right even if told to by the President as there's rather a lot of criminal activity connected. The Feds have decades of investment in infiltrating neo-Confederate groups etc that have largely superseded the KKK.

The focus was already largely on Muslims under Obama with the right resisting classing white supremacist attacks as terrorism. Trump's fondness for sectarian rhetoric is doing a very good job of stirring up an atmosphere were we'll see more attacks on Muslims in the name of protecting the Fatherland.

Same's true in Europe as well only with it being far more likely that there is an escalatory spiral of reciprocal cycle of attacks. It's been an explicitly stated AQ policy to provoke a race war in Dar al Harb since about 04. They actually seem to have borrowed the idea from neo-Nazis influenced by The Turner Diaries.

Bottom line there is Trump has to convince Congress to stump up probably $30+ Billion in the end as it'll inevitably run over budget. That could be better spent elsewhere with an already yuuge deficit. There's great deal of skepticism the Mexicans will ever cough up a red cent. Quite a lot of powerful interests in the border states want none of it. Trump's making no friends with establishment Republicans. I can see The Wall never happening even if Trump goes berserk about it. The previous attempt to build one fizzled out as well.

Bottom line there is Trump has to convince Congress to stump up probably $30+ Billion in the end as it'll inevitably run over budget. That could be better spent elsewhere with an already yuuge deficit. There's great deal of skepticism the Mexicans will ever cough up a red cent. Quite a lot of powerful interests in the border states want none of it. Trump's making no friends with establishment Republicans. I can see The Wall never happening even if Trump goes berserk about it. The previous attempt to build one fizzled out as well.

tho the premise for the wall northward migration its real purpose to stymie southward fleeing from the hell that is T'rump's legacy
From Talking Politics Mrs May Goes to Washington

A podcast featuring fear of stairs: rationally far more dangerous than IS to the over 60s. De Gaulle on the Brits joining the EU being Uncle Sam's poodle in Brussels. A poodle that uses fear of Russia and NATO as the bait to lure Uncle Sam into European affairs. A yappy advocate for free trade, the liberal order and globalisation facing the orange sprayed zero sum game of an America First future.

The other Donald (Tusk) and post-EU Britain suddenly being a hefty carp that leapt to freedom into a pool with a predatory US and China. With some just desperately hoping that some constellation colonials will play the white man and remember the days of Empire behind their natural leader.

A pretty pickle in which the British elite's ease with grovelling to greater powers will probably be rather salient. No to settlements in Palestine, Assad must go fall away as easily as Iraq's containment did before the invasion. It'll all spinelessly fall in behind what ever march of Folly Trump chooses hoping for leverage.

REACHING TRUMP: MORNING JOE, O’REILLY boost ad rates -- SEATTLE JUDGE knocks down Trump’s immigration order -- BUZZ: Rep. Jim Bridenstine in running for NASA -- B’DAY: Nicole Wallace

FIRST IN PLAYBOOK -- MORNING JOE, O’REILLY FACTOR RAISE AD RATES -- MSNBC and Fox News are capitalizing on Donald Trump’s TV watching habits. The cable networks have dramatically increased prices on issue advocacy rates in recent weeks as companies and outside groups try to influence Trump and his top lieutenants. “Morning Joe’s” rates have more than doubled post-election, according to one veteran media buyer. “The O’Reilly Factor” and other prime time programs on Fox News have boosted their rates about 50 percent. “The president’s media habits are so predictable, advertisers migrate to those areas,” said one media buyer.
"Today is not going well, maybe I'll just tweet my campaign slogan... people liked that..."

Saturday's are apparently going to be the best for unhinged Trump Twitter rants. Jared and Ivanka wont be around, and Trump will be in the "Winter White House" away from Bannon or anyone high enough rank to prize his phone from his stubby tiny fingers...
No chance
he will do 2 stints as well
Based on more than gut feeling? I'd be interested to see some soundings. FWIW I reckon masses of Trump voters were nose-holders who would drop him in a trice if the Democrats came up with a half-decent candidate.
first time i've looked at at the trump twitter account's 'discussion' thread... What a depressingly bile-ridden, hubris laden cesspool.

its lovely aint it
Had a look the other day, surely most of it is a wind up
I like the words you have used to describe it all, much better than anything i could ever come up with
Just wondering the best place to settle to get away from all this i remarked to my niece
Based on more than gut feeling? I'd be interested to see some soundings. FWIW I reckon masses of Trump voters were nose-holders who would drop him in a trice if the Democrats came up with a half-decent candidate.
Joking aside the last bit "half-decent candidate" i think you have hit the nail on the head with that
Thats the key imho
I have 3 cousins who live out there all under 25, two in Florida and one in New York
Out of interest any decent candidates up and coming on the Democrats side ?
Im not big on states Politics, might even have a crafty wager ha
Not a fan but had a little bet on big don, as soon as Mrs hs name cropped up just had a feeling
From meeting a few Americans i found em to be a little sexist on the quite
Saw the Anti-Trump London march today; didn't see one poster, banner or flyer refer to any economic/fiscal crime that he is/will be guilty of. As Siobhan Kennedy said on tonight's C4 News, when introducing the item about Trump's ordering of a review of Dodd-Frank, "amongst all this protest, the news about this policy has gone virtually un-noticed...".
So Trump appoints former Goldman's partner Mnuchin to oversee the removal of any regulatory restraint on..er...Goldmans etc. Drain that swamp!

Meanwhile thousands of (well-meaning) folk in Whitehall wanted to tell me the racist, misogynist, homophobic sex-offender was just that.


Saw the Anti-Trump London march today; didn't see one poster, banner or flyer refer to any economic/fiscal crime that he is/will be guilty of. As Siobhan Kennedy said on tonight's C4 News, when introducing the item about Trump's ordering of a review of Dodd-Frank, "amongst all this protest, the news about this policy has gone virtually un-noticed...".
So Trump appoints former Goldman's partner Mnuchin to oversee the removal of any regulatory restraint on..er...Goldmans etc. Drain that swamp!

Meanwhile thousands of (well-meaning) folk in Whitehall wanted to tell me the racist, misogynist, homophobic sex-offender was just that.


Nasty man. Sad!
Nah, Trump wouldn't go for fake illness, that would be like admitting weakness, he'd be more likely to pretend to have ascended to a higher plane of existence or something.

Our rabbi, for some reason, gave a sermon today about speaking truth to power... gave a very thought provoking story about Rabbi Akiva and the persecution of the Jews by the Romans in the 1st century AD. Akiva was teaching Judaism in public in contravention of Roman laws and in the face of another rabbi who told him to stop. The two rabbonim later met in Prison where the other told Akiva - 'You are lucky, you are here because of your principles, I am here for nothing'.
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Bernie Sanders:

It is not only progressives who are outraged by Trump's actions and statements. Many conservatives are as well. Eliot A. Cohen worked under Condoleza Rice at the Bush State Department. Here’s neo-con Eliot Cohen in The Atlantic:

“Trump, in one spectacular week, has already shown himself one of the worst of our presidents, who has no regard for the truth (indeed a contempt for it), whose patriotism is a belligerent nationalism, whose prior public service lay in avoiding both the draft and taxes, who does not know the Constitution, does not read and therefore does not understand our history, and who, at his moment of greatest success, obsesses about approval ratings, how many people listened to him on the Mall and enemies. He will do much more damage before he departs the scene, to become a subject of horrified wonder in our grandchildren’s history books.”


What a great idea. Let's end the separation of church and state. Let's convert religious organizations into political organizations. Let's funnel dark money funds raised by religious organizations into political campaigns. Let's sanction racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination under the guise of "religious freedom." This absurd and unconstitutional idea must not be passed by Congress.

So we're first on the list?
Squeaky bum time for sure
Don't hold his hand May, suck his dick
She's knows the role we are being set up for and seems to have no probs...
Do the met still have a "Vice Squad"?
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