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The Trump presidency

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Quite cheering:
“At the earliest possible time, the Department of Justice intends to file an emergency stay of this outrageous order and defend the executive order of the President, which we believe is lawful and appropriate. The president’s order is intended to protect the homeland and he has the constitutional authority and responsibility to protect the American people,” press secretary Sean Spicer said. In a second “updated” statement, the White House removed the word “outrageous”.
It does look like (in the eyes of anyone but his truest supporters) this whole thing might not in fact be making President Drumpfkopf look very strong at all.
On Lawfare Best Military Intelligence Foreign Policy Political Advice: The Problem With National Security Presidential Memorandum 2
Some have criticized the Memorandum on the basis of Bannon’s qualifications to serve in his newfound role. But whether Bannon’s service in the Navy somehow qualifies him to make complex foreign policy decisions is something of a distraction—the more salient point is that the hat Bannon wears in this White House should make his participation in the NSC process inappropriate. The President has already raised more than $7 million for his 2020 reelection bid, and has filed an official statement of his 2020 candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. Bannon will likely be the point person for that reelection bid, and reportedly has already begun to focus on the 2018 midterms. It is inconceivable that Bannon can participate in the NSC policy-making process without inserting his political and communications views into assessments of emerging threats, diplomatic disputes, or military options. If Bannon’s political views change the outcomes of PC meetings even modestly, the President and the country will less safe, and public faith in our national security professionals will be further undermined.
Almost the opposite occurs to me here. Embroiling an unqualified Bannon in the NSC to shore up a failing Gen Flynn may be something of a distraction from the 2018 and 2020 races where his dark arts will probably be badly needed.

Instead of Bannon of working insidiously from the flanks and occasionally sitting in on the NSC like Axelrod he's set to run head on into hardheaded security people who'll turn up as needed. Even if they cave and he gets his way with some shit for brains idea that can backfire. With the firewall gone around the intended to be technocratic rather than political NSC any blunder can reflect very directly on Trump. This can be a huge distraction for an able spin doctor. Bush told Rove to stay out of the NSC because he knew damn well he'd need his fear mongering "Turd Blossom" elsewhere.

There's one thing that this all reminds me of a bit: the last transition of power in the House of Saud. That resulted in the same sort of rapid narrowing of government to a clique around a doddering new King. He's reliant on his two sons the younger of which was an over promoted hothead given the defence portfolio and impervious to security establishment advice. What followed was a major strategic error sustained by a hail of Jingoistic sectarian bullshit. Perhaps Gen Flynn has something of the young Prince Mo about him and Bannon is a kinder gentler version of the Saudi Ulema.

Lying Donald Trump never seemed likely to be a POTUS with a huuge peace dividend.

The man couldn't even build a golf course without making enemies.
first time i've looked at at the trump twitter account's 'discussion' thread... What a depressingly bile-ridden, hubris laden cesspool.

But in Trump’s move to take even some measure of scrutiny off of far-right extremism, The Daily Stormer sees a direct parroting of their own writing and a reward for the far-right’s role in getting Trump elected.

“It’s fair to say that if the Trump team is not listening to us directly (I assume they are), they are thinking along very similar lines. We helped get Trump get [sic] elected, and the fact of the matter is, without Alt-Right meme magick, it simply wouldn’t have happened,” the post continues. “This is absolutely a signal of favor to us.”

Another neo-Nazi site that associates itself with the so-called “alt-right,” Infostormer, celebrated the news and took it as a sign of support. “We may truly have underestimated President Trump’s covert support of our Cause (at least in some form), but after this proposal, I am fully ready to offer myself in service of this glorious regime” the post reads.
It's just as well that these people in no way feel emboldened.

"...Let my people go, that they may serve me." from Exodus 10:3 KJV.
"The President said the temporary suspension of his executive order, enacted by a federal judge in Seattle, could lead to "big trouble".

He branded James Robart, who issued the restraining order against the immigration restrictions, a "so-called judge" and promised the ruling would be overturned, saying it "takes law enforcement away from our country".

Temper, temper, Donald!

Fuck it. Supoena him for contempt of court, then when he doesn't attend impeach him for failing in his oath to uphold the constitution.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump helped lead the charge to scuttle a draft executive order that would have overturned Obama-era enforcements of LGBT rights in the workplace, multiple sources with knowledge of the situation told POLITICO.

A draft executive order on LGBT rights that outlines how to roll back former President Barack Obama’s protections and expand legal exemptions based on religious beliefs has been circulating among journalists and worried progressive groups this week.

But two sources close to Kushner and Ivanka Trump, who have a record of supporting gay rights, said the couple favored putting out a clear statement from the president, promising to uphold the 2014 Obama executive order and stopping the momentum for the turnaround in its tracks.

On Tuesday night, the White House released a statement saying that “President Donald J. Trump is determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community. President Trump continues to be respectful and supportive of LGBTQ rights, just as he was throughout the election.”

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner worked to sink LGBT order
Re the KKK & Daily stormer celebrating story:
Has this actually happened or not ? Has the definition really been altered so that white supremacits are no longer going to be under surveillance? Looks like not yet anyway.
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