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The Trump presidency

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Saw the Anti-Trump London march today; didn't see one poster, banner or flyer refer to any economic/fiscal crime that he is/will be guilty of. As Siobhan Kennedy said on tonight's C4 News, when introducing the item about Trump's ordering of a review of Dodd-Frank, "amongst all this protest, the news about this policy has gone virtually un-noticed...".
So Trump appoints former Goldman's partner Mnuchin to oversee the removal of any regulatory restraint on..er...Goldmans etc. Drain that swamp!

Meanwhile thousands of (well-meaning) folk in Whitehall wanted to tell me the racist, misogynist, homophobic sex-offender was just that.



Yeah, no point protesting the personality of the person that won an election even if he's a dick, better to protest policies.
He's going to have a heart attack... All that orange colouring cannot be good for a person

Ok, seeing how Pickman's model has poked me for being binary.

Trump must be livid!
Stroke, via,Thrombosis or cranial haemorrhage?
Heart attack.
Murdered by wife(reduced to manslaughter, on admission of various 'behaviours') sentenced to one hour of community service, reduced on appeal.
Impeached after headbutting someone mildly disagreeing with him.
Resigns after Vlad rebuffs his advances and releases FSB golden shower tapes.
Air Force one crashes,Trump,and cabinet all killed. Mexican engineer arrested for inappropriate smile.
Feel free to add:D

So we're first on the list?
Squeaky bum time for sure
Don't hold his hand May, suck his dick
She's knows the role we are being set up for and seems to have no probs...
Do the met still have a "Vice Squad"?
TBF, May went over before he 'lost it' and if he doesn't get his act together, I wouldn't be surprised if his 'invitation' isn't quietly withdrawn.
Impossible to quietly withdraw it, there will be noise.
Fair enough, but it's a chance for HMG to reclaim some moral high ground by admitting they made a mistake, and the repercussions in the Trump administration would be Youugge:thumbs:
I mean it doesnt seem like what is happening is actually real but it really is. Its like a nightmare isn't it? I
t just keeps getting worse & worse doesnt it!
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It's getting plenty of attention without needing to go down the viral internet route. It's been in the corner of the bbc news front page all day, for example.
Fair enough, but being a bit of a media technobiff, who has the greatest impact, twitter, facebook or the BBC?
it a problem with nutty Americans...

they only shoot the good guys,

come on they only just managed to winged Reagan
gran mal when having a really troublesome shit, falls off the shitter sideways and brains himself on the side of his marble bath

The American way is to load yerself up on prescrition pharma over a decade, eat deep fried baguettes of bacon, put on 10 stone and fall off the toilet in the basement, face down in your own nappy full of shit. Or as the Alternative facts given at Graceland- having your daily strenous game of squash and passing on when in the shower afterwards
The American way is to load yerself up on prescrition pharma over a decade, eat deep fried baguettes of bacon, put on 10 stone and fall off the toilet in the basement, face down in your own nappy full of shit. Or as the Alternative facts given at Graceland- having your daily strenous game of squash and passing on when in the shower afterwards

Elvis deserved the opportunity of 'alternative facts' the idiot Buffoon deserves no protection.
Impossible to quietly withdraw it, there will be noise.
people like sadiq khan have said he shouldn't come until the travel ban is lifted. Iirc the ban was for 90 days. Not sure what 90days does, but anyhow, the very soonest he might come is June (a month mentioned in the press)... That's more than 90 days away... By which time the government can say the ban has been lifted so what's the problem? That would seem to satisfy sadiq khan.....
I reckon May is toadying around him in the hope that if the remaining EU countries start offering (inevitably) too shit a deal to the UK following Brexit he'll come in and bully them for her.
people like sadiq khan have said he shouldn't come until the travel ban is lifted. Iirc the ban was for 90 days. Not sure what 90days does, but anyhow, the very soonest he might come is June (a month mentioned in the press)... That's more than 90 days away... By which time the government can say the ban has been lifted so what's the problem? That would seem to satisfy sadiq khan.....

Plenty else will happen in the meantime. Perhaps if he makes it over here the USA can ban him from returning, exiled to his golf course.
I reckon May is toadying around him in the hope that if the remaining EU countries start offering (inevitably) too shit a deal to the UK following Brexit he'll come in and bully them for her.

There is a relationship between the enhanced toadying and brexit but I expect it goes far beyond finding friends to bully the EU for a good deal.
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